The mountains are continuous, and in the valley, a long line of SUS mecha moves forward.

It was dark. Night fell. The searchlight poles of the mecha queue shot everywhere with the running of the mecha. The roar of the huge engine and the sound of heavy footsteps startled the mountain animals and birds to fly.

"Come on, come on!"

The officers were pressing desperately.

All mecha have improved their speed to the extreme.

At this time, I can't care about the size of the movement. All the way, the team hasn't started the stealth mode at all!

"Your Excellency, the forward of our army is 20 kilometers away from 49 peak. It is expected to arrive at No. 1 mountain within 15 minutes."

"Your Excellency, the head of the first regiment reported that the regiment has moved forward to the front line sky Canyon nine kilometers southwest of the 49 peak to establish a blocking position. The officers and soldiers of the whole regiment are determined to complete the task of blocking the enemy's main force to the death. Please rest assured, commander! "

Hearing the report from the staff officer, Petrov, commander of the Soviet 21st group army, looked away from the map. After sitting still for a moment, the middle-aged general in his late fifties raised his square face with brown and yellow beard and nodded with satisfaction.

In a hurry, the 21st group army finally got ahead of the enemy! He stood up, signaled the staff officer to open the top hatch of the command aircraft, and walked up the escalator to the lookout platform.

The huge command mecha is running fast.

The engine roared, and the mecha suspension fluctuated up and down with the movement of the six mechanical legs.

Looking from the railing, the cool air came to my face in the evening.

In the distance, the mountains spread out layer by layer, and the ancient wood vines in the nearby mountains retreated. With the wind and lightning, a sword pointed at the enemy's position and soared! Petrov patted the railing hard, and a sneer came into his mouth.

He admitted that when he received the news that the enemy appeared on the flank of the 25th group army of bethus, he was almost in a cold sweat when he was commanding the troops to attack the Chinese defense line a few hours ago.

He never dreamed that, just when marshal beliff's battle plan was infinitely close to success, a Chinese armored force even crossed several war zones and appeared on the flank of the defense zone of the twenty fifth group army of bethus!

Even an idiot can see the danger.

From the south of the main battle area of Sherlock to the second attack point of the campaign, the frenzo war area, the world war VI area is linked.

The Chinese army, it is absolutely impossible for any gap to get in.

Unless, they defeated their own forces in the town of frenzo and successively defeated the North Qi Mountain of St. John and the third world war area of Billy!

The idea once chilled him to the bone.

He reasoned over and over again, unwilling to believe it was true.

However, everything on the battle map told him that not only did the enemy do it, but they completed the counterattack in frenzo town in less than 20 hours and hit here with great momentum.

Knowing the seriousness of the situation, he immediately ordered the troops to assemble and set off for the 49 peak.

The troops stationed in the major field bases will set off immediately if they can assemble, and the logistics and other troops who have no time to assemble will directly leave and go as far as they can.

It can be said that there was no delay of one minute from receiving the news to the departure of the troops!

All the way, because he didn't know the battle situation of the twenty fifth group army of bethus, his heart was always in his throat. He knew that once 49 peaks were occupied by the enemy first, the main force of the northern cluster of the whole sunset mountain would be destroyed!

Inform beliff that it is too late to expect the headquarters to respond.

The only thing we can hope for is that our own Su Si 21 group army and Bai Su Si 25 group army can complete the task of blocking the enemy, so that beliff's battle plan can be perfectly implemented and hold the victory close in hand!

Because the communication team sent by beliff's headquarters to deliver the news left just when the baisus 25th group army was attacked, he didn't know how the baisus played.

The bad Skynet system can't support him to get more information.

Judging from the enemy's intelligence obtained by the current reconnaissance force, it is obvious that the baisus failed to retain the lightning fast Chinese army, even without any delay.

Thinking of this, Petrov smiled contemptuously and lit a cigarette.

All this is no longer important! The important thing is that I finally got ahead of the Chinese armored forces! Now, according to the information sent back by the reconnaissance troops sent by the 1st regiment of the 2111 division originally stationed in the 49th peak, they have not found any signs of the emergence of the Chinese army.

This means that you are at least five minutes ahead of the enemy. In addition, a regiment of its own was responsible for blocking the enemy's advance in the Tianxia canyon.

Their own main force can reach the 49th peak before China and calmly block the enemy's pace to the north.

The enemy made a gifted battle plan, a shocking blitz.

They almost succeeded.

Unfortunately, their good luck is over!

Looking at the cigarette end, a spark floated back quickly and disappeared immediately. Petrov suddenly wanted to see beizexian's expression after the war.

Although they were both allies, Sus and bessus never trusted each other.

Two equally ambitious neighbors worry more about each other than about China.

This makes the two sides despise each other even if they are forced to cooperate at the moment.

In Petrov's view, beizexian and his 25th army are a bunch of losers.

Eight Armored Divisions lost one division in front of each other.

Even if this division could explain it under the pretext that it was unprepared, then the war zone dozens of kilometers wide later, with absolute geographical and military advantages, even allowed the Chinese people to drive straight in. What are they doing?

If I hadn't discovered the defense line in the Sherlock main battle area earlier, the 33rd army I was familiar with had been replaced by other troops, so I withdrew some troops first and rested, saving some distance and time.

If I hadn't found the key position of 49 peak in the whole war situation immediately when I received the news, and ordered the combat units to march ahead and seize 49 peak at all costs

Hum, I'm afraid

If it were not for the fact that the defeat in the battle would not be good for the Baisu people, Petrov even felt that beizexian deliberately released the Chinese people in order to avoid the loss of troops!

He secretly decided that after the war, he must ask Beize Xian in front of everyone.

Don't think that the commander in the southeast sea area is three people, and Sus has no say.

Whose credit is great, whose waist is hard!

If not for the quick response of their own 21st group army, I'm afraid all three people will be punished and dismissed by their emperor!

No one can afford to lose the war! After this war, maybe your position should move up. Petrov took a hard puff at his cigarette and watched the red cigarette end jump back.

The feeling of warm smoke filling his lungs made him extremely satisfied.

Recalling his battle plan carefully, he once again determined that there was no negligence.

Sijiu peak is located at the junction of Tulun River and Xiushui river. The terrain is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Its main peak is 1049 meters high, and the heights of the two wing side peaks are 627 meters and 808 meters respectively.

The whole mountain is fan-shaped.

Six Mountains are lost, rising from low to high.

As long as troops are stationed and cross positions are established, they can support each other and form a stable sector defense system.

Even if the Chinese fight for a week with 20 divisions without sleep, they may not be able to fight down!

This strategic location is now between the 21st group army and the enemy.

The 21st group army advances from the northeast to the southwest, bypasses the maple leaf slope five kilometers away from the 49th peak, and can reach the No. 1 mountain at the foot of the 49th peak, then occupy the No. 2 and No. 3 mountain, and expand upward to the No. 6 mountain, and downward to the No. 4 and No. 5 mountain, so as to guard the passage of the enemy's advance.

The whole route is in a "V" shape.

Although it is necessary to take a little way to the south, the road is relatively flat and wide, which is suitable for the high-speed travel of large mecha forces.

The Chinese army came from the baisus defense area and went north along the East Bank of the Tulun river.

There are two routes to 49 peak. One is along the Western Canyon to the 49 peak, the other is around the maple leaf slope, and then turn to the 49 peak.

The road around maple leaf slope is far away, and it is difficult for large troops to pass centrally, so it is basically not considered.

Although the route between the other road and the four nine peaks is relatively straight, the same mountain is steep, the road is rugged, the traffic capacity is poor, and the speed of large troops is slow.

Moreover, the Chinese army had to go through a line of sky Canyon to reach the No. 5 mountain in the southwest of 49 peak.

Since the terrain of No. 5 hill is relatively low in the whole 49th peak highland group, they must quickly win the No. 3 highland of the second ladder in order to barely stand firm.

In view of this, Petrov can almost be sure that he will win this battle!

"Your Excellency commander!" A staff officer climbed up the escalator, drilled into the observation platform from the cabin, stood behind Petrov and reported: "the news came from the forward. The first and second regiments of the forward have reached five kilometers northeast of maple leaf slope. The scouts came forward and approached maple leaf slope. No trace of the enemy was found."

The last worry in my heart dissipated.

Petrov stood with his hands behind his back, feeling only that the mountain wind was cool and the stars were bright.

It's a fine day tonight!

"Keep up! Come on! "

In the communication channel, came the urging voice of the fierce army leader O'Neill.

More than 1000 armored vehicles of the first regiment of the second armored division of the Humvee army were flying fast in the jungle.

The setting sun sprinkled down through the treetops, like thousands of pillars of light falling from the kingdom of heaven, breaking the ground golden.

The figure of the running mecha flickers in the jungle, the dead leaves on the ground hover in the roaring wind of the flying mecha, the hazy dust floats in the sun, and the leaves rustle like a rainstorm.

The sky seems to be racing against the flying mecha.

When the first mecha ran down the hillside through the boundless dense jungle and stepped on the slippery mud, the night also came suddenly.

One light after another appeared on the hillside.

Bit by bit, more and more, just like the shining stars in the sky.

One, two, three, ten, fifty, a hundred

With the first light spot falling down, more and more light spots come together to form a magnificent river of light.

The floating clouds flying in the air seem to be ashamed to compete with the surging light river for beauty. They roll and hide in the night. Only in front of the light River, the hillside covered with maple trees will be shaped like a pangolin in the last glow at the end of the earth.

"Commander, the enemy reconnaissance team is found six kilometers northeast of maple leaf slope. Our reconnaissance team is closely watching!"

Hearing the report from the front troops in the headphones, O'Neill gave a sneer: "these bastards come very quickly! Send the information back to headquarters. "

With that, he pulled the joystick and his right hand moved quickly on the keyboard.

The Ranger running down the hillside somersault at the bottom of the valley and landed steadily.

The huge impact force made the mecha hang and the leg hydraulic shock absorber sink suddenly, and then quickly restored the posture of the mecha.

The beautiful somersault deceleration action and the exquisite cooperation of the suspension shock absorber won a burst of applause from the soldiers.

O'Neill pinched his finger with satisfaction, made a few clicks, and drove the mecha into the advancing team.

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