Two years ago, O'Neill was just a student of a small martial arts school in Freeport. Now, he has become the head of the first regiment of the second armored division of the Humvee army.

Although judging from the meritorious deeds made in these years, the promotion speed is not surprising in the war era when countless officers soared like rockets, he is already very satisfied.

You know, he was only a level 7 mecha fighter in those days, but now he has become a super mecha fighter with a hand speed of more than 50 movements. After the increase of mecha martial arts, he actually controls nearly 60 movements per second!

This achievement is not outstanding among a group of Freeport civilian fighters of the Humvee army. Even in the Armored Regiment, it can only be regarded as medium.

However, that's only because in the fierce army.

If you put it in any other country in the world and actually control more than 60 machines, it is a national treasure among the national treasures.

The military headquarters of various countries can't wait to be their ancestors!

O'Neill doesn't want to be confessed.

If you can be a commander in the fierce army, you won't change it to a commander in another army! This is an era of mecha.

For people of this era, nothing is more proud than standing at the peak of control skills and being proud of the Jianghu.

Either the commander or the head.

Any rank and position can't catch up with the top control skills!

Especially as the leader of a group of super mecha soldiers, O'Neill often thinks of what kind of army he is leading, and feels that there is a fire burning from his heart and getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone in the second Armored Division has been practicing the machine armor martial arts taught by Duan Tiandao.

Since the integration of the Humvee army, the composition of combat and command forces of all divisions and regiments has become more reasonable.

Duan Tiandao transferred a large number of Chinese mecha soldiers with rich combat experience to be promoted to grass-roots officers to form the skeleton of the fierce army. At the same time, he also supplemented the free port mecha soldiers who account for 70% of the total human enemy for the first and second armored divisions.

If before that, most of these folk fighters who had not experienced the quenching of war were not real mecha soldiers, now, veterans of any elite army in any country dare not fart in front of these guys.

Quenching does not take too long.

Twenty hours of fighting across the fifth world war zone was enough to release the tenacity and coldness engraved in the bones of the exiles of Freeport from their womb.

The jungle law of the jungle in Freeport is no more peaceful than war.

When the average hand speed of this film is as high as 60 moves, and you are used to killing and setting fire to do all kinds of evil. Only for the surviving guys to adapt to the rhythm of the war and the bloody killing they don't seem to be, just stand in front of them, you can feel a sharp murderous spirit like a blade!

Nothing can restrain them.

As long as one of your eyes is wrong, the next second, their knife will stab directly into your heart along your ribs! This strategic detour may be almost incredible in the eyes of others, but for the fierce army, it is just a test before it has really released its combat effectiveness.

Every second, O'Neill can feel the growth of the monster like group of the fierce army.

He believes that sooner or later, he will follow behind chief Fang Chutian and lead these super fighters he hired to shock the whole world! Perhaps this day has come!

Beep, the encrypted file transferred from the electronic mecha came from the mecha computer.

In the mountain depression two kilometers away from maple leaf slope, O'Neill raised the mecha mechanical arm. At the same time, he entered his permission on the computer and untied the file.

He knew what his mission was. When the enemy still focused on the four nine peaks, they would not think that the twenty-five group army of baisus had completely collapsed and could not have any impact on the war situation.

The ensuing change is that chief Fang Chutian doesn't want to leave a hidden danger of the Su Si 21 group army at all.

Maple Leaf slope, five kilometers southeast of 49 peak, will be a robbery!

Behind him, more than 1000 fierce army mecha quickly lined up to form a huge attack formation at the foot of the mountain.

In front of me, the progress bar of the computer decryption program is full, flashing, and the command appears.

"Unlimited, kill!"

The last leg of a journey marks the halfway point. Duan Tiandao consciously understood this sentence very deeply.

It's like doing that kind of thing. If you want to be immortal and die, you have to shiver at last!

Since Fernando sent troops, all the way, the fierce troops have successively broken through the fifth World War area. Now the only stumbling block on the road is the Soviet 21st army.

Kick it off, the fierce army will lead the huge troops of more than a dozen divisions into the sunset mountain basin. Then came a steady stream of pleasure.

Outside the window, a Marty wild boar unique to Leifeng island is riding on the sow and making great efforts. The two hind legs trembled like chaff and were elated, ignoring the passing mecha team. Duan Tiandao's face almost pasted on the porthole and was dazzled.

Good omen!

"Fang Chutian." Tang Xin, who came over with an electronic folder, cried, and curiously bent down and looked out of the window along his eyes.

The mecha hasn't turned around the foot of the mountain. The happy appearance of the two wild boars bathed in the sunset on the hillside and a sneaky hand on the plump buttocks make the black haired beauty's face like a burning cloud in the sky: "the second division, the second regiment and the third regiment have reached a line of sky canyon."

Tang Xin clapped Duan Tiandao's hand, flew a white eye and photographed the electronic folder in his arms.

Duan Tiandao angrily opened the folder and was sad for a moment.

People in troubled times are not as good as pigs.

In the folder is a report from Stewart's second armored division.

As the main strikers, they have taken the lead in approaching the Xiantian Canyon garrisoned by the first regiment of the 21st division of Susi, launched a combat formation and prepared to launch a strong attack. Duan Tiandao stood up and went to the electronic sand table.

Among the mountains, the Xiantian Canyon, nine kilometers away from the 49 peak, is like a natural pass that cannot be opened by one man, blocking the middle of the passage for the main force of the fierce army to go north.

Obviously, the Su Si 21st group army wants to hold the front line with the 11th division and regiment of the 21st group, delay the pace of the fierce army going north, and buy time for its main force to seize the position of 49 peaks. What a lucky abacus. Duan Tiandao's disdainful mouth almost reached the root of his ear.

Today's fierce army is no longer the weak army that can only fight in the battle and struggle in Freeport.

This is a monster growing up in war.

Even if it's just more than ten hours from frenzo, it has been continuously tempered in the blood and fire. Every setback, every battle and every victory are transformed into nutrition and absorbed by it.

It is constantly growing, constantly improving its minions and sharpening its killing skills!

Even the founder of the fierce army didn't know what the terrible war monster would look like. The first armoured division and the second armored division are the cream of the essence. They are a group of Chinese veterans for the rest of their lives. They are a group of free port outlaws with unique skills.

When they get together, they trust each other. When they drive more than ten generations of God given Rangers, they gallop. In this world, how many people are qualified to stand in front of them?

It would be naive for the commander of the Susi 21 group army to think that with a canyon and an ordinary Armored Regiment, he can stop the advance of the fierce army!

Duan Tiandao looked at the time. At this time, the maple leaf slope resistance battle of the second division and the first regiment must have started. The first armored division of Rashid should have detoured not far from the attack position. This is the last one in World War VI.

If we say that most of the series of victories since Fernando were attributed to the unexpected tactics and Tang Xin and his own command, then this last battle was a hard fight without any fancy!

This battle is not easy to fight.

However, since accepting the mission to Leifeng Island, I have no way back.

Duan Tiandao thought quietly, and the sign like sad smile on his face disappeared.

Fingertips seem to have met the final victory of the battle. Then, kill all the enemies who stand in front of you and hold on to it.

"Let Stewart go."

Night fell and the lights in the cabin were bright. Duan Tiandao turned his head and looked at his face reflected in the porthole. In his mind, the backs of countless Chinese soldiers were surging forward. The loud and clear Chinese charge echoed in my ears.

"Give him ten minutes." Duan Tiandao's eyes narrowed slightly: "we don't have much time."

Liu Cheng pulled the bolt lever of the mecha.

With the rotation of the control lever, the large and heavy upper body of the "dark night" heavy mecha under the seat rotates.

On both sides of the transparent hatch cover, white light spewed rapidly. Six 150 mm airborne shells pulled out six light chains. The trees and stones flew in a mess where the shells swept.

Liu Cheng ruthlessly a pile of control levers. With the cooperation of the co pilot, the huge Huaxia heavy mecha strode up a small earth slope.

"Start fortress mode!" Liu Cheng gave orders.

"I see!" The fire controller answered loudly and yanked down the start gate.

"Auxiliary gun on!" The Deputy gunner quickly turned the switch on the console with both hands and hurriedly reported: "the No. 1 missile launcher is deployed, the No. 2 missile launcher is deployed, and the regional attack system is activated..."

Beside the Deputy gunner, the main gunner held the main gunner's control lever tightly, stared at the fire control screen, and fired wildly with the cooperation of the fire controller.

A moment later, with the participation of the Deputy gunner, the heavy machine armor, like a black bear on the earth slope, began its stormy fire attack.

Six main guns, four auxiliary guns and four missile launchers fired with all their strength. The airtight fire completely nailed the hit Susi mecha in place.

In the night, only lights were seen constantly changing and flashing in the night. A moment later, several Su "madman" mecha exploded at the same time. The whole hillside seemed to be detonated by a series of embedded explosives, and the fire turned into a red ocean.

"Well done!" Liu Cheng gave the two Gunners a thumbs up.

Just turned around, suddenly, I only heard a series of alarms from the mecha radar. At the foot of the hill, a missile passed through the smoke of gunpowder and went straight to the front of the chassis armor of the "night".

Liu Cheng's pupil suddenly shrinks and sticks his back tightly to the back of the chair, ready to meet the impact of the missile.

Suddenly, right in front of the field of vision, a cyan figure swept up and kicked the tail of the missile.

Under the stunned gaze of the people, the missile whirled, drew a messy white tail smoke in the air, fell to the hillside and exploded violently.

The light of the explosion brightened the whole mountain.

In the light, the cyan mecha sprang up. Beside it, countless similar cyan mecha were rushing like a tiger out of the gate and jumping down the mountain.


A loud noise came from the distance.

Liu Cheng set his sights on the northeast.

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