That is the fan-shaped plain under the maple leaf slope, where countless mushroom clouds are scattered and rising, countless light groups are bright and extinguished, and countless artillery fire are crisscross.

In the light of those explosions, the dense Susi mecha is like the tide!

"Madman!" The dull co pilot just spit out a word from his mouth at this time.

This is Liu Cheng's first time following the fierce army.

As a member of the first armored division of the 10th army of the Chinese army, the "night" ninth generation heavy fire support mecha they drove was originally deployed with the troops at the rear base 30 kilometers away from frenzo. After hearing the news that frenzo was captured by NATO forces, their armored battalion was quickly assembled and rushed to banyunling to prepare for the blocking battle in banyunling.

Because the division headquarters is in Phoenix and most of the troops are there, the first battalion of the second regiment where they are can only be temporarily incorporated into the combat sequence of brother forces, which is chaotic for a time.

However, when they hurriedly organized and rushed to banyunling, the battle in banyunling was over.

After inquiring everywhere, they finally learned that within half an hour of the fierce army's combat, the arrogant and arrogant enemy was driven back to the periphery of frenzo town at one go. Thousands of NATO fighters were captured and surrendered. The burning debris on both sides of the road made unit 1 hardly use road signs and maps.

The Long March began before everyone could figure out what kind of strong man this magical army was.

From frenzo to the West Bank of the dole river. From St. John to Billy. From the south bank to the East Bank of the Tulun River

Everyone has no idea how the war was fought.

They just kept marching, constantly saw troops of different numbers converge into a long team, and constantly listened to the exciting news from the front line tens of kilometers away. This is not a war. The car race is not so fast!

Because it is not the main heavy mecha, the conventional travel speed is slow. No. 1 has been following behind the team and is responsible for guarding the logistics logistics troops. Therefore, almost half an hour after the end of each front battle, it is their turn to pass through the theater. Every time they pass a theater, they will keep their eyes on the telephoto and the side window.

The town that was almost razed to the ground, the wreckage of mecha everywhere, the burning fire, the rolling smoke, the busy medical soldiers, the rows and columns of prisoners, and the bodies all tell of the fierce battle.

Along the way, they were shocked more than a lifetime. It seems that no matter how strong the defense line is, it can't stop the pace of the mysterious team.

More and more troops joined along the line. Later, even walking on the mountain, there was no head or tail.

Everyone just buried their heads. From time to time, I asked for some information from brother troops with different names, and listened to the roaring artillery.

Until the troops pierced Billy town and wiped out all NATO troops in the war zone of Billy town. The team members of heavy fire support mecha 1 saw the unit called the Humvee for the first time.

The more than 20 hour March since banyunling has made everyone familiar with the name of the fierce army and everything about them.

It is not only a series of battles ahead, but also the origin of this army, the deeds of their legendary Chinese lieutenant general, their combat methods, armor performance, even their looks and clothes. It is said that they will usually deform in the flow.

A woman's skin was scratched by a car. Maybe she passed two streets and became a dinosaur. The landed plane was pressed into meat and mud. Even if she was in the same army and tens of kilometers away, it was enough for the boys of the first crew to imagine the fierce army as a group wearing cloaks and hiding their faces in the dark, A guy who walks around with a large sickle in his hand.

When the troops stopped to rest and prepare, they finally went up with the later supply troops. When they first saw the fierce army, to tell the truth, they had a feeling of idol collapse.

The blue mecha with strange shape, the mecha men in blue uniforms but not many orthodox iron soldiers.

Old, old, small. Fat fat, thin thin.

The oldest is over 35, and the youngest is less than 18. The fattest one can top three, and the thinnest three can top one together.

When they went, the Humvees were eating and resting between supplies. Seeing this group of scattered militia, they could not connect these people with their invincible God of war.

Even in the next few hours, the force defeated the fierce baisus 25th group army with superb small hanging tactics, which was difficult for them to accept.

They didn't understand until the heavy machine armor was transferred to the regiment of the second armored division of the Humvee army, which was seriously insufficient in heavy machine armor, until they followed these blue machine armor for tens of kilometers, seized maple leaf slope with the strength of a regiment, and launched an attack on countless Soviet armored forces.

Out of the mecha, it was a mob. However, as long as these fierce soldiers step on the mecha cockpit, these militias are the kings of the world!

Who dares to face four sus armored divisions with a regiment?

Who can easily kick a missile like lightning?

Since Fernando, they should not look at this team with the eyes of ordinary people.

They are crazy.

A group of lunatics worthy of the respect of all Chinese people.

Stand on the hillside and look down. The broad fan-shaped slope of maple leaf slope, the flat valley under the slope, and the corner at the foot of the mountain in the distance are full of explosion lights one after another.

The two battalions of the Humvee Armored Regiment, one left and one right, have penetrated deeply into the two wings of the SUS armored cluster. These blue mecha have no feeling of being outnumbered.

Taking platoons as units, they formed sharp attack arrows and kept cutting into the depth of the enemy. Rows and rows of SUS mecha were chopped over by them like melons and vegetables. One armour cluster after another was cut into chaotic pieces by them.

They cut waves and thorns in the sea of steel. In front of their terrible killing skills, the SUS armored forces they hit were just smashed waves!

"Go!" Liu Cheng, who has always been silent, has a pile of control levers. His companions looked at each other and smiled. This is a battle destined to go down in history. Fortunately, I am in it!




Petrov, with a black face, bent down and walked into the low front command post.

Ignoring his subordinates who jumped up to salute, he went directly to the position of the observation hole, picked up the portable farsighted instrument handed over by the adjutant and looked into the distance.

The roar of artillery echoed in the valley, deafening. In the dark night sky in the distance, shells and light clusters are like the meteor shower of the end.

These gruesome destroyers hit the ground obliquely, turned into a greater white light, drilled out of the soil, and quickly spread across the earth.

On and under the hillside shrouded by night, countless same lights, dotted one after another.

When the light dissipated into the night, the thunderous sound came. Even if it is nearly five kilometers away from the front line, you can still feel the vibration of the earth under your feet.

"Your Excellency commander." Yegor, commander of the 2122 division who hurried back to the headquarters, saluted Petrov.

The major general of the most effective armored division of the 21st group army had blond hair as messy as a chicken nest, and his sweat ran down his face full of smoke and dust and rushed out of gullies. The collar of his uniform was obviously fastened in a hurry when he rushed into the headquarters. It looked embarrassed and ridiculous because of the wrong buttonhole.

But no one laughed at him.

Everyone knows what happened, and Yegor has been commanding the battle at the forefront.

However, everything seems to have little effect. Although it is only an Armored Regiment blocking the maple leaf slope in front!

Petrov ignored Yegor.

His iron blue face reduced the temperature of the whole underground headquarters to below zero. If you listen carefully, you can even hear the trembling voice of the staff officers who dare not go out of the atmosphere nearby.

2122 division, made a huge mistake.

The four reconnaissance teams and an electronic mecha platoon did not find the enemy reconnaissance force that had already appeared next to them.

These blind scouts walked so foolishly to maple leaf slope. Foolishly sent the wrong information back to the main force in the rear.

The scouts' dereliction of duty buried themselves and the two armored battalions that followed. Ten minutes after the main force received the intelligence that there was no trace of Chinese troops ahead, four reconnaissance teams and an electronic mecha platoon disappeared at the same time. Then, two battalions of the 1st regiment of the 2122 division, unprepared, were suddenly attacked when they were one kilometer away from the main mountain of maple leaf slope.

It was a long planned ambush.

The Su Si armored forces, which plunged into the Chinese encirclement, lost 30% of their machine armor after the enemy's first fire attack, and were cut into six sections by the interspersed enemy armored forces. Grassroots officers were killed by roll call at the first time.

There is no suspense about the battle. In less than five minutes, the troops collapsed.

The fleeing Susi forward troops were driven back by the enemy along the foot of the mountain.

When the troops immediately behind heard the sound of guns and were ready to occupy the surrounding highlands and organize interceptions on the spot, more than 200 Susi mecha fled in a hurry and retreated in front of them.

The whole team suddenly fell into crowding and chaos.

The grass-roots commander roared desperately to drive the soldiers to stabilize their positions. Some officers personally led their troops to spread to the two wings, trying to build bridgeheads in the highlands and stabilize the situation.

However, all these efforts, like a glass ball, were held high by the enemy who had already ambushed in the surrounding Highlands, and then smashed.

The Suez armor cluster crowded in the valley became slaughtered lambs.

When the rear troops seized the ridge and reinforced around the steep and difficult hillside, the cunning enemy had retreated like a tide. What is left is the neat rows of Su Si mecha wreckage in the two kilometer long passage northeast of maple leaf slope.

The carelessness of the 2122 division and the dereliction of duty of the scouts led to the main force of Susi being in chaos and unable to move forward for a full 20 minutes.

By the time Yegor hurried to the front line, kicked and played, reorganized the troops and ordered the attack, half an hour had passed.

Half an hour may not be worth mentioning at ordinary times. However, at this time of racing against time, it was a dull stick on the head of the 21st group army!

Without waiting for Petrov's instructions, the 2122 division that arrived at Maple Leaf slope immediately launched an attack under Yegor's command.

The front, two wings, where the formation can be deployed, are filled with the figure of SUS armored forces.

The grass-roots officers rushed forward, and the soldiers behind them also showed all their strength. Every staff officer worked at full capacity. The fire coverage and fixed-point clearance of the self-propelled artillery battalion did not stop for a second.

However, the reality is cruel.

Up to now, the 2122 Division has not been able to move forward. Moreover, the battle damage statistics of more than 50 to 1 on the Skynet screen make all Susi officers can't believe their eyes.

The other side, only one Armored Regiment, is like an insurmountable natural moat!

This is unacceptable to everyone!

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