The Soviet troops, whose strength and morale were at a disadvantage, only had a short stalemate with the enemy for less than half an hour, and then retreated all over the line.

The first Su Si Armored Regiment to enter the main position failed to withstand the enemy's strong attack from top to bottom, and made a hole in the middle of the Su Si front. Then two battalions were surrounded and annihilated by the enemy, opening a second hole. As soon as these two openings were opened, the war situation took a sharp turn.

After the Chinese armor cluster broke through at high speed, it began to detour to the two wings, and the positions of the troops were immediately chaotic.

The soldiers had no heart for war, and the grass-roots officers were also flustered. They were rushed by the Chinese armor cluster, and they were immediately defeated like a mountain.

Langman, that fool, still wanted to command the troops to resist. If he hadn't decisively ordered the broken tail to survive, he was afraid that Hua Xiajun would have drunk the celebration wine at the foot of the sunset mountain.

Raise your hand and signal the adjudicator behind you to stop. Reinhart looks around.

Starting from sunset mountain, he led the remaining 40 judges to run nearly 100 kilometers west with Longman's command group.

Because the Chinese Army bit very tightly, several temporary interdiction lines organized along the way have been destroyed. Up to now, in addition to Langman's command cluster, seven or eight regiments have gathered. Other troops have either been annihilated by the Chinese army or left behind.

It's blocking. I'm afraid that the most resolute action of the Susi soldiers whose morale has been extremely low is to stop the machine armor by the side of the road, open the cockpit and raise their hands to surrender.

Now he is at the edge of a small town, where the intercity highway divides.

In the west, there are higher and higher mountains. One of the two roads goes south, crosses the Xiushui River, goes southwest to Xiushui River town, and the other goes north, bypasses the mountains and leads to Qixing Town.

The town has long been destroyed by the war. At a glance, you can hardly see a complete building. The road is also dilapidated. The sign at the intersection is broken in two. The rusty support was hit by someone's mecha and twisted on the edge of the subgrade.

On both sides of the road, there were scattered sus troops everywhere.

The infantry walked dejectedly along the roadside. From time to time, I looked back and listened with fear to the approaching gunfire. The vehicles and transport mecha of the logistics force were crowded on the road, covered with soldiers, like a grayish brown hedgehog.

Further away, dust billowed, and armored troops retreating from the front line flew West in a messy queue. The posture and speed of their escape from time to time attracted the red eyes of the infantry who failed to get on the machine armor.

This battle, just lost?

Reinhardt clenched his teeth, and the simple and honest face of the bastard appeared in his mind. This battle was the most cowardly one in his life.

Since he was ordered to lead the 300 adjudicators to Leifeng sea area, he always thought that he could turn over at one stroke by taking this opportunity to shut up all those who despised him. More importantly, it is to defeat that heavenly way.

Beliff's battle plan, in his opinion, is quite perfect.

It was not how powerful this tactic was, but beliff's preparations were meticulous enough before the war.

Taking advantage of the strength of the NATO coalition forces, he tied the Chinese troops to the long line of defense on the west line of Phoenix, and then squeezed the Chinese troops like toothpaste. Let his battle plan have little risk from the beginning.

This is a conspiracy, but it is also sinister enough. In any way, Chen Fengxi has no room to turn over.

So when Rosenberg, sitting in the rear of the town, signaled the adjudicator to go out, he accepted the order without hesitation. In addition to ordering the fifth squadron of the adjudicator to assist the offensive of frenzo's front army, he also took the initiative to attack the enemy's defense line as soon as he arrived at sunset mountain.

For him and his ruling, this is a tourist mission. Their goal is not the Leifeng Island front army in China. What they care about is not the victory of this battle.

They came here just to tell China about their strength, and then wait for the fierce army that chelda never forgets and Reinhart himself remembers!

Reinhart did not expect that he should meet his old opponent so soon.

He didn't take advantage of the special war with his opponent. The challenge planned earlier is self defeating. His opponent's shameless and arrogant performance made him always think that this special camp in sunset mountain was most elite unit of the Tiandao.

If you can't clean up Duan Tiandao himself, can't you clean up some of his minions?

He attacked the camp desperately, again and again, at all costs. Like a gambler with red eyes, he doesn't know what he's doing.

By the time he recovered, there were only 40 of the 200 adjudicators left. While the opponent lost more than 200 pilots and 300 mecha, and the rest were wounded and shaky, he still stood at the front of the position.

All Chinese officers and soldiers are watching them with reverent eyes and are inspired by them to fight bravely.

The low mountain was insurmountable for a while.

Reinhardt did not regret losing almost all his troops in this attack.

The 300 adjudicators were originally a stone thrown by cherda to ask for directions. He didn't care whether they were thrown into the sunset mountain or into the pond.

Although the adjudicator is valuable, it is more valuable to measure the combat effectiveness of the fierce army for the whole war situation.

The alliance between the fierce army and Huang Shengtian has attracted cherda's attention. Reinhardt also knew that the American general, who was bitter about the family's defeat to Huang Shengtian's men 30 years ago, had decided to fight his opponent in the southeast sea.

The value of the sacrifice of the 300 adjudicators will only be reflected when cherda personally leads the army to the southeast sea!

The only thing that made him regret and angry was that he didn't see Duan Tiandao's tactics. Before they met, they had lost.

Beliff's carefully planned battle of sunset mountain will become a classic example of failure for a long time.

However, the section of the heaven that leads a bold and wide-ranging detour and turns defeat into victory will become an idol worshipped by countless soldiers! This battle will be included in textbooks!

At the thought of his name, it may be the focus of the war example, or it may be explained by those boasting professors as the key to the failure of the susbeth sus coalition to break through the sunset mountain, which led to the final failure. Reinhart hated to mention it again and again.

There are two roads ahead.

According to the information received recently, beliff is storming the third section of No. 5 resource highway between Qixing Town and Xiushuihe town.

That is a strategic point intersecting with the intercity highway.

If we win there, even if we can't crack the game, at least beliff can pick up some troops to avoid the total annihilation of the main force.

Duan Tiandao, it should be there!

"Since he wanted to reach in, we did what he wanted!"

In the bright command mecha, Duan Tiandao stared at the electronic sand table and said, "when he's cool, I'll let him go!"

Several coalition generals were tongue tied. After a while, Tang Xincai spat in shame, which led to a burst of laughter.

"What did I say wrong?" Duan Tiandao looked confused.

The atmosphere in the command mecha was relaxed and cheerful. The generals, who had been used to Duan Tiandao all the way, did not bother to reason with Duan Tiandao. They gathered around the electronic sand table with a smile and discussed the battle plan just put forward by the bad guys in the industry.

After winning Qixing Town and Xiushuihe Town, the whole west portal of sunset mountain basin has been controlled by the fierce army. There is no suspense about the victory or defeat of this battle!

It's a wonderful feeling to hold such a strong victory in your hand.

However, we did not expect that Duan Tiandao's appetite was not generally large. In addition to trying to eat beliff's main force in the northern cluster of sunset mountain, he also planned a larger plan.

Now, this plan is in front of everyone. Just looking at it makes people's heart beat!

"Sir." In front of the console, a staff officer's report interrupted the discussion.

Everyone looked up and saw that the fierce army staff quickly ran to Duan Tiandao and handed over an electronic file: "this is the information that general Tianji just came."

"Intelligence?" Duan Tiandao took the electronic file, opened it and decrypted it. He was stunned and turned to Tang Xin.

"What happened?" The smiling Tang Xin is a little strange.

"Oh, nothing. There is a adjudicator named Reinhart. I used to know an old enemy. " Duan Tiandao scratched his stomach and looked indifferent.

The intelligence of Tianji is timely.

This Reinhart used to be called Jiang Qiushi.

Jiang Qiushi, who robbed three women by himself in the sea of clouds. Unexpectedly, this guy accepted the humiliating transformation of the human body and came here

There is no unexplained coincidence in the world. Jiang Qiushi, whose pseudonym is Reinhart, appears in the opposite of the fierce army. He must come to find Duan Tiandao for revenge.

But how did he know that Duan Tiandao was Fang Chutian?

There must be many twists and turns behind this, but Duan Tiandao didn't care much.

What is Jiang Qiushi? Even if you become a adjudicator... What is it?

Before Tang Xin could figure out what Reinhart was, he saw another staff officer who had quickly walked to Duan Tiandao and handed the statistical report of sunset mountain campaign to Duan Tiandao.

Tang Xin glanced at the statistics and gave a click in his heart.

Not surprisingly, Duan Tiandao's face suddenly sank. His face was livid and his teeth were rattling.

The report is the casualty statistics of sunset mountain. It shows that 156 people were killed and 78 seriously injured in this war. After killing 160 of the more than 400 Rangers, only 100 were left with injuries.

Although the special battalion of the first division led by stiles is not a special battalion directly under the Humen army, it is not a core force. In the twenty armored divisions of the Humvee army, there are many more powerful than them. However, for Duan Tiandao, who protects his shortcomings and must repay him, it is still a knife into his heart.

With these data alone, Tang Xin can imagine how fierce the battle in sunset mountain is.

The jaw of duantiandao is banging. Only the mad man who has great revenge with him like Jiang Qiushi will still choose to attack if he loses 80%.

If someone else loses more than 20%, the adjudicator will choose to retreat!

Now, in any case, Duan Tiandao will not let Jiang Qiushi go again!

Every soldier in the fierce army is his heart and flesh. They are only allowed to kill others, and no one is allowed to resist.

Who wants to move? One of them, Duan Tiandao and all the fierce army officers and soldiers, will make him pay a hundred times the price!

This is unreasonable.

But Duan Tiandao and everyone under him think so.

For them, this is just right!

Duan Tiandao made one mistake, while Jiang Qiushi made three mistakes.

First of all, he should not massacre the field hospital when attacking the sunset mountain position.

Second, he shouldn't work hard with stile's special camp. In Duan Tiandao's eyes, one hundred and sixty adjudicators can't compare with their hair!

Finally, Jiang Qiushi shouldn't have come at all!

Tang Xin looks back at the Skynet screen.

On the screen, 50 kilometers away, the largest part of the retreating Susi army is running here.

The ubiquitous Lin Han and the front-line reconnaissance troops are closely monitoring each other's every move. At the front of the Su Si army, which had a total of seven regiments, were four red dots.

That's the only 40 adjudicators left. They're moving this way.

Jiang Qiushi may be among them!

Duan Tiandao sneered, and his voice jumped out of his teeth word by word: "go and order the special camp directly under him! Gather for me! "

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