Shangjing, the capital of China.

It's midnight.

Looking up, the night is particularly charming. From time to time, an airliner landed at a distant airport.

The busiest waterway is the military base in the suburbs. Since the beginning of the war, the military bases built in China for army assembly have been connected one after another, and have become a new satellite city in Beijing.

Although compared with the traditional seven satellite cities, there are no rows of sea buildings and prosperous business districts here, in terms of entertainment, it is not inferior to Queens, which has the most colorful nightlife in Beijing.

Huang Shengtian sat in a wheelchair and looked down at the East Second District not far from the base. The wind on the terrace was so strong that the old man's collar turned upside down.

Li Cunxin stood beside him, his gray hair waving in the wind. Like an old lion with a strong wind.

In the glass door behind him, the lights were bright. Seven or eight desks are lined up in two rows. Several confidential secretaries are busy working. From time to time, someone gets up, takes documents, pushes open the door of the conference room and walks in quickly.

When the door of the conference room is open, generals in various general uniforms can be seen nervously staring at the Skynet screen or red eared arguments in front of the electronic sand table. The light of Skynet computer is constantly changing in the winding cigarettes.

Zhao XiaoSuan went to Huang Shengtian and Li Cunxin, saluted and waited quietly.

He had just arrived from Panlong's Chinese army headquarters. In addition to bringing ten Chinese Armored Divisions and a class a fleet, he also brought documents signed by Chairman Ye Jingguo.

With this document, Huang Shengtian can transfer six group fleets, ten super divisions and twenty first-class divisions, which are the most elite double headed eagle troops in China at will. This is already the whole force of the town and country of China.

The second division, which mobilized two headed eagle troops to participate in the war in the southeast sea, has been criticized by many people. Now that all the troops are transferred, we don't know what to scold at home. Those politicians, those soldiers who regard war as the road of green clouds, those people who don't know the truth.

Huang Shengtian will be pointed out by thousands of people.

They will never understand that, in fact, China has reached a critical juncture of life and death. A strong appearance is just a bright fur. It only takes a knife to scratch.

Without Huang Shengtian, Huaxia would have lost thirty years ago.

Zhao XiaoSuan's vision passes through several tall buildings of the base and falls in the most prosperous area of the whole base. There are bars, breweries, billiards rooms, nightclubs, cinemas, high-end restaurants and hotels next to each other.

This is an era of war. In this era, soldiers are the protagonists. TV news, movies, novels, advertising posters and street gossip are all occupied by the group image of defending the country with their lives.

When the young people recruited into the army become the focus of envy and admiration of the students. When women in this era regard marrying a respected soldier who doesn't have to worry about unemployment as their most beautiful and realistic attribution, the military base in the suburbs of Shangjing has become the new center of the city, and the surrounding areas have become more and more lively.

Every night, the streets become noisy and lively, beautiful private cars gather here, and buses go back and forth between here and downtown Shanghai all night. Under the flashing neon lights, the streets are full of officers and soldiers in different uniforms from various countries, yingyanyan, and smiling girls, forming a picture with the most characteristics of the times.

Here, there are orthodox soldiers who just order a non-alcoholic drink, listen to music and return to the camp on time. There are also stingers who are not dressed properly and fight and make trouble drunk.

There are innocent girls who blush when they are accosted and shyly hide behind their companions, charming white-collar beauties with swaying posture, as well as enchanting and sexy call girls.

Cars speeding by, lovers kissing like no one else, confused lights, swaying dance steps and intoxicating wine are filled with an addictive taste everywhere.

Because it is not time for the fourth surge of troops, and because the officers and soldiers walking on the edge of life and death need to release pressure, the upper echelons of the army do not taboo the soldiers to come here for recreation and relaxation.

War is devoid of human nature, but if you are in the rear and stretch your nerves too tight, people will go crazy sooner or later.

But speaking of order. East Zone 2 seems to be much better than similar places around military bases in any country.

The corners of Zhao XiaoSuan's mouth are curved.

The reason is very simple. This is the territory of the fierce army.

Although the first and second armored divisions of the Humvee army had left long before the third troop surge left for Leifeng Island, the current base is occupied by troops from Freeport later. However, these troops composed of the most elite forces in the hands of LV Wei and Zhu Haitao also have the same virtue as the first two divisions.

If the former bastards were a group of pirates, the new third armored division of the fierce army stationed here is a group of terrorists.

The Chinese Army troops who had just assembled in Shangjing immediately became honest after two battles with these guys. The reputation of the fierce army naturally continued from the third batch of reinforcements to the fourth batch of reinforcements.

These guys have made great achievements. They even beat the thirty-one army under the command of Qin demon, supported by Huang Shengtian, guarded by Marshal Huaxia, and had the supply of twelve generations of mecha. The big army went to Leifeng island. It's the most difficult job to choose, whether respect or fear. No matter what mood you have, you have to admit the arrogance of the fierce army.

Besides, this is in China.

In China. It is not the first time that Zhao XiaoSuan has seen that the people of this country are partial to and love the fierce army. The power of the media is too great. The reports of two war reporters going deep into the front line are no less powerful than a nuclear bomb.

People in wartime are prone to paranoia. When this paranoia turns into love and support for an army, no one dares to speak ill of the fierce army in front of the Chinese people.

If it is said that the fierce army's blocking Humphrey, rescuing Li Cunxin and winning the battle in the northern mountainous area of the northern gale island are the old news that the Chinese people are still elated, I believe it will not be long. They will love this army more because of what is happening on Leifeng island at the moment.

In the future, this army will become the core of the new Chinese army.

"General Zhao XiaoSuan, what do you think of the war on the western front of Phoenix?"

Zhao XiaoSuan looked up at the sound, and Huang Shengtian's eyes glittered in the night.

"This battle can be included in the textbook!" Zhao XiaoSuan thought of the Fang Chutian, who looked simple and honest, and couldn't help admiring Huang Shengtian's eyes. Without hesitation, he said: "while carrying out a strategic detour across the world war VI area with a strange soldier, liberate the troops pressed by the enemy on the defense line, and finally form an absolute advantage in sunset mountain to surround the main force of the enemy. This tactic of gathering streams into rivers can be called a genius."

Recalling the steps of the whole campaign, he exclaimed: "what is more difficult than tactics is the combat effectiveness of the fierce army. If we did not penetrate the confidence of the enemy's six war zone, general Fang did not dare to let the troops of the hurricane Island mobilize all the reserve forces to the sunset mountain in advance. Without this advance action, the front army of Leifeng island could not immediately launch a counter offensive at the most critical moment. "

In the end, Zhao XiaoSuan's voice has become a little excited: "the whole tactics are linked together, but they can play the momentum of lightning. In just over 30 hours, the victory was decided by lightning. The tactical execution of the fierce army can be called the top."

As one of the five tiger generals in China, even if Zhao XiaoSuan is not as famous as Qin demon, his vision will not be so bad. Such words came out of his mouth and naturally weighed heavily.

Huang Shengtian's mouth was lifted, and Li Cunxin on one side had already laughed.

The old man swayed one after another and said modestly, "General Zhao XiaoSuan, don't boast. If you boast again, Fang Chutian will be proud of heaven."

Having said that, his face was full of uncontrollable pride, as if he himself had been praised.

"As an example of Blitzkrieg, this battle can also be included in textbooks. But that's not the point. " Huang Shengtian shook his head and smiled faintly: "in the first stage of the battle, he broke the game with strength, relying on the brute force of his two armored divisions. The tactical trick is to liberate the troops in the defense line. He used it well. The most important thing now is the next stage. "

He gently turned his wheelchair and faced Zhao XiaoSuan: "if you command, how are you going to play in the next stage?"

"After eating beilifu's main force of the northern cluster, the front army of Leifeng island will have enough strength to confront each other strategically. The safest tactic is to delay time. " Zhao XiaoSuan hesitated when he thought of Fang Chutian's boldness and said, "maybe lieutenant general Fang will put beliff's reserve troops into the encirclement!"

Huang Sheng nodded approvingly to Zhao XiaoSuan, and there was no lack of a trace of regret in his eyes: "your strong point is to use your troops steadily, fight hard battles and fight a protracted war with your opponents. However, you are not good at tactical changes, daring to invest in troops and taking risks. Against Zelda, you can make China unbeaten for ten years, but you can't win. The Qin demon is too radical, and the victory and defeat are in an instant. "

Zhao XiaoSuan listened respectfully. As a student trained by Huang Shengtian, this was the first time he heard Huang Shengtian's comments on himself. He never had any doubt about the old man's eyes.

Huang Shengtian then said, "in terms of military literacy and command skills, Fang Chutian is not as good as you. However, when it comes to changes on the battlefield, you are not as good as him. "

With that, Huang Shengtian turned his head and looked at the towering TV Tower in the distance and said leisurely: "you regard war as a profession and command as art, but he regards these as a means of survival. His goal is more clear than yours, and his thinking is more unrestricted. In order to survive, he must defeat his opponent. This is his survival instinct. Now, he has more than 35 divisions in his hands. I can conclude that he will use beliff to attack the NATO base camp! "

"Only by ending the battle of Lei Feng island as soon as possible can he save everything before the fall of the last sea area in China." Huang Shengtian slowly said, "he will do anything for China!"

Attack the NATO base?

Zhao XiaoSuan couldn't believe his ears.

Although he also knows that annihilating beliff's main northern cluster force is tantamount to opening a huge gap in the NATO controlled area, in the south, there are more than 20 divisions of the southern group army of haadescu, and more than 70 divisions of NATO troops in the hands of the famous American general Rosenberg.

Even if these troops have just arrived at Leifeng island and have not been deployed to the front line, the advantage of quantity can give them enough time and space and enough tactical changes.

As long as the Lei Feng Island front army cannot annihilate it in one breath and the war situation is stuck, it is unfavorable to the Lei Feng Island front army.

Moreover, beliff has always been known for his caution. It is difficult to say whether he will jump into the trap so easily. If he gave up the disabled main force of sunset mountain and relied on the reserve forces to defend and delay time, even if the fierce Army wanted to move westward quickly, it would be impossible.

Now, the Lei Feng Island front army, which has obtained enough living space, can pose a big strategic threat to the enemy at any time and anywhere.

As long as we persist for one month, the fourth surge of the Chinese army will be completed.

The double headed eagle armored division deployed by Huang Shengtian is only a small part of this huge army. The total strength of 70 divisions in China is enough to make Lei Feng island as solid as gold.

Why take such a risk at this time?

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