When the two squadron leaders turned to break through, Jiang Qiushi knew that he had no chance to kill Duan Tiandao. And none of the thirteen judges can escape. Almost without any hesitation, he turned and jumped, like a big bird, and threw his head at a transverse car in the opposite direction of Walter and others.

The flying fighter is a clear-minded mecha commander with rich combat experience. As soon as he saw Jiang Qiushi's momentum, he knew that if he fought hard, he would never be able to stop his opponent. He immediately started the magnetometer, shook and drew his hands, raised his hands and sealed them.

There was an earth shaking bang.

The horizontal legs have fallen deeply into the soil.

The adjudicator who lost his center of gravity deviated, stumbled under his feet after landing, rushed forward, and shot out of the gap before the two vehicles crossed the left and right.

Jiang Qiushi, escaped.

"General, give orders!" Su Si commanded the group, and more than a dozen officers, sweating and disheartened, gathered around Longman and begged anxiously: "if you don't disperse and break through, it's too late!"

"The enemy is so strong that even the adjudicator is not their opponent." A colonel's staff officer said anxiously, "our task now is to try our best to preserve the troops and bring back the videos and data! The Empire needs effective strength, and the coalition command also needs to reassess the enemy! "

"These mecha must be the 12th generation mecha newly developed by China. This is the dereliction of duty of the Imperial military intelligence bureau!" One of the major generals nearby had a livid face: "imperial soldiers have done their best. The failure of sunset mountain lies in the lack of intelligence and the collapse of frenzo's front. We can't let our soldiers die here for nothing! "

Longman held the communicator and his eyes were blank. His military cap had long disappeared, his face was gray and white, his dry lips and loose eyebrows looked very haggard.

In fact, there is no need for his subordinates to make excuses for him. Since the defeat of sunset mountain, he did not expect to escape the accountability of the military headquarters and the royal family after the defeat.

Whatever the reason, it is his responsibility not to win the sunset mountain. If you can save your life, your future will be bleak. The family may not get up in another twenty or thirty years.

Longman had no idea of fighting the enemy.

At present, the judges who have been high above, like gods, have scattered and fled. The whole battlefield saw this scene.

The hearts of the people are shaken, and the war can no longer be fought.

Contact the special battalion of sunset mountain before, and then contact the fierce army to forcibly break through the world war VI area within 24 hours. He knew that the era when all NATO cheered for the adjudicators and all China trembled for the adjudicators had just begun and was over.

The army standing at the peak of the modern army is the fierce army in front of us.

It's just a matter of one sentence to order dispersion and breakthrough.

It's simple.

What is not simple is an obvious inference. Since the opponents are so powerful, how can they leave a way for themselves?

At this moment, a deep despair spread in Longman's heart.

The opponent's arrogance is like a mountain, pressing him at the bottom of the mountain. All thoughts of resistance, all flukes, were stifled by the town and could not move.

"How many troops do we have?" Longman clenched his teeth and looked pale. On the vast plain in front of him, a Zhisu armored force was being slaughtered.

"Apart from the front troops, there are five regiments!" A staff officer reported quickly.

"What about troops from other directions? Have they successfully broken through?" The blood color on Longman's face faded again. In less than 20 minutes, nearly half of the troops were killed or injured.

"No!" The staff officer replied miserably, "the sunset mountain Chinese army has approached 141 kilometers of D88 highway, more than 50 kilometers away from us. The troops who broke through in other directions were strongly intercepted by the Chinese army. Now many troops have changed their direction and moved closer to our command cluster. "

Longman's brain is spinning rapidly.

After a long time, he finally clenched his teeth and spit out a word from between his teeth that all sus officers were surprised by.


"Surrender?" Chen Fengxi widened his eyes and Zhu Dabing dug his ears. Everyone in the headquarters looked straight at the staff officer in front of the communication station.

The suss surrender!

In the west of the sunset mountain basin, there are at least five or six divisions!

Such a large-scale surrender of troops is absolutely unimaginable in the Soviet empire.

But now, what did you hear?

Facing the 500 mecha of the fierce army, general suss Longman asks for surrender?

An uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy spread in the command hall in an instant. Everyone turned their attention to Huang Xiaolei and the fierce army generals beside her.

"I refuse!" The atmosphere dropped to the freezing point with Huang Xiaolei's cold voice.

Xiong Hui behind Huang Xiaolei shook his head: "I refuse too."

Fei Wen beside Xiong Hui sneered: "refuse!"



A voice without emotion is like a cold butcher's knife.

In the loudspeaker of Skynet screen, finally came Duan Tiandao's voice: "the man who killed Lao Tze wants to surrender now?"


"Perhaps Major General Huang Xiaolei, then deputy chief of general staff and deputy head of the Humvee army, and the Humvee general beside her did not want to create the most famous, longest lasting and far-reaching killing in the history of human war. If they knew what happened later, maybe they would reconsider their decision. "

However, all future militarists and historians believe that one person will not change his decision. Even if the Chinese public opinion criticized him, even if for a long time, the massacre was an excuse for the members of the Chinese United Parliament and many politicians who tried to oppose him to attack him, he had no scruples.

Fang Chutian, the soul of the fierce army, once responded and accused his enemies, "fool, get out!"

From civilization in a cage.

Two exciting news came back to Shangjing, the capital of China.

The Chinese Ministry of national defense building in the Western District of Shangjing and the presidential palace in the first central district were brightly lit and thunderous in the middle of the night. From the chairman general to the ordinary staff and soldiers, everyone was jubilant and even walked with a smile.

After a long sea trip, the third batch of Chinese reinforcements suddenly appeared in the sea area of the northern gale island at 4 p.m. The commanders, General Li Hongwu and General Qian Bolin, led their respective fleets and successfully attracted the attention of the USSR white USSR coalition by using a series of tactical feints.

When the main force of the three shangyouren fleet could not take into account the northern gale Island, the landing fleet completed the force delivery of hundreds of divisions in only 20 hours.

Before the arrival of the third batch of reinforcements, the Chinese army had taken advantage of the remaining power of the northern mountain campaign and fought several beautiful expansion campaigns.

North, South and East, the Chinese armored forces advanced at a high speed in great depth and successively conquered three continental regions. So that Prince bosbet of bethus did not stabilize the defense in front of him until two weeks ago.

The arrival of the third batch of reinforcements means that the northern gale Island front army will have enough strength to launch a new round of offensive. It also means that the military strength of both sides has reached the level of equal strength for the first time after the outbreak of the war.

When the two countries of susbethus tried their best, the Chinese war machine had just started.

The news of the successful landing let the Chinese government and the Chinese military breathe a sigh of relief.

These days, they have been working almost day and night for the delivery of the third batch of reinforcements. Logistics, transportation, organization and assembly, officer appointment, everyone knows. If reinforcements cannot be dispatched in time, the situation of the stormy island war is likely to deteriorate rapidly. It can be said that losing Fengfeng Island, the most important defense line in China, is equivalent to losing half of China.

The successful landing of the northern gale island is tantamount to the victory of a large-scale battle.

Before everyone calmed down from the excitement of successfully landing on the North gale Island, a more ecstatic news came one after another.

While the northern gale Island landed, the Leifeng island war situation has presented a one-sided situation!

Under the leadership of the fierce army, Leifeng Island front army swept across the sunset mountain basin.

This campaign has annihilated more than 30 NATO divisions, pursued the victory, annihilated the main command cluster led by general Langman of Susi, and cleaned up the remaining NATO troops in sunset mountain. Even the adjudicator's army, which was blown to the skies, was completely destroyed in this war. Only the adjudicator led the team and was spared.

The troops blocking the other party's command cluster are only 500 fierce troops. This twelve generation mecha appeared on the battlefield for the first time. It erupted into a dazzling light that people can't look at.

Now, the ten Armored Divisions led by beliff have been deeply trapped in the channel deliberately opened by the Chinese army.

The four divisions they arranged on both sides of the passage did not seem to guarantee the safety of their central main force. The Chinese 33rd group army and two Chinese armored divisions, like five hounds, took turns to bite their crumbling defense line.

When the central cluster commanded by beliff approached the fifth resource highway, the impatient Chinese army stepped up its attack. The Chinese 33rd army ate two armored regiments of the other party one after another, so that beliff withdrew queen Cang at the first time when he saw the fifth resource highway from a distance, and missed the opportunity to see the burial place of Longman's headquarters.

Fang Chutian doesn't seem to want to wipe out this NATO force who dare not enter and is reluctant to retreat at one go.

The Chinese lieutenant general who had just wiped out Langman's headquarters by bloody means ordered the first and second divisions of the fierce army to send a regiment respectively, bite beliff's headquarters and attack in turn. The rest of the troops, on the other hand, moved quickly to the west along a position parallel to beliff.

Under the leadership of the fierce army, the whole Leifeng Island front army has devoted itself to the game of cat and mouse.

The main force of the Chinese Army surging from sunset mountain and the fierce army headquarters circuitous from frenzo town have a total strength of more than 35 divisions.

This huge force is forming surging attack arrows, galloping through mountains and rivers, galloping in the vast wilderness, and advancing to the deep hinterland of the NATO controlled area with full of dust and sand.

South of the 49th peak, many Chinese troops liberated from the defense line are also leaving the positions that have bound them for nearly two months at an extremely fast speed and moving closer to the main force.

The entire northern theater. The advancing Chinese army is showing a grand situation of competing for excellence. Rather than pursuing, they are holding beliff and attacking to the West.

The generals of the Chinese army headquarters and the staff of the Chinese army in the rear repeatedly deduced the next action of the Leifeng Island front army on the electronic sand table. They were sure that lieutenant general Fang would not let beliff go so easily.

The huge clusters of dozens of divisions go hand in hand at the front nearly 200 kilometers wide. They must have a deeper plot.

There are many kinds of speculation, different ideas and different judgments, which bring thousands of different results.

No one knows what lieutenant general Fang Chutian, who created a miracle, is thinking. All they knew was that after receiving the latest war report from Leifeng Island, marshal Huang Shengtian, who had always been unmoved, even stretched out his hand in full view of the public and clapped hands with Li Cunxin.

The old man is very happy.

However, there was almost no blood on his face.

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