Old man Fei Nanqing is not in good shape recently.

The reason is that the program group has focused its recent focus on the China United parliament, so that he needs to endure nausea every day to analyze those inexplicable and even mentally retarded proposals. To uncover the ugly inside story and explain the intrigue between politicians.

Although as a talk show host famous for his spicy words, he can happily scold those damn activities, but it doesn't bring him spiritual pleasure.

In one program, the old man, who was obsessed with the truth, even violated the principles he had always adhered to in his career. He admitted that he had lied. Because he told the audience that the guys he hated to mention were not sons of bitches, because it was insulting the dog.

Angrily, he slammed the door of the studio. Fei Nanqing, with a blue face, strode down the aisle of the TV station to the terrace.

Through the aisle glass, you can see the studio hall. The staff are tidying up the shooting equipment, and the faces of the directors and producers are also not very good-looking. There is a kind of depression and anger in the whole room.

The Chinese United parliament has just put forward a motion to impeach Huang Shengtian. Several members who have never done anything good jumped out and wantonly criticized Huang Shengtian for his inaction, the Chinese army headquarters invested a large number of troops in the southeast sea area, the defeat of the country in the carlston sea area battle, and supporting the fierce army.

At the same time, the representatives of these interest groups even brazenly proposed that the parliament intervene to veto the procurement budget of the Chinese army. The affairs that they could not manage, such as military expenses and procurement, should be subject to the review and monitoring of the parliament.

They even shamelessly asked the Humvee to hand over the design drawings of the 12th generation mecha "developed by several patriotic enterprises with infinite human and material resources", asked the Chinese troops currently assembled in Panlong fortress to invest in the "more important" Ryan theater or carlston sea area, asked Huang shengtiantai, and warned that China should not be too far away from the parliament.

Although the fierce army and the Chinese Army timely threw out the heavy news of annihilating the white Susi dragon fleet and forcing the one eyed Python Auburn to commit suicide, which led the parliamentarians to quickly give up the idea of attacking Huang Shengtian at this moment and put an end to the motion, they still felt sick at the thought of these people's faces.

What makes people more angry is that when the southeast sea area has become the most critical battlefield for both sides of the war, Wang Tongzhi finally led his fleet to evacuate. He chose the moment when the only remaining Newton sea area in China was fiercely attacked by the American Sheldon fleet, drove out of the sea and returned to China through the union of knawell.

This almost means the fall of the last sea area in China.

In the eyes of any Chinese who has regarded the fierce army as their own children, this is a naked division and betrayal.

To my annoyance, the alliance parliament even backed Wang Tongzhi's unforgivable behavior.

Those parliamentarians who had long hoped to regain power jumped out one after another to praise Wang Tongzhi's contribution to the defense of China and the wisdom of withdrawing from China and preserving troops.

They brazenly and triumphantly shaped Wang Tongzhi into a wise general and a hero who dared to resist chaos.

They dictate. It seems that I don't feel at all that my statement should have been the authority of the Chinese military command and headquarters, or the Chinese military headquarters.

After finishing this program, Fei Nanqing first couldn't stand his anger and rushed out of the studio.

When the fierce army fleet held the southeast main channel in the longbow sea area, and their army fought bloody battles on Leifeng Island, every Chinese did not know how to face the mess in the rear.

Fei Nanqing walked to the terrace and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

At this time, he needs cold winter air and cigarettes to dispel the suffocation in his lungs.

When he came to the end of the corridor and was about to open the door to the terrace, suddenly, his forearm was caught by a man.

Fei Nanqing stumbled and looked back in amazement at the man who pulled him back. Su Xiaoxiao, a girl as old as his daughter, was panting. Her white broad forehead was sweating a little. Her beautiful face was a little excited and flushed after fierce running. Her starlike eyes were shining.

"Come on, come with me!" Cried Su Xiaoxiao.

"What happened?" Fei Nanqing is a little strange.

"Leifeng Island victory!" The girl in charge of propaganda of the Chinese military headquarters told Fei Nanqing the news that ordinary people couldn't know at the first time with her natural voice.

Her voice echoed in the corridor. Fei Nanqing looked up. The staff who went up and down looked at this side blankly, with dull eyes and red faces.

It seems that they are a little stupid.

The winter in Beijing has come to an end.

Many trees on the streets of the city have sprouted in the cool wind. People looked at these green little guys happily. For them who have survived a gray winter. These young branches and leaves are as precious as gold. Just passing by, I feel much better.

All kinds of people come and go.

There are middle-aged men in a hurry... Young men wearing helmets and knee pads and exercising on bicycles... Office workers passing by in a flash of their car howl with great momentum and look at the women around them with tearful eyes... A slim girl with a red face and some embarrassment coaxing the children to pass by hand in hand and casting funny and loving eyes at the women.

The city is still vibrant!

Although the war continues, the situation is even more serious than before. However, for Chinese people, this is no big deal. It seemed that with the return of Marshal Li Cunxin and the determination of the presidential office and the military headquarters to fight to the end, they came back all at once.

That is the self-confidence left by our ancestors in the blood of the Chinese people. This trait has never disappeared. Just like the green on the street, as long as the temperature warms up, it will sprout on thousands of branches.

Standing in front of the French window on the second floor of a cafe, Qi Wei, a reporter of China Sunshine news, pressed the camera shutter. Aim at the camera on the street and make a series of clicks.

"Only Chinese people understand why China can be called an unbreakable country." Qi Wei released the shutter, turned and walked to the tea table. He sat down next to four colleagues from different countries. While nodding and looking at the photos in the camera, he sighed: "this recovery is amazing!"

Then he showed the photos on the camera screen to his colleagues drinking coffee: "look carefully at the expression of our people, how confident and calm."

The camera is passing among the smiling peers. The coffee shop is filled with the strong aroma of coffee.

Qi Wei picked up his coffee and said, "if you just look at it from the photos, it's hard to believe that this country is engaged in a life and death war with several empires."

Qi Wei's words and photos attracted the unanimous approval of several middle-aged men. We look at the photos carefully, enlarge the pictures and observe everyone's expression. Qi Wei's photography is recognized as powerful among these people. Standing by the window of the coffee room, he captured the most natural expression of every Chinese on the street.

Without panic and fear, this country, which is fully engaged in war, showed the details of a big country that has never been afraid of war when the gale island war began.

In addition to Qi Wei, the other four present are journalists from the silyak Federation, the Ryan military region, the patio Free Alliance and a Western member state. They have arrived in Beijing for a long time because they live in the hotel in Beijing and know each other very well.

Shangjing hotel is a 600 meter high building, which gathers journalists, government officials and staff of enterprises and consortia from almost every country and region in the world.

With the war, the situation is getting more and more tense. On weekdays, people in and out of the hotel are in a hurry. Qi Wei and others rarely have time to sit down like today, bring a cup of coffee and chat leisurely.

Only in recent days, with the approach of the reinforcement plan of Fengfeng Island prepared by the Chinese army, all interview activities have been stopped.

Martial law has been imposed on the military bases and seaports in the eastern and western suburbs of Shangjing. Everyone knows that the Chinese army is about to launch, but no one knows whether the Chinese army has set out and where it has gone, let alone what the war situation on the front line is like.

What we have in our hands is the war briefing two weeks ago.

The latest and hottest topic is that the Chinese military just held a press conference one day ago to announce the news that the fierce army fleet completely wiped out the Dragon riding fleet and killed the one eyed Python Auburn.

This news has been sent back to China for the first time by several journalists. Even though we have finished a series of reports and sat here with fragrant coffee, everyone seems to have not recovered from the state of excitement.

The spirit is the same as rushing from the press conference to the news center at that time. Turn this explosive news into a press release, send it back to China, wave your fist hard, and celebrate the excitement with the same high fives as everyone in and out.

The topic was naturally led to the southeast war situation by the photos.

"That's right." Returning the camera that had been passed around to Qi Wei, Harper, a reporter from the silyak Federation, said: "the fierce army has annihilated the white Susi dragon fleet a few days ago. How can China hold back until this time for such a big victory? I knew it was true. When I heard the news a few days ago, I should have been one step ahead! "

"One step ahead?" Another reporter smiled and joked: "I don't know who almost shook his head when talking about the news, saying it's impossible?"

A pair of small eyes on Harper's chubby face stared, and they all laughed at the same time. Qi Wei said: "there are only two reasons why you can't take it out at this time. First, you need time to determine the authenticity of the news. After all, this explosive news can't be a little false. Once you make an Oolong joke, you can't end it. Second... "

He glanced at the Ryan Republic reporter sitting next to him and hesitated.

"Second, I'm afraid I'm ready to slap the Chinese United parliament!"

It was a reporter from the Ryan military region. The elegant middle-aged man smiled faintly and said, "don't taboo me. Although it was the members of the Ryan military region who impeached Marshal Huang Shengtian, he can't represent everyone. In the opinion of most Ryan journalists, those political hooligans in the coalition parliament should send a gun to the battlefield. "

With the surrounding journalists from the United Parliament and the Qin demon group. The atmosphere suddenly relaxed and warmed up.

"Yes, I can't believe it when I heard about the proposal at the joint Parliament. Do these dirty politicians no longer have the least conscience and discrimination? " Harper angrily said, "they are so thick skinned to confuse black and white by calling deer a horse. They are so thick skinned to fight for power and profit! If they had not vetoed the arms purchase budget again and again and vetoed the war preparation bill, how could China suffer such heavy losses in the early stage of the war? "

Speaking of anger, Harper put his coffee cup heavily on the tea table and said with indignation: "when the war broke out, they held their tail and didn't say a word. Now when the wind was calm, they jumped out again to review the arms expenditure of each region and the right to control the military expenditure of the Chinese army, intervene in the appointment of the commander of the Chinese army and participate in the deployment of the Chinese army, It's shameless to even help arms dealers put pressure on the fierce army! "

The crowd was silent for a moment.

The reporter from the patio district said, "there are always such people in this world. In peacetime, they colluded with officials and businessmen, monopolized industries, exploited the people with their rights, and bullied good people with thugs, litigants and bribing judges. Who can count on the war years. Such a person can become good and fair? "

He gently stirred the black tea in front of him: "only when we really close contact with the war, can we know who is fighting for their relatives and their country, and who is looking at this huge and decadent country with a pair of wise eyes, exhausting our efforts to find a way to victory for the country."

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