Li Yang and Li Xiaogang couldn't believe their ears, while Li Ruyu and Li Hailan opened their mouths and laughed in disbelief.

Who does Fang Chutian think he is?

How dare he speak so loudly in Changqing manor and in front of Huang Shengtian family?

Li Huairen looked at Duan Tiandao's fingers in front of his chest and had a paste in his head. It's not fear, it's shock. He never dreamed that a guy who went to Huang Shengtian's house for the first time dared to say such words!

I've seen shameless, but it's the first time they've seen such shameless!

For a time, a feeling of suffocation blocked everyone's eyes and chest. In front of Fang Chutian, they found all their provocations. It's just children's stuff. Their sarcasm, provocation and deliberate expression did not play any role at all.

Fang Chutian, in a worse way, put a green snake directly into their mouths!

Li Huairen stared at Duan Tiandao's hand, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

He is twenty-eight years old.

In Huang Shengtian's family, he has always been a highly valued member of the third generation.

Although in terms of the family system, the young active rear admiral of the Chinese Republic's navy is only a subsidiary of Huang Shengtian's family, this does not affect his position in the family.

In the eyes of all adults of Huang Shengtian family, Li Huairen has been very smart since childhood.

He always plays a leading role in Huang Xiaolei, Liang Gao, Dai Yanna, Kong Lang and other children, which is a performance of natural organization.

After growing up, Li Huairen naturally became a representative of Huang Shengtian's third generation.

At the age of 28, he is now the captain of the unicorn class battleship Hydra of the 15th fleet of the Shangjing military region of the Chinese Republic, and also the chief commander of the Second World War battleship brigade.

This is not an achievement, but a foundation.

He always believed that as long as there was a chance. He will really open the door to the supreme throne within the Chinese military and Huang Shengtian family!

He didn't foolishly expect himself to reach the top. But he believes that he can stand in the nearest position to Huang Xiaolei!

That's enough!

But to his disappointment, the opportunity he has been looking forward to has not come since the war.

When Liang Gao, Dai Yanna, Kong Lang and other third-generation members entered the phantom army and began to contact the war.

When Zeng Xin, another collateral son of Huang Shengtian's family, has become the young leader of the phantom army with the nickname of judge, Huang Shengtian seems to have completely forgotten him.

If only that, Li Huairen can endure.

He believed that everything was temporary. He can lie dormant and wait for the moment when he rises. But it happened at this time. The old man went to the southeast sea area and brought back a middle-aged man named Fang Chutian.

Since he knew that this middle-aged man named Fang Chutian would become his favorite fiance of Huang Xiaolei and the future leader of Huang Shengtian family, Li Huairen knew that he could not endure any more!

For him and Li Yang, this is an unacceptable result.

They live in the strongest family in China. Only they themselves know what terrible power this family holds.

Even many things are hidden behind Huang Shengtian's eyes like a silent abyss. Don't show up, but this doesn't prevent them from feeling the strength of the family over the years.

Over the past 30 years, the Huang Shengtian family has been a behemoth that the chairman can't shake. This family controls the fate of countless people. Dignitaries and dignitaries bowed to their ears with humility. Under their control, China's powerful and unparalleled army fought in all directions.

It can be said that the status of the whole Chinese Republic depends on the family and the old man in a wheelchair!

How can the future of such a giant that seems to never fall be handed over to a small outsider?

From the first day they knew Fang Chutian, they were not prepared to accept all this in such silence.

In any way, they also want Huang Shengtian to give up this ridiculous idea. Let Fang Chutian, who doesn't know the greatness of heaven and earth, retreat in the face of difficulties!

The sun shines on the steps outside the gate of the small building. The mixed taste of grain and grass feed and cattle and horses in the manor calmed Li Huairen gradually.

He stays here for a week every month. Since I was six years old, I have never stopped for 22 years.

This is his territory!

He will use his fist to teach Fang Chutian a hard lesson!

Among the third generation members of Huang Shengtian family, in terms of unarmed combat, no one is his opponent Li Huairen except the guy named Zeng Xin!

"You want to hit me?"

Li Huairen twisted his neck, moved his muscles and bones, and laughed.

Huang Shengtian family is definitely not a place where anyone can run wild. Even if Huang Shengtian's health is getting worse and worse, members of the family don't need the help of the fierce army to compete with the Qin demon.

Who led the war.

It can only be the Republic of China!

Only Chinese soldiers!

We can only ourselves and the Chinese elite of Huang Shengtian family!

No matter how powerful the machine armor soldiers of the fierce army are and how powerful the media are, they are better than the huge Chinese military

Li Huairen's smile, like the lake water in a cold night, condensed into ice. He suddenly took off his coat and fell to the ground, revealing his strong muscles!

In the almost obsessed eyes of Li Ruyu and Li Hailan, he half narrowed his eyes, raised his lips and gently waved to Duan Tiandao: "let me see if your fist is as hard as your mouth!"

"Brother Li Huairen, beat him!" Li Ruyu picked up Li Huairen's clothes. Li Hailan shouted, his face full of excitement.

The dreary Huang Shengtian family seems to be full of vitality at this moment. And the manor, which they hated, became lovely. They were so excited that they were shaking all over.

With Li Hailan's excited cry, the fierce soldiers dining in the room on the other side of the front yard and the accompanying manor guards rushed out. Everyone stared at a group of people who had just exchanged greetings, confronted each other like angry bulls, and didn't understand what had happened.

"What happened?" Hargrove gnawed at the drumstick.

A guard with a bowl in his hand said, "brother, your general seems to be quarrelling with our General Li Huairen."

Another guard stepped forward two steps and exclaimed, "what a quarrel, it's a fight!"

"Captain, shall we go up and stop it?" A short guard turned to his officer.

Before the captain of the guard spoke, buzz shook his head and said, "don't go. Although I'm a member of the fierce army, I've already seen that Chu Tian is unhappy. If there is a fight, he will be beaten. Anyway, we soldiers can't manage the affairs between them as officials!"

"Is that all right?" The guards stared at buzz.

Baz Leng hummed, "it's our officer who was beaten. What are you afraid of? Look at his size..."

With the emergence of Humvee mecha soldiers and guards. In front of the stairs in the front yard of the small building, it suddenly became lively.

However, from beginning to end, the people in the restaurant didn't come out.

"Li Huairen!" Li Yang and Li Xiaogang scolded falsely.

They drew a clear line and put on a look of taking the overall situation into account. While fattening the restaurant window, they said to Li Huairen, "don't do stupid things. How can you see people like this?"

Li Huairen ignored. He sank his shoulders and bent his knees, staring at his prey like a cold cheetah.

"Come on!" Duan Tiandao grinned and waved to Li Huairen.

Li Huairen drank violently and waved his fist to Duan Tiandao's face. He moves very fast, and his whole body leans forward with the movement of his feet, just like a loaded shell!

All the guards present know that Li Huairen is the standard of special forces in terms of fighting!

Seeing that this fist was about to hit the cheek of Duan Tiandao, suddenly Duan Tiandao moved.

The clumsy looking guy became like a violent bear in an instant. While turning his head to avoid Li Huairen's attack like lightning, he leaned over and made a hook fist, which made Li Huairen face hard.

This punch directly threw Li Huairen's head back, and his nose blood splashed.

In the cry of surprise, Duan Tiandao's fist was confiscated and his leg was kicked straight. He was kicking on Li Huairen's lower abdomen, kicking his whole body into the air like a sandbag and flying out.


The guards around made a cold sound, turned their heads, and the fierce soldiers were shaking their heads and sighing. The guy named buzz threw a cigarette into his mouth, grabbed it and said sadly, "is that guy mentally disabled when fighting with officer Fang Chutian?"


When Li Huairen's body fell to the ground, Li Ruyu and Li Hailan screamed in horror, which broke the sky over the whole manor.

"Shut up!" With a faint reprimand. Li Ruyu and Li Hailan quickly shut their mouths.

The noise outside the restaurant seemed to disturb the people in the restaurant at this time. Driven by Huang Xiaolei, Huang Shengtian appeared at the door of the restaurant: "have you had enough?"

"He hit me!" Duan Tiandao tied his neck and sued first.

The noise vanished without a trace.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears. Li Ruyu and Li Hailan were so angry that their lips trembled. Although Duan Tiandao didn't move a finger from beginning to end, they didn't know why. They have a feeling of being raped.

At the end of winter, the warm sun hung quietly overhead, and the whole manor was silent.

Standing behind Huang Shengtian, a rickety old man and a middle-aged man as tall and straight as a javelin suddenly looked at each other, and a smile arose from the corners of his mouth.

Standing quietly behind Huang Shengtian, looking at the family members with dull eyes under the steps of the small building, Huang Xiaolei's slightly upturned mouth evokes a charming and cold arc.

Since Grandpa decided to take Duan Tiandao back to Beijing, she knew that some things would happen.

When the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds. This sentence is most suitable for the Huang Shengtian family.

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