Even a fool could clearly feel a surging undercurrent from the angry eyes, expressions and whispers of Li Ruyu, Li Huairen and even some members of the family's parents as early as he knew that today's family gathering was specially held for Fang Chutian's arrival.

In the past, Huang Xiaolei didn't want to pay attention at all.

In this family, there are not many people with high eyes and low hands. No one who has a chance to be related to Huang Shengtian should be born wise and become visionary in the day after tomorrow's learning and growth.

At least under the sunny steps of Changqing manor, there are shallow girls like Li Ruyu and Li Hailan who are jealous inside, pose as a proud lady outside, accept the support and compliment of their peers, and are satisfied with it.

There are also parasites like cousin Li Yang, who rely on the family's name and contacts, roll between politicians and chaebols, fish for wealth, and indulge in other people's respect and nightlife.

of course. There is no shortage of ambitious people.

They all want to be the next Huang Shengtian, sitting on the throne of the military God and overlooking everything on the earth with eagle eyes.

However, they did not realize that the external compliment and obedience had filled them with the illusion of arrogance. Lacking the experience of fighting the sky in the wind and rain, they are actually just a sparrow. When they dive down the cliff and rush to their prey, maybe a rabbit can kill them.

Just like Li Huairen, whose heart is far less mature than his appearance, before making the decision to provoke Duan Tiandao, he didn't even consider the consequences, but just succumbed to his inner jealousy and anger.

He will never understand that when he was 14 years old, he lost Huang Shengtian's trust when he once again took over the responsibilities that originally belonged to the immediate children and ignored the grievances suffered by the collateral children.

This family needs courage and maturity, not hypocrisy and sophistication.

The reason why he was not allowed to enter the phantom army and join the war was that he might win, but he could not bear defeat.

Several guards have helped Li Huairen up from the ground, and a doctor is checking his body for him who is still dizzy. A few horse hisses came from the nearby horse farm, and then a series of cries from the groom sounded. I don't know which young male horses kicked their hooves again.

When the doctor examined Li Huairen, everyone remained silent. When the bright sunshine came down, the dust on the farm seemed to fly in the golden light that would never disappear. In the sunshine, Huang Xiaolei can easily distinguish the expression on everyone's face when looking at Duan Tiandao.

Different from the arrogance, contempt, contempt and eagerness before Duan Tiandao's arrival, they are now a lot more honest.

Neither the distant uncles of the second generation nor the cousins of the third generation try to look at Duan Tiandao with their eyes. The only thing that can express their psychology may be their eyes looking forward to Huang Shengtian.

Duan Tiandao used the most direct way to let them understand the consequences of jumping on a porcupine covered with thorns without absolute protection.

A guy who dares to blow up thorns in Huang Shengtian's house and can knock down Li Huairen in an instant is shamelessly putting on a look of injustice and indignation. The villain complains first.

Being direct enough, arrogant, powerful and shameless is the best way to let these people know that they misestimate their opponents.

Huang Xiaolei believes that at this moment, these people will look forward to Grandpa's action to teach this bold guy a profound lesson. However, if grandpa doesn't have any opinions on Chutian's actions, they will carefully re-examine their plans and change their strategies and even positions.

Only when they really understand this man in what will erupt later will they understand how lucky they and Huang Shengtian family are.

Just like myself in Freeport.

The situation at home and now in China. Grandpa Huang Shengtian didn't leave much time for cherda. Directly showing his attitude is the best way for him to deal with the seven disaffections and eight resentments of some people in the Huang Shengtian family.

From his performance in Lei Feng sea area, we can see that now he is seizing almost every minute and every second. He did not have the slightest patience to reason with Li Huairen and them. With Grandpa's support, he just needs to let everyone in the family understand that his fist is bigger and his style is harder.

Huang Xiaolei looked at Duan Tiandao and his dark faced father, and at his grandfather Huang Shengtian, who was staring at Duan Tiandao, suddenly felt a burst of laughter.

The relationship between the three most important men in their life is not very good at the moment. Father doesn't know Duan Tiandao, and grandpa knows this bastard too well. Fang Chutian's angry beating attitude at the moment is a kind of temptation. He wants to see how far Grandpa will support him.

This guy can never get rid of his childlike cunning.

When the doctor determined that Li Huairen was ok, Huang Shengtian said faintly in the disappointed eyes: "the food is getting cold. Go in."

He did not express any opinion on the conflict, nor did he respond to Duan Tiandao's complaint. However, for the people of Huang Shengtian family, this is still a clear signal.

No outsider can beat someone at Huang Shengtian's house, let alone leave after someone beats someone.

And this man is the first and only one.

The aggrieved expression on Duan Tiandao's face was like a magic trick and disappeared in an instant. He smiled foolishly, ran up the steps, took the wheelchair handle in Huang Xiaolei's hand, looked like a filial baby, and pushed Huang Shengtian to the restaurant. It seemed that nothing had happened.

Ye Wanqing and Huang Xiaolei, like their own sisters, walked beside him arm in arm while whispering and laughing. Behind them was a rickety old man and a middle-aged man who was always like a javelin.

This is a picture that doesn't need freeze frame to examine. Hit everyone's heart. An invisible shock wave spread in all directions. Everyone, including the family guards and the farm staff in the distance, understood that this marked that the man who came soon walked into Huang Shengtian's house with such an arrogant and tough attitude.

"Good courage!" The heavy door of the study closes, and Huang Shengtian looks at Duan Tiandao without expression and says.

Duan Tiandao turned his head, looked around, and then looked at Huang Shengtian in confusion.

After a sleepless night in the hospital and a silent but very rich lunch, he is a little sleepy now. The dull head can't respond. What does the old man Huang Shengtian want to do? Settle accounts after autumn?

Huang Shengtian's voice was still faint: "you are the first one who dares to beat people in my home. Does this mean that in your eyes, I'm easy to bully? "

Duan Tiandao was frightened. He looked back at the javelin like tall and straight middle-aged man who closed the door and smiled at himself. He also looked at the rickety old man with a gloomy face beside Huang Shengtian. Suddenly he felt something bad.

In front of him, the ever quiet Huang Shengtian disappeared, and the sick old man disappeared. All he could see was a sinister old man, sitting in a wheelchair, looking at himself coldly, turning his Marshal's walking stick coldly, just like an old baboon with a nervous disease.

Duan Tiandao was in his heart. Suddenly I thought of something: "Huang Xiaolei hasn't come yet. I'll call him."

"Now that I've played, I'll have a good time!" Huang Shengtian gently tapped his palm with the Marshal's staff and turned his eyes to the middle-aged man standing at the door: "Haig!"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man with a straight body and the same name bent slightly. He smiled at Duan Tiandao and walked to the middle of the study. Every step he took, his bones crackled like firecrackers. When he came to Duan Tiandao, people suddenly felt that he was not alone.

But a sharp and cold Tomahawk.

"What are you doing?" Duan Tiandao cried out in horror, "what are you doing? I'm a guest! "

"General Fang, your behavior just now is not like a guest." The rickety old man standing next to Huang Shengtian smiled and said to Duan Tian, "if you don't like Haig alone, I can try to participate."

Although the old man has passed the peak of his body in any way, Duan Tiandao can feel a fatal threat from him.

Only when the accumulation of Taoist power is deep to a certain extent, will it give Duan Tiandao the same feeling. And this old guy is obviously more than an old man.

Duan Tiandao opened his mouth dumbly, and his face looked as innocent as it should be. He stood there honestly, his eyes as pure and pitiful as a frightened puppy, and his mouth muttered as if he wanted to distinguish something. Suddenly, he had a high whip leg and pulled it at the head of the middle-aged man.

This leg was as like as two peas in a sudden attack.

At the moment he kicked out, the middle-aged man named Haig also moved. The same whip leg, the same speed and strength.

Bang! A dull noise.

Both of them kicked the elbow of their opponent's head protector at the same time, and their body deflected sharply under each other's whip leg at the same time.

"You sneak attack, shameless!" Before his body recovered his balance, Duan Tiandao shouted and forced to turn around. A windmill turned and his left leg swept towards his opponent like a whirlwind, while Heige leaned back on his side, supported his one arm on the ground, and his feet were like two hammers, one front and one back, attacking Duan Tiandao's lower body from bottom to top.

Bang, it's another soul shaking dull sound.

The two exchanged legs and were still tied. Duan Tiandao kicked his right foot and jumped up with strength. His body almost flew to the ceiling of the study five meters high. Then he turned upside down. His body changed several postures one after another in the process of falling, and his right leg knee slammed into Haig's chest.

Duan Tiandao's action made a Shan's eyes shrink and his face showed surprise. He never expected that since this seemingly insignificant guy could jump to this height as light as a swallow, his body twisted out at least five positions like falling hemp flowers in less than a second.

This fighting skill cannot be completed without fast enough reflex nerve and physical strength. Even many martial arts masters in the world can hardly do it after the peak of their body.

At that moment, Duan Tiandao's right leg and knee changed in at least four directions.

"Good!" Haig's body on the ground shook violently, shaking his arms like a whip. Then he took a step forward, and his hands suddenly drew a circle in the swing to meet Duan Tiandao.

"Good!" A Shan shouted loudly.

Haig's transformation from just to soft was like a wild horse without trace. The shaking of his body had shaken all his strength to his whip like hand. Duan Tiandao was in mid air. Although he seemed to strike down fiercely, once he was twisted by his hands and unloaded his strength, let alone threat, he didn't even have room to dodge.

Seeing that Haig was about to strangle Duan Tiandao, suddenly, Duan Tiandao's waist was strong, and his body miraculously stopped in the air at the moment of touching Haig's hands.

This may only be a tenth of a second, but for Haig, who has calculated the falling momentum of heaven, it is a tenth of a second enough to cause him to make a mistake.

"Vertical ladder?" Although Duan Tiandao did not continue to ascend in the air, this stagnation still surprised Ashan and Haig.

In his horrified eyes, Duan Tiandao flashed over Haig's hands, and his body suddenly looked like catkins. A somersault with his head almost close to his ass turned into a somersault under his head and feet. In the swing of the somersault of his double fist group, he drew a circle, shook it hard, shook out two broken screams, and pulled it straight to Haig's shoulder.

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