Although we don't understand where Fang Chutian came from, it doesn't prevent us from rubbing our hands and staring at him!

They can't wait to see Fang Chu Tian, who dares to play a big knife in front of Guan Gong's door, showing his white belly, standing in the queue of well-dressed Chinese generals to greet the look of shame when the exercise troops pay attention!

Dare to challenge the world's top military commanders on such a topic as deduction and confrontation. Does this guy really don't know how to write the dead word, or does he think the weather is too hot?

Since he has such a need, let's abuse him!

The lieutenant general who just took off his coat walked into the rehearsal room and sat in front of the rehearsal computer.

His name is Sha Tianya, a name that sounds poetic. However, his own image is tall, strong and strong. He is a tough general. In terms of military command, it is also known for daring to invest and being good at grasping fighters.

In terms of deduction, Sha Tianya is not the most powerful of these generals, but if he really wants to carry out deduction and confrontation, his on-the-spot command ability can give most people a headache.

He can always put his troops into your deadly position in the shortest time. It can always make you tired of coping, gradually ignore other places and enter the rhythm controlled by him.

This lightning propulsion and control tactic is the symbol of Sha Tianya.

The second field army of the eighth group army led by him once confused his opponent with one tenth of his troops in a regional conflict.

From the beginning to the end of the campaign, his opponents were trapped in place, unaware that other Chinese troops had completed the strategic encirclement.

That war was the battle of Sha Tianya's fame.

Up to now, it has been used as a classic example of containment tactics in the textbooks of Freshmen in the command department of the military academy. Therefore, everyone has no objection to his first.

Let Duan Tiandao taste Sha Tianya's oppressive attack, let him collapse in the shortest time, but he is firmly controlled by Sha Tianya and doesn't easily kill him... It's perfect.

At the beginning of the rehearsal confrontation, the large screen in the cabin is displayed synchronously.

As you can see, the system randomly assigns a strong attack around a highland village.

The red side of Sha Tianya and the blue side of Duan Tiandao each have an armored battalion. With the same distance, mobility, intelligence and military strength, both sides must seize the villages as soon as possible and complete the control of the key areas of the war zone.

Such a war situation is undoubtedly beneficial to Sha Tianya.

At the beginning of the confrontation, Sha Tianya quickly read the map and made a battle plan. Before the plan was completed, troops with a reinforced company as the front had been sent out.

Sha Tianya's action is very fast. The complex situation information and battle map in the war area are clearly broken down by him. The target quickly locked on a mountain with an elevation of 591 in the south of the village.

As long as we win here, we can control the whole village from a commanding position and hold the main traffic road in the south of the village.

Under Sha Tianya's almost flowing plan formulation and military chess movement, as well as accurate and decisive instructions, the Red Army had completed all preparations and nearly half the journey in less than three minutes, controlling several important points outside the village.

All the generals in the cabin decided that Sha Tianya would win this game!

The screen flickered, and the Red Army at Sha Tianya moved forward at a lightning speed.

In the sixth minute of the rehearsal, when the war lasted more than an hour, the sudden strengthening company, under the cover of six mecha, was close to the target highland.

But just then, suddenly the situation changed.

A blue army aircraft infantry company suddenly cut horizontally between the reinforced company in front of the Red Army and the main force behind it, and established a temporary blocking position with two small hills as the commanding height.

The main force of the Red Army, which had been following behind the front troops and advancing at full speed, almost hit the other side's defense line at one end.

The battle between the two sides broke out in an instant. Caught off guard, the red army suffered heavy losses in the first round of attack.

Shocked, Sha Tianya quickly ordered the main force to leave a platoon as a positive containment, and the remaining troops immediately transferred and detoured to the rear of the enemy's blocking position.

At the same time, he also ordered a platoon of the front armored company to move in the direction of the main force to ensure the safety of the main force's forward route.

The generals present were silent at this moment.

No one thought that Chu Tian's action was faster than Sha Tianya!

It is not only the strength and combat effectiveness of the troops that are compared. More important is the commander's reading of intelligence, judgment of the situation and the issuance of orders.

All this should not only be accurate, but also fast.

The more accurate and faster, the easier it is to seize the initiative. The easier it is to make use of the terrain, move the troops, implement the corresponding tactics, limit the opponent's mobility, prolong the opponent's time to achieve the goal, and consume the opponent's strength.

Sha Tianya's tactical style is fierce and fast. He is extremely fierce in intelligence reading and judgment and the first three axes to seize the opportunity at the beginning of the war. Many people were held down by him because they lost the first chance at the beginning.

But this time, the blue army moved faster than the Red Army.

Duan Tiandao not only accurately judged the route of Sha Tianya, but also commanded the troops to move to the flank before the Red Army. Finally, seize the opportunity to separate the leading force and the main force of the Red Army at one fell swoop!

This time, he is hitting seven inches of the Red Army!

Sha Tianya's response is timely and correct. In the case of not knowing where the main force of the blue army is, the current Red Army must not fall into entanglement with the blue army. The troops must quickly pass through each other's blocking points, meet with the pre conflict forces and seize the target hill.

However, just as the main force of the Red Army had just detoured to the flank of the opponent's blocking line, a message came from the front. It was ordered to withdraw to the receiving platoon, which was ambushed by the blue army and destroyed the whole army!

The strength of the Red Army was reduced by one third in an instant, and the detour was blocked by the enemy. The main force of the Red Army was in a dilemma for a time.

However, at this time, Sha Tianya has no other way but to move forward.

In order to avoid falling into the enemy's ambush, the main force of the Red Army can only explore and advance carefully.

The war situation rapidly evolved. At this time, everyone present had a sense of foreboding.

Sure enough, two minutes later, news came from the front that the strengthening company in front of the sudden attack was restrained by an enemy platoon and was immediately surrounded and annihilated by the main force of the blue army.

The confrontation is over.

The blue army's casualty rate is no more than 3%, while the Red Army's is more than 40%!

"It's impossible!" A major general shouted in shock: "general Sha's forward speed is already the limit. How can the blue army get ahead of the Red Army?"

The major general blushed, pointed to the deduction screen and said, "besides, the platoon that general Sha Tianya ordered to retreat was very cautious all the way. The opponent was forced to eat with more than five times the superior force and powerful firepower. This proves that the main force of the blue army should be in this position. How can they wipe out the front troops of the Red Army? "

"Look here." An old and prudent general shook his head and gently clicked on the screen: "obviously, the blue army took advantage of the time difference to form a military advantage."

When his hand was on the screen, the blocking area formed by the two mountains was marked as a red circle: "they now cut in with a platoon of troops to guard the mountains, block the advance of the main force of the Red Army and separate the front and rear forces."

As he spoke, the general drew a line on the map with his hand, connecting the other two red circles, and then said: "then, when it was predicted that the Red Army would leave the battlefield and detour, their main force first ambushed in this place and ate a platoon of the vanguard troops ordered to retreat, causing the illusion that their main force was here, Then, taking advantage of the time when the main force of the red army moved forward carefully, he quickly rushed to the third area and ate the leading troops of the Red Army. "

Under the Admiral's fingers, three pin shaped circles, like a mysterious symbol, appeared in front of everyone.

The time stolen by the blues has increased rapidly on the screen since the cut in and blocking.

When the blue army ate a platoon of the Red Army that came back and forced the main force of the Red Army to slow down, but they withdrew quickly and directly invested in the attack on the leading forces of the Red Army, the fast rotation time has increased to a number enough to change the war situation!

The cabin was silent.

Looking back on this small battle, everyone's impression is that the blue army's lightning moving speed, accurate judgment, ingenious tactics, and the mastery of time and opponent's psychology are finally integrated into these three interlocking circles.

Sha Tianya lost.

The opponent beat him in the way he was best at. Faster, more ferocious, more daring to invest and more controlling than him!

The door of the deduction room opened, and Sha Tianya, who took off only his underpants, came out with a red face.

Behind him, Duan Tiandao poked his head out: "next!"

This is a rare but bloodless tragedy in human military history.

Ashan sat on the soft and spacious aviation seat, covering his face and hanging his head in pain.

In my ears, Duan Tiandao shouted again and again, almost as excited as the last climax in some kind of film: "next!"

One after another, the well-dressed generals walked into the rehearsal room and came out in underpants.

When he officially left Huang Shengtian and became the housekeeper of Duan Tiandao, a Shan didn't know much about the guy who could deceive Huang Xiaolei to death.

All understanding comes from data.

But if those rigid materials are true, what is here now should be a mature, steady, determined and indomitable Chinese hero who has made countless dazzling achievements, rather than a bastard who wants to make a group of generals lose a bet and take off their clothes.

Ashan rubbed his hands hard on his temples.

I'm afraid even Huang Shengtian wouldn't think that this bastard started his journey of integrating into these Chinese generals in this way.

Through his fingers, Ashan looked at the cabin and then gave a helpless groan.

Among the 121 most outstanding Chinese generals, only the last six women are still dressed.

A group of old and young men, all with bare arms and furry thighs. Fortunately, most of them were wearing navy blue military underwear.

A man sat beside a Shan.

A Shan turned his head slightly and took a look.

The tenth general Bu Hanshi who walked into the rehearsal room sat down naked.

The old friend is fifty-five years old this year and still keeps a strong figure like a young soldier.

Looking at the face of the old man with white beard, he seems to be vaguely excited about things like wearing only underpants, rather than embarrassed.

"Has Fang Chutian really never entered the military academy before?" Bu Hanshi bit a big cigar.

"Unconvinced?" Ashan looked up and down for a long time, but he didn't see any place on Bu Hanshi who could carry a cigar.

"Don't look." Bu Hanshi said, "I took it out when I took off my clothes."

He sighed: "am I really old? After playing tactics for so many years, I was played around by an ordinary person!"

Ashan smiled.

He also saw the game of Bu Hanshi.

Among the generals under Huang Shengtian's command, bu Hanshi is definitely a talented person.

In his early years, he followed Huang Shengtian to fight in the north and south. He was taught by the military God by words and deeds. After independent command, he often had a brilliant pen. Especially good at winning in danger. In terms of deduction, he is definitely a master figure.

Therefore, when nine generals in a row were stripped of their clothes by Duan Tiandao, the generals who were in extreme anger and shock asked Bu Hanshi to do it.

When walking into the rehearsal room, bu Hanshi still looked like a handsome old man.

However, after the start, the old guy's clothes and face were soon lost.

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