In the small and medium-sized battle composed of six armored divisions on both sides randomly assigned by the system, bu Hanshi was fooled by Fang Chutian's endless sneak attacks, ambushes, feints and lures.

Although he lost, everyone admitted that it was definitely a wonderful confrontation.

Both sides, you come and I go, each plotting.

However, Fang Chutian is more cunning and obscene than Bu Hanshi.

From the beginning, he avoided confrontation with Bu Hanshi. Instead, he used his harassing tactics that made the front generals crazy, turning a battalion and regiment level army into a rope wrapped around his opponent.

This is a barbed rope.

Countless blue army troops launched attacks on the Red Army troops commanded by Bu Hanshi with mysterious routes, interlocking plans and local battles everywhere.

They tried their best to delay the advance speed of the Red Army, eroded the strength of the Red Army and attacked the command system of the Red Army.

Such a disorderly battle, let alone command, is dazzling and disoriented!

The Red Army just broke away from a rope tied to him, and Fang Chutian immediately wrapped two more around you.

In the end, the Red Army could not walk, catch up or run.

The logistics passage was cut off, the forward troops were attacked, and the command post was taken away... The uncomfortable force that couldn't be made out of the power almost collapsed the people watching from the outside.

Bu Hanshi was played around. It must be no exaggeration.

However, if Bu Hanshi is not good at random fighting, I'm afraid another person can't support the end of the campaign!

Also from that game, the generals present all put away their anger and began to take Fang Chutian seriously. They really regarded Fang Chutian as an opponent they wanted to defeat and must look up to!

"What do you think of him?" Ashan asked with a smile.

"He's a jerk!" Bu Hanshi bit his cigar and scolded fiercely. Then he smiled again: "but to tell you the truth, the old man's eyes are really vicious. He can find out what's missing for such a genius!"

"Is it too much to do so?" Ashan swept Bu Hanshi's body up and down.

"What's the point?" Bu Hanshi sat on the chair in a dignified manner. He didn't care about the eyes of the waiters in the past. From time to time, he greeted him and blinked his eyes: "who of us didn't run naked in the military camp before? Who didn't bask in the sun naked on the battlefield? I haven't had the chance to do this for decades. Today, I feel comfortable as soon as I take off my uniform. "

"You are such an exposure maniac!" Ashan smiled, shook his head and took a sip of wine.

"To be honest, we need to take off our clothes." Bu Hanshi shrunk his smile and cynicism, and looked at the generals in the cabin: "over the past ten years, our army has become more and more rigid, more and more like an old man with a glorious past. However, those blind arrogance still breed in this group. "

"Remember when we were young?" Bu Hanshi looked at a Shan.

Ashan looked at the front with bright eyes: "it was an era of boiling blood."

"Many young people are really passionate when they enter this army." Bu Hanshi sighed and said, "however, when our army has become a machine that only serves politics and interests, no longer has the passion to defend freedom and honor, and relies on its own stronger power to despise everything, their blood is also cold. In a few years, he has become a group of mediocre talents! "

Bu Hanshi took a mouthful of cigar, leaned his head against the back of the chair, looked at the ceiling, and his eyes were faint: "why is Qin demon's proposition so marketable in the army, and why are those young grass-roots officers so vulnerable to bewitchment, because their blood has no place to spill, and they are afraid that their brave chest will become cold."

"So the Qin demon seduced them, stole the concept of freedom and glory, and let them see a road they yearn for more in this struggle." Bu Hanshi looked at Ashan seriously: "we must wake up!"

"By undressing?" Ashan teased.

"There is no more direct way than this." Bu Hanshi shook his head in self mockery and couldn't help laughing: "I think even if the old man did it himself, he might not do it better than that guy. Look at this cabin. What can be more sobering than more than 100 generals wearing only underpants? "

He leisurely cocked up a big hairy leg: "there is an old saying that friends in the bathhouse are more honest than friends at the party."

"Who's going in now?" Ashan sipped his wine and looked at Bu Hanshi with inclined eyes: "general Pu Qing." Bu Hanshi smiled: "it seems that he has passed, just a few female generals!"

"Who do you want to see go in?" Ashan has a wrinkled face with a bad smile, like a child who stole sugar.

Bu Hanshi did not hesitate to look at a beautiful female major general about 35 years old: "major general Mu bailing, this is a famous beauty in our Chinese army. We want to see her naked, not every day or two."

Ashan laughed, rushed to Hanshi and raised his glass.

The two old men clinked glasses happily.

"Give me money, give me money, I win!"

When the door of the rehearsal room was opened again, general Pu Qing, who was over 60, came out of the room full of clothes with his bare body and faintly visible ribs. In the cabin, a middle-aged man in red underwear shouted. The thick lipped guy was ecstatic with an electronic folder and asked the losers to press fingerprints on the bill one by one.

The whole cabin was full of shouting, laughter and sighs.

Pu Qing's failure has meant the total annihilation of the Chinese generals.

Fang Chutian can head of the general staff of the a group army by himself!

It seems that because everyone is naked, the generals' expression at this time has no previous embarrassment and shame. The atmosphere is much more lively than when everyone is dressed and talking about serious topics.

"Who's next?" A lieutenant general who usually looked upright and steady asked vaguely. With bad smiling eyes, he glanced straight at several female generals.

"Mu bailing!" A man shouted.

Immediately, the whole cabin sounded the cry of "Mu bailing".

The beautiful female major general, pursing the corners of her mouth, glanced at the pig generals and walked to the rehearsal room with swaying steps.

The door closed, but the deduction screen outside didn't move.

The generals looked at each other and exchanged eyes.

A lieutenant general poured a glass of whisky, went to the door of the rehearsal room and waited quietly.

A moment later, the door opened.

Wearing a pair of elephant underwear, Fang Chutian appeared in front of the crowd with a drooping head and a white stomach: "shit, I forgot this pile!"

There were laughter, whistles and shouts. The whole cabin has become a sea of joy.

In the happy eyes of Huang Xiaolei, ye Wanqing and Ashan, the lieutenant general stuffed the wine in his hand into Fang Chutian's hand, clinked a glass with him with a smile and said, "welcome to join us, general Fang Chutian!"

Huang Xiaolei leaned her back against the seat and took a long breath.

To tell the truth, when Mu bailing walked into the rehearsal room, she was really afraid of death. Fang Chutian let Mu bailing take off and come out.

Although on the surface, all these lusters present are eager to be stripped off by Fang Chutian. Once this kind of thing really happens, these proud guys will definitely take what happened today as the biggest shame in their life!

Between men, sometimes big things are just a joke. Similarly, sometimes in a word, it may be a bitter hatred.

Fang Chutian has conquered all the people present with his superb deduction skills, including 115 of China's most outstanding generals.

In fact, when the 30th general walked out of the rehearsal room, everyone no longer thought it was an unacceptable insult to lose and take off his clothes.

They are men and soldiers in the war era.

Only those who are stronger than them can win their respect.

It's a fair bet to lose and take off your clothes.

Willing to gamble and admit defeat, you have to put it down if you can afford it. If you don't have the ability to make people take off their clothes, you can only blame your skills.

However, although Fang Chutian's strength can win everyone's admiration. However, once he puts this power on a woman and refuses to spare it, he will no longer take the joking competition between men, but a thorough insult.

Although Huang Xiaolei knew that Fang Chutian would not do that, when an MA was kidnapped, Fang Chutian, who was full of anger and anger and had no place to vent, was hard to say what he would do.

You know, in Freeport, this shameless Fang Chutian grabbed himself in the hands of the mecha while he was negotiating with him.

There is no bottom line for this guy's shamelessness.

Fortunately, he took off his clothes and came out.

At the moment he came out, the cabin was cheering and laughing, and the glass of wine handed to him, which showed that these Naked Chinese generals really and thoroughly accepted Fang Chutian.

His drooping head and bare stomach look a little silly, but this not only does not affect his image of defeating 115 Chinese generals in a series of deduction and confrontation. Moreover, it is more ordinary and accessible.

"Lark, this way." Seeing Mu bailing coming out of the rehearsal room with a smile, Huang Xiaolei quickly waved.

The beautiful female major general walked through a group of regretful generals and walked to Huang Xiaolei. When passing Fang Chutian, the sexy old woman with a delicate oval face and a distant eyebrow put her mouth to Duan Tiandao's ear: "general Fang, in fact, I was looking forward to it. If you have time to be alone, people can give you another chance."

In a burst of laughter from the generals around, Duan Tiandao bit his cigar and smoked meat on his face. He was very sad and angry.

Shit, this woman flirts with me!

A group of naked generals with exposed temperament whistled to Mu bailing to leave. Seeing her and Huang Xiaolei whispering together, a series of silver bell like laughter broke out from time to time.

"Shall we..." a major general asked for advice eagerly in the eyes of the women: "put on your clothes?"

A group of light pig heroes, look at me, I'll look at you. They all focused on Fang Chutian.

"The decision is not mine." Fang Chutian drooped his eyebrows and frowned: "I'm also a loser. You see how happy they are. Will they let us put on our clothes? "

"Don't wear it, don't wear it!" A tough lieutenant general waved his hand: "what are you afraid of, a bunch of old men? If they like to see it, let them see it more! "

Then the lieutenant general slapped Duan Tiandao on the shoulder with a big hand like a palm fan: "but then again, you are the culprit. In two days, it will spread all over China. Come on, after the exercise, how can you compensate us? "

"What is compensation?" Duan Tiandao blinked in confusion. Before the words fell, countless bare feet and fists flew over.

Men are always easy to be friends.

Especially when these Huang Shengtian's direct generals, Chu Tian, Huang Shengtian's appointed successor, already have a natural favor.

What happened that night in the central city of Beijing is no secret to everyone. In addition, Duan Tiandao shocked everyone's deduction today, which is more convincing.

The original pride was transformed into introspection with the deduction of that game.

The original estrangement also disappeared as Duan Tiandao walked out of the door of the rehearsal room naked.

At this moment, what every Chinese general regrets is only the virulence of Huang Shengtian's eyes!

Although the deduction does not prove that Fang Chutian can be invincible on the battlefield, at least this guy has unlimited possibilities!

We are also full of expectations for the upcoming exercise.

"General!" A communications officer entered the cabin. Looking at a group of light pig generals, he was stunned and stammered after half a ring: "the plane has arrived at the designated place. Three minutes later, it will meet with the fierce army fleet and the 32nd group fleet."

People turned their heads and looked out of the side window. A huge sea fortress appeared in front of everyone.

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