People expect him to do it himself. Even if his condition is no longer allowed, they also hope that he can point out a way for the group.

But now, the people representing Huang Shengtian are standing beside Qin demon. This war without gunpowder smoke has been lost before it began.

Is that old man really old?

On the other side of the same building, there was a noise. Those are the elected members of the house of Lords.

As early as a long time ago, they had already played gongs and drums for Qin demons to sing praises and virtues, and had already tried to touch them in the Huaxia army headquarters controlled by Huang Shengtian. At this time, I'm afraid they can't hide their complacency at all.

"Yuan Jiangping and general Qin demon talked cordially. Although there were rumors that the two most outstanding figures of the Republic did not like each other, the scene in front of them shattered the rumors. We have reason to believe that if yuan Jiangping is elected chairman, he will cooperate with general Qin demon. "

The young host of the news channel explained in an excited tone, which made people want to rush over and tear off the microphone in his hand and throw it away.

"What... Oh... Photographer, come with me..."

The picture shook, and the host's voice and running footsteps could be heard.

"Interim Chairman Shi Tianhao and general Qin demon have just jointly announced." The host fell to the West in the middle of the crowd and said excitedly: "tonight, celebrities from all walks of life in China will be invited to witness the birth of the new president of the Chinese Republic at the palace hotel not far from the national Victory Square. At that time, the national Victory Square and its surrounding areas will be under martial law. As one of the invited media, our station will broadcast the event live for you."

"Who will win this election, Mr. Wang Tao, Mr. Yuan Jiangping, or Mr. Zhao Xi or Mr. Fu Langyan, is a mystery full of expectations. Let's wait and see!"


The screen suddenly went black.

A congressman turned off the TV angrily.

At the same time, Peng Jun, who refused to give up hope in a luxury room of a hotel in China, also turned off the TV and silently buried his head in his palm.

Also turning off the TV is the office of Zhao Xi's campaign team.

Under the silent gaze of the team members, a middle-aged lady slowly sat down in her chair. She gently said, "call the hotel and Mr. Zhao will explain the order..."

She covered her face with her hands and buried it in her knees. In a low voice, she said, "remember, let them not hold lanterns, prepare celebration ribbons, or sing and dance..."

The presidential election was conducted in a tense and orderly manner.

To prevent enemy agents and terrorists from making trouble. The Chinese police, the national security forces, the regional police forces, and the special forces of the intelligence agency all went out to maintain order.

This is a long process. For twelve hours, every moment affects people's hearts.

Time, minute by minute.

The television news continued to track the vote.

At each polling station, people stream through the voting channel, press their thumbs on rows of voting machines, collect fingerprints and genes, authenticate their identity, and then choose their own candidates.

Finally, take the printed ballot to the end of the passage and put it into the ballot box under the strict supervision of police and government officials.

The atmosphere was tense and warm.

Near 4 p.m., the flow of people began to become sparse. According to on-site statistics, about 70% of the people completed the voting.

The support groups of the candidates have gathered spontaneously.

They waved slogans and posters in the area approved by the police. Support the candidates in their minds. Among them, the action of Wang Tao Group is the most publicized. His supporters are preparing all kinds of celebration props with laughter.

Even in some assembly sites, a stage was set up and singers were invited to sing.

In their view, it is certain that Wang Tao will win the presidency. Neither yuan Jiangping nor Zhao Xi can pose any threat to Wang Tao. Although in history, there have been many examples in which the support rate of the polls has been leading all the way, but it has been overturned by the opponent in the end.

However, it was all because the leader made a mistake or the chaser suddenly played an ace at the last minute.

In this presidential election, Wang Tao not only did not make mistakes, but later yuan Jiangping and Zhao Xi made mistakes. They should not be discouraged at the last minute. Every minute, every second and even every TV picture is very important for the early presidential election.

And their disappearance at the last minute is tantamount to giving the presidency to Wang Tao.

Compared with the happy and relaxed supporters of Wang Tao, the supporters of Yuan Jiangping and Zhao Xi are much quieter.

They stayed quietly in the area surrounded by temporary railings, silently watching Wang Tao's group busy arranging the celebration venue and running around.

The big screen on the square is still the same voting picture. The reporters and hosts who have been busy for several hours seem to have found no excitement. The morning news is also playing repeatedly.

While silent, while lively, various groups, forming an extremely sharp contrast.

Suddenly, a siren came, and there was a noise in the southeast of the square.

People stood outside the police cordon, tiptoed, stretched their necks and looked around. They inquired about what had happened.

All I saw was a crowd of people surging. A moment later, with the intervention of the police, the small-scale chaos subsided in an instant.

"What's going on?"

"There's a fight. They are supporters of Zhao Xi and Yuan Jiangping. "


"It is said that Yuan Jiangping has long been bought by Wang Tao and the two sides suppressed Zhao Xi together. In fact, Yuan Jiangping never wanted to be chairman."

"Impossible? Wang Tao and Yuan Jiangping have always had different political views, but Zhao Xi and Yuan Jiangping have been united to challenge Wang Tao. "

"Who knows, Hei hei, do you think some things are what they look like?"

"Zhao Xi's supporters are really angry."

"What's the use of anger? To tell you the truth, my second ticket was given to Zhao Xi. I agree with his political views, but his foundation is too shallow. Some things can't be done by the chairman. "

The two sides of the fight were taken away by the police.

When they were taken out of the crowd by the police and put into the police car, people saw that the supporter of Zhao Xi who started beating people was a gentle middle-aged man.

At the moment, his originally straight clothes were full of dust and messy, his face was still black, and his mouth and nose were full of blood.

At the last moment, he looked back at the supporters of Zhao Xi on the other side of the railing. There were clear tears in the corners of his eyes.

The police car pulled the siren, turned a corner and sped away.

Zhao Xi's supporters stood silently in place. In the distance behind them, Wang Tao's supporters were still busy, with colorful lights and ribbons pulled up in the air.

You can imagine how bright and charming they are when night falls.

When people are voting, cheering, or dejected.

Out of their sight, China's top management has made a pot of porridge.

The news that Qin demon and Shi Tianhao jointly announced that they would hold a banquet at the palace hotel has spread all over China.

For this news, people's interpretation is just a banquet. In the eyes of the top, this is clearly a war.

Shi Tianhao and Qin demon will not be bored to hold a banquet to end the war that is doomed to victory.

This kind of behavior, which is close to demonstration and ostentation, is too frivolous.

This is a counterattack.

A counterattack against the night of the 11th.

When Huang Shengtian and Duan Tiandao sent a signal to China with a gathering of upper class children and once gained the upper hand, this time, they will invite the leaders of these families, political parties, officials and consortia in the upper class world.

Coupled with the birth of the new chairman, the weight of this party is definitely not comparable to the drinking and fun of a group of young people in the devil's paradise nightclub.

This is the final net.

They quietly opened their pockets and waited for the surrender to come.

When people dressed up for the banquet appear in the media cameras, they represent their firm or changed position.

A party.

A war.

People are thinking, no one knows what choice they will make in the remaining hours.

The Huang family will lose?

The old man, who has never been quiet, but can always turn the tide at the last minute, what other way can he save the defeat this time?

"What's going on in Huang Shengtian?"

At 8:30 pm, the living room of Junwang villa was brightly lit. Wearing a silk cheongsam like water, Qin ChuChu walked down the stairs. He asked while looking at his beautiful figure in the dressing mirror.

Standing in the living room with coffee, Jiang Hua, who was chatting with Feng Congxin and others, smelled: "there is no movement. The army, Huang Jiawei and Changqing manor did not make any suspicious moves. "

He looked at the time, and a joking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth: "Lord Junshen is not feeling well. I'm afraid he has turned off the light and gone to bed at this time."

Jiang Hua's words made Qin demon, who always looked like an iron stone, show a smile. Seeing Qin demon's smile, the house was full of people. There was a burst of laughter.

In particular, Lao Mou is red and energetic.

This old man, who was too old to speak of a few days ago, seemed to be twenty or thirty years younger at this time. He was wearing a dark blue suit, clutching a silver walking stick, and his waist was straight.

"He has controlled China for 30 years. It's time to rest!" Old Mou smiled and stood next to Qin demon: "talented people come out of the rivers and mountains, and the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead! This is the law of nature and an irrefutable truth! I knew ten years ago that he would be replaced by general Qin! "

Everyone's eyes focused on Qin demon. Even though he knew that the overall situation had not been finalized, these hot eyes still stirred his mood.

No matter how calm he is, he is a man of flesh and blood after all.

When the dream of the nanizi Dynasty for hundreds of years will be realized in itself. When more than 20 years of forbearance and waiting finally want to bear unimaginable fruits at this moment, even if he is a saint, he can no longer keep calm.

Beside him, Lao Mou looked around: "it's more than an hour before the presidential election is announced. At the last moment, we should beware of Huang Shengtian jumping off the wall! After ten ten, we are the last winner! Glory, wealth and honor, share with you! "

The living room was filled with cheers. Everyone was too excited to hold on to the prospect depicted by Lao Mou.

Even the most calm Feng Congxin, Jiang Shengyi and others exchanged excited eyes with each other. As soldiers and the most loyal followers of Qin demon, they are finally going to usher in a Chinese Republic that belongs to them!

Their group, these soldiers, have been striving for this situation for many years!

The Republic of China is a tiger trapped in a cage.

And this fierce tiger must come out of the cage for the Chinese country and the Chinese army. Strive for the best interests!

Even in this world, blood flows into a river!

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