"Don't worry about security." Feng Congxin said faintly, "the general and Chairman Shi Tianhao are having a banquet at the Palace Hotel. Who dares to do it there. That's not a devil's paradise. Moreover, the major military regions have received instructions. They dare to do it. We will let them understand who is the Zhenguo force of this country! "

"Good!" There were cheers in the living room.

General Feng Congxin's words excited everyone present.

Qin demon and his victorious army are the cornerstone of this group.

Change the world, just need such a spirit!

"I'd love them to do it." Qin ChuChu in front of the dressing glasses put on his earrings, swayed to Qin demon, took Qin demon's arm, smiled and said: "don't you push the people to our side in the live banquet hall? They should remember that this is a democratic country! "

Qin ChuChu, who is bright and shining, is handsome and unrestrained, and the Qin demon with a straight body is like two bright stars at this moment.

The elder brother Qin demon's military talent and the power in his hand, and the younger sister Qin ChuChu's wisdom are convincing.

After Huang Shengtian's death, no one in China can compete with him!

It's close to 9 p.m.

Although it's still half an hour before the party starts. However, as early as around 8 o'clock, some dignitaries arrived at the palace hotel not far from the national Victory Square.

This hotel has a history of more than 100 years.

Driving through the majestic gate, 500 meters ahead, there is a huge lobby square. In the center of the square is a bronze statue full of historical charm and a petal shaped fountain pool. The statue is eight meters high and stands on a 50 meter high marble base.

The fountains around are changing in colorful spotlights.

On both sides of the hotel square are two Beige auxiliary buildings with more than 20 floors. Surrounded by dense trees in the garden, it looks quiet and beautiful.

In the center is the main building of the hotel. This is a square building with red exterior wall and black herringbone roof. More than 100 meters high, 30 floors. The dense white round arched windows and the flying eaves of the hall look like a strong and gorgeous castle.

As night fell, the palace hotel was decorated and brightly lit.

After being checked, luxury cars, which are rarely seen at ordinary times, cross the martial law Avenue and drive to the front hall of the hotel.

Dozens of attentive waiters ran back and forth among the national security guards standing like sculptures around, like butterflies walking through the steps.

Dignitaries and dignitaries stepped out of the car, smiled and nodded in the flash of the media, or stepped on the red carpet without expression.

The reporters around, one by one excitedly carrying the camera, holding the camera, ran back and forth.

Such scenes are rare on weekdays.

Interim chairman Shi Tianhao is here, the Secretary of defense is here, the Secretary of state is here, and the speaker is here

It seems that with the words of Qin demon and Shi Tianhao, the great figures of the whole China have surfaced. Celebrities and dignitaries are like crucian carp crossing the river.

The powerful presidents of chaebols and super rich are nothing among so many celebrities, not to mention those arrogant popular stars.

Those who are qualified to attend the banquet and are knowledgeable and interesting come alone with modest smiles. It's unbelievably low-key.

A car sped along the highway.

While listening to the music, Duan Tiandao opened the window and let the cool night wind fill the whole carriage.

A blonde woman with pink and jade hair sat beside Duan Tiandao, twisting her body from time to time, stretching her head out of the window, and her blonde curls rolled like waves in the wind.

"Is Skynet's central computer under control?" Duan Tiandao lit a cigarette, gently swung the control lever, and the car slid rapidly to the corner like water.

"I'll do it myself, and I can't get a computer?" Lin Han looked contemptuously at Duan Tiandao and stretched out his head: "Duan Tiandao, you'd better be careful about yourself."

"They used troops?" Duan Tiandao quietly looked at the inverted mirror. A black bulletproof car closely followed him. In the distance, several off-road vehicles swaggered along, seemingly not worried about being discovered by themselves.

In the sky, several police helicopters flickered in the skyrocketing buildings, far and near, like falcons staring at prey in the night sky.

"They use Skynet to contact very little information. Qin demon is not a fool. When his authority is lower than Huang Shengtian, he will not easily use Skynet to deliver messages."

Lin Han retracted his head and leaned back on the back of the chair, shaking his two long legs: "however, they can't go around me any more. Of the 16 military regions, four are loyal to the Qin demon, and eight have their people. "

Lin Han Zaba said, "although Huang Shengtian has been quiet these years, it's not easy to hide Qin demon's private actions from him."

"The results of my monitoring are similar to the information he gave me." Lin Han glanced at Duan Tiandao: "don't think he's old and confused. To tell you the truth, although his legs and feet are not sharp, he's ten thousand times more powerful than you when playing with this kind of thing. I don't worry about this. What kind of worry do you have? "

Without saying anything, Duan Tiandao slapped Lin Han on the back of her head and made her lean forward. This little girl with only one human skin didn't go to the house for three days. How dare you teach me a lesson!

"Duan Tiandao, do it again. I'll leave you two snipers later!" Lin Han angrily tunnel.

"Give me a try." Duan Tiandao ignored him and threw cigarette butts out of the window. The car jerked its head on the busy street entering the urban area: "get off!"

Before the voice fell, a petite figure quickly jumped out of the window and landed in the high-speed driving of the car. With a flash, it disappeared into the crowd.

Duan Tiandao drove into the avenue in front of the Palace Hotel. When he passed the security check, he looked at the time. It was already 9:30 p.m.

A team of black extended cars, like a long dragon, drove into the Palace Hotel one after another, bypassed the fountain and stopped in front of the steps of the main door.

This time, the waiters were ordered to stay where they were, and hundreds of security personnel surrounded the car.

When the door opened, Qin demon in a straight black general's uniform and Qin ChuChu appeared under the flash.

The appearance of these two people completely overshadowed everyone's limelight. Lao Mou and other heavyweights stood behind them, just like followers.

The overall situation will be decided. Everyone knows who is the real host of the party!

Having received the news long ago, Shi Tianhao, Wang Tao and Yuan Jiangping, waiting at the gate, went down the steps to welcome the arrival of Qin demon.

This scene shocked the reporters present.

Qin demon has a high prestige. As we all know, Huang Shengtian is terminally ill. There is no doubt that Qin demon has succeeded him as the first person in the Chinese military.

But soldiers are soldiers after all.

In this democratic country, the rights of the president and Congress are paramount. Like Huang Shengtian, there is only one beyond the existence of the chairman, and there can only be that one.

The reason is very simple. Huang Shengtian's position in China was determined by his single handedness!

Although Qin demon has made outstanding achievements in war, he is still far from Huang Shengtian. At least there is a lack of victory in a key battle as it was 30 years ago.

Huang Shengtian defeated the whole NATO. But Qin demon just took a sea area.

But today, under the steps of the Palace Hotel, he shook hands with Shi Tianhao, Wang Tao, Yuan Jiangping and others with a faint smile. All the flash lights gathered on him.

The whole China seemed to revolve around him at this moment.

Even a fool knows what this means!

"It seems that this evening, the birth of a new president is not the only one." A senior reporter half squinted at Qin demon in the crowd and said, "we will also welcome a new military first man."

"Look, the Secretary of defense is out too." Someone shouted.

"I'm afraid it's not just the first person in the military," a pudgy reporter shook his head and said, "Lord Junshen, there's no such pomp!"

"It's windy." A voice among the reporters stopped the discussion one after another.

Yes, it's windy.

Under the steps, people's collars and corners, the ribbon lights of the hotel, the flags on the flagpole and the changing fountains are all swaying in the sudden wind.

"Admiral Qin demon, please!" After the people exchanged greetings with Qin demon, Shi Tianhao smiled and stepped up the steps first.

"Wait." Qin ChuChu pulled the Qin demon who was preparing to climb up and smiled at the people around him: "just received the news, a friend of mine has arrived."

"Friends?" Everyone was stunned. What kind of person, with such a big face, can make Qin ChuChu drag Qin demon and stand here waiting for him?

"It's Miss Qin ChuChu's friend." A vice minister of the Ministry of Commerce, seeing that everyone stopped one after another, immediately smiled and said, "of course we have to wait together."

When Qin ChuChu smiled and nodded at him, the vice minister almost lost his eyes.

A car rounded the fountain and stopped at the gate.

Before Guoan's bodyguard came up, Duan Tiandao, wearing a blue uniform, opened the door, came out of the cab and threw the key in his hand to a stunned bodyguard.

"Everyone is welcoming me?" Duan Tiandao walked into the crowd and stood beside Qin ChuChu and Qin demon, looking left and right.

Lieutenant general Fang Chutian!

Everyone was stunned by the "friend".

Among the people present, except Shi Tianhao, Qin demon and Qin ChuChu, many people saw immortal Duan Tiandao for the first time.

The most well-known general who followed Huang Shengtian is the bloody night on January 11, in addition to his resume.

On that day, the guy with a simple face and a pair of small windy ears broke Mou Qing's neck with his bare hands on the circular platform on the top floor of the king's building.

He was also drunk, carrying a sniper gun, running and jumping between cars on the platform, creating the myth of one person picking up 15 elite snipers with dynamic sniping.

What's more, he stabbed Qin ChuChu's guard team with long extraordinary 56 knives, killed Qin ChuChu's close follower Feng Duanshan, and created the 1.11 tragedy that shocked China.

In the pursuit of the last garrison, he drove a car and led a group of mecha war gods. He not only killed two ace armored battalions, but also put dozens of mysterious and powerful purple mechas in formation for his review.

It can be said that Fang Chutian is not only Qin ChuChu's friend, but also a sworn enemy. The hatred of both sides can't even wash away the blood!

And now he's here!

Facing Duan Tiandao's eyes, Lao Mou and others took a step back and looked around in horror.

The reporters swarmed up, and the flash lights were as bright as day in front of the steps. Everyone can't believe their eyes. At the same time, everyone realizes that this will be an explosive news.

The arrival of Duan Tiandao indicates the beginning of Huang Shengtian's counterattack, or has he conceded defeat?

What will happen this night?

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