The banquet hall was bustling.

With the arrival of Qin demon and others, the atmosphere was warm to the extreme.

Those who can sit in this banquet hall are all Chinese dignitaries and dignitaries. Most of them have long been die hard supporters of Qin demon. In this group with Qin demon as the core, they contribute money and ideas. Today is the time for them to enjoy the fruits of victory. The rest of the people are famous Chinese wall grass.

These people's original position is not firm, their status is not high, and their position is not important. Therefore, it is their way of survival to go back and forth and add momentum to the winners.

There are very few people who were members of the Huang family camp before. However, now that the dust has almost settled, they can't sit still at last.

Although I know that if I turn around at this time, I won't get any good face, and it will offend my former allies to the end. However, now they are not considering interests, but survival.

Political struggle is the cruelest of all struggles.

Especially during the war when human life was as cheap as grass, there were countless prisoners who were shot because of the failure of the struggle, and many families whose families were broken and killed because of the involvement.

This is "cleaning".

Even a mature democracy like China cannot escape.

There is no reason in war. Laws and systems are sometimes just a dead letter.

Moreover, everyone knows that this time is not just an election. It is a war that controls the Chinese military and even the two camps of the whole China and breaks out for the highest power.

When one side wins, when they open their pockets and tell you that they are waiting for your refuge and this is your last chance, how many people can be indifferent?

Near ten o'clock, the polling stations in the major sea areas of China began to prepare to seal the box.

After a busy day, as early as around 9 o'clock, the voting was actually over. When the turnout has exceeded 90%, the rest is just a passing act in accordance with the law.

Over the banquet hall, dozens of crystal lamps are gorgeous and bright.

People with wine glasses were saying this warmly, and the winner's laughter broke out from time to time.

No one took into account the food on the tables around. All the eyes and camera shots focused on Qin demon, Wang Tao and Yuan Jiangping, and on the screen in the center of the hall.

No one found a small crack in a side door of the banquet hall. No one noticed that a man, a woman and several bodyguards who walked into the hall changed dramatically in an instant. A female companion beside an official fiddled with the fruit in the plate and looked around.

Suddenly, her eyes stagnated, her mouth opened wide, and she let out a rapid inhalation. It seemed that he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. as soon as he loosened his hands, the dinner plate fell to the ground and smashed! The crisp sound made the men and women around turn around.

Before many people understood what had happened, they found that several women with obviously strong nerves looked at the side door of the banquet hall and screamed.

The scream quickly caused a commotion in the whole banquet hall.

The crowd turned their heads in surprise and opened their mouths in horror. Even the Qin demon, Wang Tao and Shi Tianhao in the center were startled by the scream and turned quickly to look over.

The scream, like the occasional harsh sound in the speaker, stopped immediately before people felt uncomfortable with their eardrums.

In front of Fang Chutian, who was wearing a fierce army uniform, put a sharp and cold knife on Qin ChuChu's neck and walked in slowly with Qin ChuChu.

If you only take a look, everyone will think that this is Fang Chutian.

However, when everyone saw his face, they found that although he was at least seven times similar to Fang Chutian, he was really another person.

Hundreds of meters of high-ranking officials, dignitaries, officers, guards and waiters stood in place, at a loss. With a bang, another wine cup fell to the ground and broke. It was the wine cup in the hands of Qin demon.

There was a dead silence in the banquet hall.

In the hotel restaurant, Zhao Xi raised his glass and stood in the middle of the crowd. In such a big restaurant, nearly twenty tables were full, but there was no sound.

Everyone is looking at Zhao Xi. Many female staff members still have red eyes. They wipe their tears with paper towels from time to time and cry in a low voice: "I've always wanted to find a chance to invite everyone to dinner."

Zhao Xi smiled and turned around: "today may be the last chance."

"Although it's tacky, I still have to say... Thank you!" Zhao Xi tried to keep a smile on his face: "it's a miracle that we can go so far. And it is you, not me, who created this miracle. "

"In order for my face to appear perfectly in the camera, my image consultant, makeup artist and assistant spent a lot of time." Zhao Xi went to a table of people and put his hand on the shoulder of a young man wearing glasses.

People sitting around the table, or stand up, look fluctuating, or hold the wine cup in their hands, tears filling their eyes.

"For the overall publicity, my publicity consultant and campaign contact person travel to major administrative regions, media and newspapers every day, and often hold meetings all night to discuss the publicity plan." Zhao Xi forced himself not to look at people's tearful eyes and kept smiling.

Among the members of the second table, a girl suddenly covered her mouth with her hand and burst into tears.

It seems that Zhao Xi, who has been trying to keep a smile, is infected by the girl's tears. The corners of his mouth are trembling slightly, and his eyes are getting redder and redder.

"Here is the democratic and fair party, my closest partner. Without your support, I will never have this opportunity. But... "Zhao Xi walked between the third table and the fourth table:" I'm ashamed. I have no face to say thank you, but I can only say sorry... "

"It's not your fault!" A white haired old man gently shook his head and said in a low voice.

"I don't think it's my fault." Although his eyes were getting redder and redder, and there were tears flashing, Zhao Xi smiled: "I insist on my proposition. I work hard for it. I didn't fall. I'm innocent enough!"

"That's enough!" The old man raised his glass.

"Even if you lose the election?" Zhao Xi also raised his glass.


In the old man's firm answer, the two drank the wine in the cup at once!

"It's time to part." Zhao Xi looked at his wife, filled his glass with wine and looked up: "finally, I have only one request..."

Everyone watched him quietly.

These days of getting along day and night, these days of close cooperation, let everyone in this team know this young politician as well as themselves.

He loves this country deeply. He has a firm will and a broad mind.

Every day he is seriously thinking about the future of this country.

He never makes decisions easily. Every proposition he puts forward comes from reality, from the voice of the people, from thinking about the future of the country, and from useful suggestions from his peers.

He is never headstrong. He is good at listening. He has the mind and wisdom of a mature and talented politician. He should have been the man who led China!

But he lost.

After the sweat and efforts of this group and himself, he lost to an invisible hand.

The handsome middle-aged man with black hair was still so bright and elegant at the last moment of his disillusionment. Everyone looked at him and waited for his last request.

"Don't watch TV..." Zhao Xi smiled and said, "at least don't watch it tonight! Let's separate with our ideals and return to our home with this ideal. And live with this ideal. Whatever the outcome, today, we are not losers! "

Everyone stood up in awe and drank the last glass of wine.

At ten o'clock, the team disbanded.

Under the night light, the woman wearing a red scarf quietly took Zhao Xi in her arm, strolled in the shade of the street, and slowly walked away to her home.

He was held by Duan Tiandao, pushed and bustled rudely like goods, and felt the cold blade on his neck that made people goose bumps

Qin ChuChu's brain is blank.

She couldn't believe that the man who had just charmed changed his face in an instant.

She couldn't believe that in the banquet hall where celebrities gathered, in front of the live camera of media reporters and under the muzzle of countless guards who blocked the whole block where the hotel was located, the man dared to put a knife around his neck!

"What do you want?" Qin ChuChu quickly calmed himself down, and his brain was spinning rapidly.

"Don't you know what I want to do?" Duan Tiandao smiled in his ear.

Qin ChuChu held back his anger and whispered, "I don't understand!"

"You'll understand." Duan Tiandao smiled, raised Qin ChuChu's head and let her look at it with herself. Qin demon's face was too white to have the slightest blood color.

"Let her go!" Qin demon stepped forward and hissed.

"Don't let go!" Duan Tiandao spoke loudly.

"What do you want?" Qin demon's lips were trembling: "I'll give it to you!"

The hall was silent.

In everyone's eyes, in front of the daily staring reporters, Duan Tiandao bit his teeth and suddenly burst into tears.

"I want justice!"

His voice echoed in the hall.

"Today, I want to be here and ask for justice from the woman who forced my beloved girl away by any means in order to possess my virginity!"

Duan Tiandao wailed and screamed.

"She bullied me!"

The whole world is silent at this moment. Because the banquet was broadcast live to the whole country, when things happened, this picture appeared unreservedly on the public TV of the street buildings and Square Gardens in the prosperous urban business district of China, as well as on the TV screens of the living rooms, bars and restaurants of thousands of families.

When Duan Tiandao held Qin ChuChu with a knife and walked into the banquet hall, everyone had not recovered.

When Duan Tiandao shouted for justice, everyone thought that he was just a madman who looked like Chinese lieutenant general Fang Chutian, but didn't know why he was stimulated and had some mental breakdown.

When Qin demon stepped forward and talked with Duan Tiandao pale, the political celebrities around him, as well as several senior police and military officials, subconsciously advised: "don't be impulsive. Have something to say. "

"What grievances do you have? Let's sit down and talk. You put down your knife first."

But a few seconds later, their voices suddenly stopped, one by one opened their mouths, stunned, and the muscles on their faces, eyelids and corners of their mouths twitched uncontrollably.

"She bullied me!" Duan Tiandao mourned with tears.

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