His neck stretched forward slightly, and a pair of small ears stubbornly moved forward on a sad face. His facial features have been pulled together, the corners of his grinning mouth are turned down, and his tears and snot are mixed together. He looks like a sand skin dog deprived of his virginity!

In the banquet hall, people looked straight and dull.

The people in front of the TV screen opened their mouths foolishly, looked at the man who was not outstanding, and turned to see the charming, sexy and charming Qin ChuChu.

The singers on the stage forgot to sing, the guests went to drink, the waiters forgot to work, and even the bartender playing fancy mixing forgot to catch the wine shaker in his hand.

In the speeding car, Ann pointed to the TV picture and looked at her daughter in surprise. The little demon looked blankly and turned to Huang Xiaolei. Huang Xiaolei's eyes glowed with excitement. The face on the TV is thus frozen in the non freeze frame lens.

A moment later, the whole world is like the falling water of a bomb. After stirring up huge waves, the sound and action all flow back from the solidification time.

No one can believe that someone took hostages with a knife at the banquet held by the chairman.

No one can believe that the beautiful and sexy woman who can lose her soul at a glance was claimed by the gangster to possess his chastity and force away his favorite woman.

The noise exploded and people were going crazy.

The charming woman bullied the man?

This is fucking ridiculous!

On TV, Duan Tiandao was crying and his hand holding the knife was shaking.

"You rascal." He burst into tears and scolded Qin ChuChu with tears: "it's not enough for you to bully me once. You also took advantage of your brother's authority to let him come down and catch me, take me to your king's manor and bully me twice or three times..."

Qin ChuChu, who was strangled by his arm, had no God in his eyes, just like a lifeless cloth doll. Only those who are close can see her humiliation and anger close to the limit through her trembling body.

In Qin ChuChu's life, this may not be the most dangerous time, but it is definitely the most humiliating time.

When Duan Tiandao grabbed her like a chicken, strangled her neck and put a knife on her neck, she instantly imagined countless pictures in her mind and countless possible actions and words of Duan Tiandao, but she never dreamed that Duan Tiandao said she bullied him!

This is a basin of cold dirty water!

Of the ten people, I'm afraid 11 won't believe Duan Tiandao.

However, Qin ChuChu could clearly understand at this moment that this despicable Fang Chutian didn't want to slander himself with such absurd words, or he didn't want to explain anything to these people and the people in front of TV at all.

The devil is playing.

Although he cried in a mess, only himself and the nearest brother Qin demon could see the vicious smile in his eyes.

He is keen on acting. The more people there are, the more energetic he is. Now he is completely excited and enters the play.

He constantly rubbed his tears and snot on his neck, constantly performed his grief and anger in front of people, constantly poured the most vicious dirty water on himself, and gushed in front of the whole Chinese Republic, describing himself as a shameful woman.

He doesn't care how absurd it is, whether people believe him or not. He's just humiliating and torturing himself in this way!

This is his game.

A cat and mouse game.

He is in high spirits!

Looking at the tearful face, the sad expression, Qin ChuChu's heart, getting colder and colder.

The tears and runny nose on her neck slipped into her body like ice residue, which made her tremble uncontrollably. Duan Tiandao's breath was sprayed on her neck. Being strangled by this vicious man is like being entangled by a cold poisonous snake.

Looking at his sister's face, Qin demon's heart hurt like a needle.

"Who are you?" He stared at Duan Tiandao.

Although he knew that the man in front of him was the guy named Fang Chutian. They had the same body, wore the same clothes, looked very similar, and their looks were only three or four points different, he still needed to be sure.

"Me?" Duan Tiandao then cried and wiped his nose: "I'm Fang Chutian, the Chinese lieutenant general!"

This open recognition made Qin ChuChu and Qin demon can't believe their ears.

Qin demon was just guessing, but Qin ChuChu saw Duan Tiandao's appearance with her own eyes. Originally, she thought this guy changed his face, just didn't want people to recognize him. Unexpectedly, when his brother asked, he openly admitted it!

What does he want?

With the cry of Duan Tiandao, all the officials and generals in the banquet hall were stunned. On the streets and squares, people who looked up at the TV screen were also in an uproar.

"Switch the photos of lieutenant general Fang Chutian."

The TV director, under the command of the head of the station who personally pressed behind him, quickly found hundreds of photos of Fang Chutian and released them all at once.

On the screen, as if the heavenly maiden scattered flowers, there are all the avatars of Duan Tiandao. There are his propaganda posters, his battle screenshots, his interview images

These photos surround Duan Tiandao, who is holding Qin ChuChu. The similarity of more than 65% makes people all silly. When we look at this one and that one, we just feel dizzy and swollen. We can't tell whether it's the same person or two different people.

"All right, general Fang." Qin demon clenched his teeth: "I don't know why you want to do this, but I still hope you can calm down."

"Let go of my sister." He stared at Duan Tiandao and said, "you know, even if you are a leader of the fierce army, an ally of China and have immunity, once you hurt my sister, you will still be sent to a military court or even killed on the spot."

"I'm not afraid!" Duan Tiandao broke Qin demon's persuasion with a desperate howl.

"She bullied me! She bullied me! She bullied me! " The bitch shamelessly twisted the ragged topic, stuck her neck, looked sad and angry, and howled with tears, like a dying hero in a romantic TV series.

"You spit blood!" Has been standing by, nervously looking at Qin ChuChu's presidential candidate Wang Tao, and finally can't help it anymore. He suddenly stood up, pointed to Duan Tiandao and shouted, "let go of Miss Qin ChuChu immediately!"

If the eyes could kill, Wang Tao's eyes would have opened several blood holes in Duan Tiandao.

He said angrily, "if you don't listen to dissuasion and cause Miss Qin ChuChu to suffer any harm, I promise you can't get out of this room."

Duan Tiandao's face was filled with tears. He opened his eyes wide and snorted.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Wang Tao laughed angrily. At the moment when the election results are about to be announced, does anyone in China not know who they are?

"I'm Wang Tao!" Wang Tao bit his teeth.

"I don't know." Duan Tiandao looked simple and straight and sniffed again.

"In a little while, you'll know each other." Wang Tao's eyes turned green when Duan Tiandao was angry.

He took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Qin ChuChu.

The sharp eyes touched Qin ChuChu for a moment and became soft and affectionate: "don't worry. If he dares to hurt you, I swear, I will use the power of the whole China to make him pay the price! "

As he spoke, the corners of Wang Tao's mouth trembled gently.

Qin ChuChu's weak and helpless appearance made his heart cramp. He clenched his teeth and said to Duan Tiandao, "if you can let her go, I can be your hostage!"

The people in the banquet hall were shocked at this.

Wang Tao stared at Duan Tiandao, covered his mouth not far away and looked at his wife in horror, ignoring it at all.

From an unknown little man into the political arena, and then step by step to today's position, it can be said that he was completely excavated and supported by Qin ChuChu.

He loves Qin ChuChu.

Madly in love with this woman.

From the first meeting to now, it has even been obsessed to a morbid state.

Qin ChuChu's frowns, smiles and gestures are so beautiful. She is the most inviolable goddess in his mind and everything to him. No matter what she wants to do, as long as she says a word, he will carry it out without hesitation.

Regardless of reason, regardless of everything.

He wanted to stand up for a long time.

But in front of Qin demon, he is not qualified.

Now, he can't help it.

He couldn't accept a dirty man throwing such vicious dirty water on his goddess. Seeing Qin ChuChu strangled by Duan Tiandao, his heart was bleeding like a knife. The pain was unbearable to him!

"You replace her?" Duan Tiandao looked incredible and shouted, "why? Who do you think you are, Chairman Hua Xia? "

Duan Tiandao's words made Wang Tao's forehead jump violently.

Everyone knows that this guy is playing dumb. Everyone knows that Wang Tao will win the Chinese presidential election tonight. But he is not yet!

"Nobody, what big garlic." Duan Tiandao threw his mouth aside, and his face was full of disdain: "you still use the power of the whole China to open the army and police station?"

Looking at Qin ChuChu who seemed to have some difficulty breathing because Duan Tiandao tightened his arms. Qin demon couldn't stand the conflict between Wang Tao and Duan Tiandao any longer. He continued to delay time like this. He interrupted: "how can you release people?"

Qin demon's voice just fell, suddenly, a burst of pleasant music sounded in the banquet hall. The whole banquet hall, everyone was awakened by the music.

It was a ten o'clock tone. Such music would sound when the final results of each election were announced.

At this moment, everyone present has been waiting for a long time. Wang Tao turned around, Qin demon raised his head, and Qin ChuChu also turned his eyes to the big screen in the center of the hall.

Walking on the silent sidewalk and looking at the traffic flow in the middle of the road like a river of light, Zhao Xi gently hugged his wife's still slender waist and walked silently.

"What are you thinking?" The woman leaned her head on Zhao Xi's shoulder.

"I seem to have a dream." Zhao Xi smiled, his tone was normal, but he looked at his eyes in front, but he was a little confused.

"In fact, it's a good thing for me that you can't be the chairman." The woman stopped and gently held Zhao Xi's face: "when the chairman is busy, especially in such a period, the responsibility is too heavy. I don't want to be the first lady who often can't see her husband."

His wife's comforting words warmed Zhao Xi's heart. Although his appearance seemed very calm, it was indeed the biggest blow in his life.

From the very beginning, he became a candidate for president. He did not have the luxury of becoming president. He just wants to express his voice so that this country can be at least a little better because of his participation.

Originally, he just walked forward step by step. No one expected that a bright road appeared from the mountains under the efforts of him and the team behind him.

It was a difficult time. No matter how hard and tired, everyone clenched their teeth and walked forward, unwilling to have the slightest slack.

Unfortunately... It's like a marathon, when everyone has run through the long race, exhausted their mental strength, has seen the end, and is ready to sprint with the last minute of strength

They were stopped.

When the game was almost finished, he was stopped and could only watch his opponent rush to the finish line.

This kind of blow makes Zhao Xi unbearable.

Looking into his wife's eyes, he smiled: "listen, someone is calling my name."

He turned his head to the East. It was a small assembly square. Hundreds of his supporters were looking at the big screen and calling his name.

Although they know that there is little hope, everyone is still so devoted to supporting the candidate in their mind.

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