Zhao XiaoSuan sighed and then said, "although they look six or seven points alike, science has proved that the bone model based on their faces is completely different."

Science proves that


Feng Congxin shook.

"I testify to my reputation." Huang Shengtian answered and said faintly, "when I came, general Fang was still with me. Now he's outside."

Qin demon is about to break his teeth.

"General Qin demon, do you need me to ask general Fang to come in and meet you? The gangsters have escaped, but general Fang is still there. Besides, they look so different. How can they be the same person. Let's meet and clear up the misunderstanding. " Huang Shengtian smiled in a sincere and gentle tone.

Shameless, shameless!

People looked at Huang Shengtian with strange eyes.

This is still the upright and selfless Huang Shengtian in the hearts of the people!

This is an old rascal! A set of calling deer a horse and reversing black and white has reached the point of perfection!

"It seems that general Qin demon doesn't want to see him." Zhao XiaoSuan sighed, shook his head and said to Qin demon, "admiral, I think your face is not so good. You must be ill. Since everyone is not in danger, we can rest assured. "

"General Zhao XiaoSuan, I suggest issuing a wanted notice immediately to catch the murderer!" Hagrid smiled.

"This is certain." Zhao XiaoSuan said seriously, "well, let's go!"

Before leaving, Ashan went to Qin demon and whispered in a voice that only Qin demon could hear: "China is about evidence. If there is evidence, you can sue us."

The crowd surrounded Huang Shengtian and walked out. Some members of the Qin demon camp could not wait to follow after exchanging eyes. The faces of Shi Tianhao and others were already iron blue.

Qin demon shook suddenly in the dead hall. His throat was sweet and puffed out a mouthful of blood!

When he was escorted out of the hall with his arms cut back, Duan Tiandao looked around with his head raised all the way.

"General!" Walking to the door, several soldiers with a smile let go of this guy without general temperament, stood at attention and saluted: "offended!"

"What's the point?" Duan Tiandao straightened up and waved carelessly. Chunchun taught: "go in and play well, don't screw up. The main point of this play is how to fake it and how to play it. If it's too real, it's tasteless! "

"Yes!" The soldiers said goodbye to Duan Tiandao, turned and stumbled to the door. That look, not like panic and worry, but like being drunk. The expression on his face should be more hypocritical. They understand Duan Tiandao's meaning. It's not acting at all. It's deliberately disgusting!

Duan Tiandao half narrowed his eyes with approval and watched the soldiers rush into the banquet hall. He smiled, smacked his mouth, and turned comfortably along the magnificent corridor to the hotel lobby.

When the old man came out in person, naturally the heroes bowed their heads.

It's not hateful for ordinary villains to cheat. It's precisely when this old guy who has controlled China for 30 years and is like a God is the most destructive.

Duan Tiandao can fully imagine what kind of expression Qin demon and a group of political dignitaries will have when they see that Huang Shengtian always refers to deer as a horse to confuse black and white. As long as Comrade Huang is willing, who in the world can fuck him?

When he passed the bathroom, Duan Tiandao went in and recovered Fang Chutian's appearance, looking left and right at the mirror of the washstand. While hesitating whether to make yourself more handsome, the door of the bathroom was pushed open.

A beautiful woman in a hurry came in. Duan Tiandao turned around and a man and a woman stared in the bathroom. Finally, the woman couldn't resist Duan Tiandao's awe inspiring eyes, and she was staring red and retreated.

Duan Tiandao shook his head, walked out of the bathroom, glanced at the woman who looked at the bathroom sign in confusion, sighed that the world was not ancient, and left with dignity.

"Hooligans, coyotes, shameless!" When the woman's angry curse came from behind, Duan Tiandao had walked out of the hotel.

At the moment, it's eleven o'clock in the evening. The national Victory Square, not far from the hotel, is still a sea of joy.

The surprised supporters of Zhao Xi celebrated this miraculous victory in the square. Even many supporters of Yuan Jiangping and the people who chose Zhao Xi as the second presidential candidate joined in.

The death of Ye Jingguo made the superpower once headless. Whoever the new chairman is elected is good news for this country. Compared with the confusion and confusion before, the Chinese people now will at least have a little expectation. Walking to the intersection less than 50 meters from the hotel, Duan Tiandao stopped.

The flowing cars sped past, and the bright lights pulled out countless winding streamers in the night. Merchant ships in roadside buildings are warm and lively. People carry large and small shopping bags in and out. Several supporters of Zhao Xi put down slogans and posters, chatted warmly around the intersection, and laughed from time to time.

A little girl took her mother's hand and looked at these adults curiously as she walked. As soon as her eyes inadvertently touched Duan Tiandao, she quickly hid.

Life is such a day like running water. Don't be too busy, don't drill too hard, don't work too hard, and don't accept most of the information. It's not life, it's a waste of life.

Occasionally, remember to look up at the green mountains on both sides and the reeds and egrets on the bank. Take some time every day, even if you are just in a daze on the roadside, just a cup of tea and reading books, that is life.

Duan Tiandao looked at the people with envy. He also wants to integrate into it, just living a simple life, happy and careless life.

However, although such a life is around us, it is still far away.

He looked up at the sky.

All around is noisy, but the sky above is still so silent.

Duan Tiandao doesn't know which two stars are his parents. But he knew they must be looking at themselves. This belief has never wavered since the night he learned that his parents died.

More than ten minutes ago, the knife that cut Qin ChuChu's neck didn't make him feel any pleasure. That's just Qin ChuChu's retribution!

Duan Tiandao stared at the sky and suddenly burst into tears. His father and mother will not live because of it. China is still suffering from the war.

There are so many soldiers who have died, and the fresh lives do not stand in front of themselves again.

They have been involved in the long river of history, and today, all they have done is to send Qin ChuChu to where she should go, but to let Qin demon taste the pain!

After tonight, everything is still the same.

The war will not end here, and my life will not be the same as in the novel. After the revenge, I can retire with beauty. The lotus account is warm, the spring night is bitter and short, and I have children day and night.

Qin demon is still alive and cherda is still eyeing. The president of the Illuminati is still hidden behind the scenes. This means that there is still a long way to go in the future.

Standing on the street of this prosperous city, Duan Tiandao can't remember how he came over the past few years.

In my memory, in addition to the smoke of war, I just ran, gasped and struggled

After standing for less than five minutes, Lin Han ran over.

"Thirty snipers!" The blonde complained, "I'm so tired!"

Duan Tiandao rubbed Lin Han's hair and walked forward.

"Duan Tiandao, your knife is too gorgeous. Try it on my neck sometime." Lin Han jumped excitedly beside Duan Tiandao: "that woman must be happy. I want it too!"

"Duan Tiandao, am I handsome when I shot Qin demon?"

"Duan Tiandao, when shall we leave for nanchun?"

"Duan Tiandao, to tell you the truth, I've always wanted to get along with your wives and see what they think when they are all willing to follow you."

In Lin Han's chatter, a man and a woman walked into the bustling crowd.

Not far behind, the main building of the hotel is still brightly lit.

Several NSA personnel opened the door and walked onto the roof of the building opposite the hotel. On the roof, two snipers lay on the cold floor, staring at the sky. In the messenger, there was a report that the same body had been found in the surrounding buildings.

Around, the city lights are bright and charming.

Zhao Xi, the candidate of the democratic and fair party, who has always ranked third in the public opinion survey, and Wang Tao, who ranked first and Yuan Jiangping, who ranked second, were elected chairman of Huaxia.

At 9 a.m. on January 21, Huang Shengtian met with Zhao Xi. This means that the new chairman will receive the full support of the military headquarters.

Although Zhao Xi's election aroused many people's doubts, when the Chinese upper class quickly showed a situation of falling to one side in support of the new chairman, the doubts about the election were quickly submerged in flowers and applause. Because of the urgency of the war, the procedures of the chairman's inauguration ceremony were simplified.

At 10 a.m. on January 22, Zhao Xi was sworn in on the lawn in front of the Chinese parliament building and delivered a speech.

At the end of the speech, Zhao Xi said, "I know that there has been a debate within us about this war. What we should do and what kind of responsibility we should undertake, but today, I have to tell you that we can't decide these by ourselves. At the same time, I must tell our people. At 0:30 today, the NATO fleet has broken through the sea... "

The whole of China became silent at this moment.

Zhao Xi's voice echoed in everyone's ears in China: "war has come on the land of this beautiful and great country!"

"We cannot escape, we must shoulder our responsibilities. We must show all our strength to win this war! "

Zhao Xi looked around: "it's time to stop arguing. It's time to take up arms and defend our home! "

After the speech, Zhao Xi signed the first presidential decree after taking office.

According to the chairman's order, Huaxia will form a huge force composed of 60 A-class fleets and 300 armored divisions within three months to join the Huaxia army troops currently arranged in Panlong fortress.

Within one month, Huaxia will deliver more than $2 trillion worth of materials and weapons to the fierce army through the free port and free channel.

In the Changqing manor horse farm, Duan Tiandao lay beside the fence and stared at Huang Shengtian beside him.

"Two trillion dollars? You mean, the money is actually for me? " Duan Tiandao didn't believe his ears.

"This is only the first batch of reinforcements to you." Huang Shengtian looked at the distance and said faintly, "in addition, we have obtained a capital budget of up to $5 trillion through the cooperation plan. A total of seven trillion! "

"Tomorrow, you are leaving. This is the greatest support I can give you. " He turned his head, looked at Duan Tian seriously and said, "I can't guarantee that you are stronger than Qin demon and cherda, but I can guarantee that you are richer than them combined."

The biggest corrupt official in human history smiled and said, "I'm old. The rest depends on you!"

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