Seven trillion, what can we do?

With Duan Tiandao's super brain, I can't calculate how many inflatable dolls I can buy with so much money for a time.

But he knew the Humen were short of money.

Human war is no longer an era when one plan can scare off 100000 troops and burn 800000 troops in one fire. The military literacy, tactical level and temporary response of military commanders are only one part of the battle.

In order to win a war, the more important thing is the combat effectiveness, weapons, logistics, supply and support of the army.

In the final analysis, it is money and resources!

If you bite with your teeth, you can't bite the enemy's mecha. No matter how high morale, brave soldiers or talented commanders are, they can't defeat their opponents without weapons.

If you want to win, you must be stronger than the enemy, with more machine armor, more advanced warships, greater transportation and delivery capacity, and more adequate logistics support and supply!

These things and people together are the combat effectiveness of an army!

If China did not have the economic strength accumulated peacefully for nearly a century, it would not have the strength to carry the attacks of so many countries, let alone invest in the counter attack.

If the Republic of China does not have enough economic strength, the economic power is just a funny title.

For the Humvee, which is seeded by a small destroyer and grows on the resource scarce land of Freeport, money is simply too important.

It costs money to recruit soldiers, to train, to transform and buy warships, to build new aircraft carriers and to buy 12th generation aircraft armour

For money, the fierce army raided almost every warehouse in the free port war.

For money, Duan Tiandao once asked Wang Daliang to lead a ghost fleet to plunder wantonly on the free port channel. But even so, the fierce army is still short of money!

For this war, tens of billions of funds are too little. Not to mention anything else, just the scientific freaks of the fierce army's Ministry of science and technology spend billions of money every month to buy instruments and test materials.

Often things bought at a high price, before Duan Tiandao took a look, they turned into worthless waste products in the shaking and sighing of those big heads.

If he didn't get the scientific and technological achievements such as magnetometer, Warship Stealth device and mecha simulation coating from those guys, Duan Tiandao was so angry that he wanted to fly back to Freeport several times, rushed his gun into the military laboratory and killed all these black sheep who didn't regard money as money!

Now, Duan Tiandao doesn't read the documents sent by Tianji old man and aphora at all.

He was afraid that he would die as soon as his eyes were closed.

Therefore, what he loves most and has no face to see is Edith.

The fierce Army started. The female captain of the smuggling ship, who was hot on the outside and shy and weak on the inside, stayed silently and naturally became the financial director of the fierce army. Carried the hardest and hardest work alone.

In order to make money, she only slept three or four hours a day and ran around all day. She negotiated and bargained between the government of a neutral country, major enterprises, business groups and chaebols, and almost tried every means. In order to save money, she didn't know how many people scolded her mother, rolled her eyes and suffered all kinds of grievances.

If it were not for her, the Humvee would never have completed the recruitment and establishment of 30 Armored Divisions and the transformation of 10 fleets in a short time! If it weren't for her, Tianji old man wouldn't have enough logistics to support the fleet to attack and contain Shelton.

These days in China, let alone what help Ye Jingguo can provide for the fierce army. In fact, every month, the fierce army will try every means to transport materials to Newton's sea area through customs clearance ships.

This alone is not a small expense on Alice's shoulder.

Although he never said anything, Duan Tiandao knew the pain of Adidas in his heart, so he had been trying hard to find a way.

In addition to rescuing Wang Qin and Bolan, he also knew that it was impossible to rely on regional armed forces such as the fierce army to save China and win the war.

Even if they joined forces with the Tibetan front fleet and captured two elephant fleets, the fierce army did not have the ability to compete with a country.

Perhaps relying on the strength of the fierce army can win a sea battle. However, without systematic logistical support and sufficient resources, the victory of one or two campaigns is just a flash in the pan.

Just like in Leifeng Island, the two armored divisions of the Humvee army can be invincible in front. But if there is no main force of Chen Fengxi behind, let alone Rosenberg, beliff's northern cluster alone can pile up the fierce army!

Haifeng mountain exhausted its resources to build a seed army. Its intention is not to expect Duan Tiandao to lead this army to make a daydream of catching susus, killing baisus, sweeping fakelan and pointing at the United States.

What he left behind is the seed that can maintain its position in China and the capital to strive for the best interests when the war is finally reversed!

In China, because of the rescue of Marshal Li Cunxin and the first World War in the northern mountainous area of the northern gale Island, the fierce army became famous at one stroke and won the respect and love of all Chinese people.

Chinese people regard the fierce army as their own children, and even can't tolerate anyone to say a bad word about the fierce army!

With the full support of Huaxia, the life of the fierce army is much better. Duan Tiandao's technology has always been put to use. Not only did the 12th generation of mecha put into production, but the last generation aircraft carrier also entered the work schedule of the shipyard of meteor company. In addition, they gave a large number of fighters and sent a large number of pilots to join the fierce army.

If it were not for Li Cunxin and chairman Ye Jingguo, it would take at least a few years for the fierce army to form combat effectiveness in the end!

However, the all-out attack of sous and white sous has made China tired of coping. Before the collapse of these two crazy empires, China can only support the fierce army.

These days, Duan Tiandao has been trying to figure out how to pick something out from Huang Shengtian.

The phantom army is Huang Xiaolei's dowry, which has been put into Duan Tiandao's pocket. This time back to Freeport, several fleets of the Huang family and three other armored divisions will also accompany them.

In addition, with the generosity of the Chinese army, Huang Shengtian prepared all the expenses for the replacement of twelve generations of machine armor by ten Armored Divisions for the fierce army. According to two million dollars a vehicle, plus the phantom fleet's A-class fleet worth hundreds of billions of dollars, roughly, this is almost hundreds of billions of dollars.

But compared with seven trillion yuan, it can't be compared!

Moreover, according to the aid plan and cooperation plan for the fierce army, most of the seven trillion are critical strategic materials!

Huang Shengtian's vote can send the fierce army to the highway from a regional armed force to a strategic armed force!

Duan Tiandao could imagine how happy she would be when she got seven trillion yuan!

"Grandpa." Duan Tiandao squatted down and looked at Huang Shengtian with tears in his eyes: "from now on, I'm your grandson... When shall we start the second batch of assistance and cooperation plan?"

The sound of horses' hoofs beside me. Large pieces of soil were turned over by the horse's hooves. Huang Xiaolei, ye Wanqing and avrola galloped past one after another, leaving a string of silver bell like laughter.

Looking at the face full of hope in front of him, Huang Shengtian said calmly: "Fang Chutian."


"If you have the ability, put your face closer!"


At six o'clock in the morning, the No. 4 military base in Beijing was already heavily guarded.

Thousands of Marines and Chinese traditional black coated military aircraft surrounded the No. 1 Military Airport in the base.

At the entrance and exit of all buildings, all streets, docks and intersections, there are sharp eyed officers and fully armed soldiers standing tall and straight.

They scrupulously check every military vehicle in and out and everyone's documents, even acquaintances who don't look up and look down on weekdays.

At 6:30, a group of cars, escorted by hundreds of armored vehicles and armored vehicles, drove into the base, rushed into the airport and stopped in front of a huge battleship.

The door was opened by the guards. Chinese Marshal Huang Shengtian, chairman Zhao Xi, Chinese General Zhao XiaoSuan and dozens of military generals and government officials appeared in front of the guards.

Duan Tiandao got out of the car and looked back at the seeing off crowd.

The new chairman Zhao Xi personally pushed Huang Shengtian's wheelchair to Duan Tiandao. Behind him, general Pu Qing and other Chinese generals stood in awe.

A gust of wind suddenly blew up the corners of the crowd.

"Let's go." Huang Shengtian looked at Duan Tiandao and smiled: "as long as I'm not dead, I'll stand behind you. The fourth batch of reinforcements will soon leave for Leifeng island. In addition, the Chinese army has decided to invest in the southeast theater. If chelda comes, tell him to wait for me a little. People will slow down when they are old. "

The old man smiled.

The thin body looks so weak. It seems that the wind raising dust can blow him away as long as it is a little bigger.

Huang Xiaolei, standing behind Duan Tiandao, bit her lips, took a step forward and hugged grandpa's neck tightly.

Duan Tiandao looked at Huang Shengtian deeply, stood at attention and saluted.

At present, just an ordinary old man. Unlike a general who fought on the battlefield or a famous general who used his troops like a God, it is even difficult to see him command the battle now.

However, he is the God of the army.

The real God of the army.

Like the bosses of many companies, they do nothing all day and make money only by the managers below. But only when the manager himself becomes the boss and makes a mess will he know the wisdom of the original boss.

Huang Shengtian, calm down on this chessboard. Each step seems silent, but in fact it explodes step by step. I don't know if Zelda has a chance to fight him. I don't know when such a character will appear in the world after he goes.

Nearby, the Chinese military flag of the base shook straight in the strong wind and made a sound of hunting.

A scarred Chinese fighter plane staggered close to No. 1 harbor.

When the fighter plane stopped, the ground crew and medical staff who had been waiting nearby quickly ran past.

People helped the next pilot who was nearly unconscious from the fighter plane, put him on a stretcher for basic treatment, and rushed him to the hospital in a base car.

The base car carrying the stretcher sped away.

On the noisy apron, the emptiness and tranquility were restored.

A medical guard sat on the ground tired and looked absently at the ground crew dragging the tattered fighter to the maintenance workshop.

The cracks, bullet marks and charred tail thrusters on the fighter are shocking.

I can't imagine how this fighter plane flew back!

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