When I saw the rare fierce army generals and senior officers walking in groups towards the base camp of the fierce army headquarters on the bridge, the fierce army officers and soldiers in the corridor stood at attention and saluted with excited eyes.

The appearance of many fierce army generals and the endless warship cluster outside the side window is undoubtedly a silent but loud announcement.

The fierce army will fight with the strongest lineup!

"Fang Chu Tianjiang aircraft carrier?" On the way, old man Tianji looked at his proud disciple jokingly: "yes, comrade lieutenant general. You are the first and only one I have ever seen. "

"Master, you praise me too much. It will happen sooner or later anyway." Duan Tiandao looked simple and honest, shy and said, "I can be so predictable. It's your teaching and guidance."

"Pa!" The old Tianji, who has always been unsmiling, couldn't help slapping Duan Tiandao on the back of his head: "I really want to kick you out of the school directly. I don't know how many times my face has turned red when I say you are my apprentice these years!"

Several black army generals following the road behind them were all laughing.

Although the old man Tianji is old, he is elegant. He doesn't say his own knowledge. He is also an aristocrat. In my bones, there is such an admirable elegant temperament.

But such a generation of masters, who can't accept well, just accepted Duan Tiandao, who is diametrically opposite to his own character, as his own disciple.

In fact, what Duan Tiandao did was really a headache. Nothing else, he said that when he raised his hand and surrendered on the northern gale Island, he made old Tianji look wrong all day.

Even if he knows that the surrender of heaven is false and hostage taking is true, this guy doesn't care about his demeanor and face.

He raised his hand and shouted surrender, as if he were afraid that the enemy would kill him without saying a word. Then, he and Lin Han played a husband and a wife. They hugged each other and cried bitterly. They cried so loudly that their faces were black and white. How humiliating.

Fortunately, Chinese people all know this guy's character, and fortunately, this guy finally succeeded. Otherwise, it's uncertain how many people dare not look up when they walk into the street. Say this is a Chinese hero we are proud of?

How much courage it takes!

This guy is so playful! Looking at his flattering face, I wanted to slap him in the face.

Talking and laughing, they walked into the command hall in turn.

"The fleet is ready, and the supplies are enough for us to support a large campaign. You can leave anytime. "

Sitting down on the chair in the conference room, the old man Tianji said to Duan Tiandao, "Newton's situation at the sea is very bad. Sheldon is determined to take Newton to the sea. It basically ignored Bermuda's waters and sent a fleet to closely defend the sea ports of Bermuda and the central waters, which made it difficult for us to approach, let alone pose a threat to them and lead them back. "

All the people who took their seats fell silent and listened carefully to the words of the old man Tianji.

"Given the current situation in the Federation, we must move quickly." The old man turned to feiwen and said, "general feiwen, order the fleet to set off immediately."

"Yes!" Fevin stood up and strode out of the conference room.

The rapid footsteps, like a horse that has been surrounded for a long time, finally broke the fence and galloped on the vast land. Every step shows a kind of excitement and can't wait.

"How are you going to fight?" Old man Tianji watched Fei Wen out of the meeting room and turned his eyes to Duan Tiandao. Duan Tiandao has repeatedly considered this problem in his heart.

It's not difficult to enter the Bermuda sea area. Since these days, the old teacher of Tianji has led the fleet to harass the Bermuda sea area.

If it were not for the fact that the army was not strong enough to control the islands, and the logistics supply channels were easy to be cut off by the enemy, I'm afraid those islands on the way would have been taken down long ago.

This time, the Humvee dispatched 20 armored divisions. Among them, the first division and the second division have all changed twelve generations of horizontal mecha in China. There are also sharp knife camps directly under 18 other divisions.

In addition, the "barrage" type heavy fire support machine armour developed by the fierce army and produced by Fulong sword company, the "mob" type medium-sized assault machine armour and "water cut-off" medium-sized electronic machine armour, and the "warlord" command machine armour dispatched by Huang Shengtian, the strength of the fierce army has been completely standardized.

They are no longer the militia who fight close to their fighting skills. A regular army far surpassing the most elite troops in China and the United States has begun to take shape!

As long as the troops are put on the island, it is the fire to start a prairie fire!

The first thing the Humvees have to face is the first expedition fleet of suss and the left fleet of baisus stationed in Bermuda, as well as the Fifth Fleet of fakelan stationed in the central sea area to protect Shelton!

These running dogs are the shields behind Sheldon.

"NATO's forces here are relatively weak a few days ago. There are only six A-class fleets in the sea area of Bermuda. Plus some local fleets, it's not a worry at all. The central sea area is relatively concentrated. In addition to the Sheldon fleet, there is also the farkland Fifth Fleet. "

Duan Tiandao nodded at the old man and then said, "I've seen the previous war report. When we attack Bermuda, it is usually the farkland Fifth Fleet that comes. So that's what we can use. "

After the generals noted with bright eyes, Duan Tiandao used an electronic putter to point on the huge electronic sand table in the center of the conference table and said, "the plan has only eight words. Surround the points to fight for help and lure the tiger away from the mountain!"

"You say, will the Humvee fleet come today?"

In the endless sea, a Susi C-class patrol fleet slowly glided out of the shadow of an island. Five warships, ten cruisers and twenty destroyers were lined up in a long line.

A corporal of the SUS Navy, looking at the screen of the telephoto, drank hot coffee and asked carelessly.

"They just went back the day before yesterday to rectify and repair. It will take at least a week?" His companions were bored playing handheld games. A car drove on the track and hit other cars nearby.

"I don't think so." The corporal put down his coffee cup and continued to observe the movement on the telephoto. His eyes turned with a circular halo that contracted rapidly.

The halo, like the missile tracking and locking device, is the key scanning part. A qualified observer must see more than 300 enlarged images after locking every minute.

"Damn it!" The companion lost the game, angrily threw down the game console, poured a cup of coffee, drank and raised his eyelids to look at the screen: "what if they come, they can't even touch general Shelton's side with the Fifth Fleet of fakelan guarding them! Besides, with so many warships, what else can they do except harass them? "

"What can I do?" The corporal snorted coldly and glanced sideways at his companion: "these times, people entering Bermuda are like walking in the back garden. You can figure it out for yourself. Which time did our fleet beg? "

He grabbed the coffee pot angrily: "last time, the class a fleet of the white suss was pressed by others, and Ulysses was destroyed without even farting. How many warships did our first expeditionary warship team lose? "

Looking at the corporal's worried look, his companion sniffed a breath from his nostrils and said frivolously, "what are you afraid of? General Shelton has ordered us to just monitor. Meet the fierce army fleet and don't pester them. Run when you should. Apart from the losses we suffered a few times ago, which one of the latter was not when they just crossed the sea and our fleet withdrew from the base? "

He sat in a chair: "you are worrying about nothing. I don't know how good it is to be ordered to retreat. "

As he spoke, he turned on the game console, cocked his legs and said to himself, "look at them, let's just run. Apart from venting their anger at the airport, do they dare to land? With their little strength, as soon as they fall into land combat, Admiral Sheldon can turn back and destroy them. Wait. In a few days, we will take Newton's sea area. General Shelton will find them without them! "

The corporal seemed convinced by his companion's optimistic analysis. He glanced at the screen and reached for the coffee pot. Suddenly his hand solidified in mid air.

The screen in front of me, twisted and shrinking rapidly, turned into an oval, like a slow lens on the screen, forming strange ripples.

"Electronic interference!"

The corporal shouted, turned around with his startled companion and looked at one of the instruments behind him.

On the instrument screen, a line like a steep mountain rises from the ground and rises steeply. It was sealed to the fourth grid of the warning line in an instant! The companion shouted in horror, "level 10!"

Almost at the same time, the two men reached out and pulled down the red alarm gate. The corporal kicked fiercely under his feet, slid his seat to the Skynet console on the other side, and hurriedly opened the large telephoto on the top of the battleship bridge.

The shrill alarm sounded throughout the warship.

After 30 seconds of almost tormented waiting, the picture of the large-scale telephoto finally lit up.

On the screen, lock the detection halo and slowly and painstakingly shrink in the strong interference. Similarly, in the picture magnified at an extremely slow speed, a fierce warship reveals their majestic bow in the sea!

One, two

Detect the locked halo, which is dense on the screen, like a pond knocked down by a rainstorm.

The alarm light above the automatic bucket, flashing red, rotates in the narrow room. The corporal and his companions stared at the telephoto screen with a pale face.

At the moment, the fleet is turning desperately.

The roar of the warship's power cabin engine can be heard clearly even if they are on the upper deck of the bridge. The violent vibration makes the coffee in the coffee pot shake constantly. As observers, they sometimes know what happened before the commander.

Looking at the telephoto screen, their eyes are getting bigger and bigger. Only two minutes have passed since the enemy was discovered and the alarm sounded.

Two minutes is not a waste for the class C fleet, which is still a little safe from the sea.

After all, when electronic interference is blocked to level 10, it takes time for the crew to enter the combat post, the commander to make a judgment, and order to turn and retreat through the only available light signal!

If it were an ordinary fleet, the corporal and his companions would not be so frightened. But now, their bodies are desperately leaning back, their eyes widening. The color of fear is getting stronger and stronger!

In the end, they were completely submerged by countless fighters coming from their pupils.

When the hurried intelligence officer came into the room and handed an urgent information to general Susi bondalev, Yu Kaiwei and pan Jianghai were standing in front of bondalev.

Yu Kaiwei's heart suddenly tightened when he looked at the face of the already angry Susi defense minister. Pan Jianghai, who stood beside him, had his turbid eyes, but they seemed to be in a trance and had no change.

This time, Yu Kaiwei and pan Jianghai came to the eastern suburb base of the capital of Susi. Nominally, they were invited to participate in the officer promotion ceremony of the first expeditionary army of Susi.

In fact, in addition to attending the ceremony on the surface and setting up two living specimens of conquered soldiers for the officers who made meritorious contributions in the southeast expedition. In fact, they spent more time in bondalev's office, enduring the crazy roar of the polar bear.

Yu Kaiwei didn't want to come, but he had to.

His regime is a vassal of NATO. If he is not obedient, these barbarians will not hesitate to choose another puppet and kick him away.

Yu Kaiwei can't imagine what will happen to him after losing the support of NATO people.

Perhaps, there is no need for more and more resistance forces in all parts of China to find trouble. Those people in the street who look at themselves coldly with hatred in their eyes will tear themselves to pieces!

So he must come.

Moreover, we have to take our own military spokesman, general pan Jianghai, to accept bondalev's anger.

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