These days, attacks against NATO enterprises, soldiers and people have shown an upward trend every day.

Just over ten hours ago, an American Chancellor of the exchequer was attacked and killed by the Resistance Army in a city 200 kilometers away. As the de facto controller of the city, bondalev was called to general Shelton's office and was pointed to his nose and scolded.

No one dared to answer back in front of Sheldon.

Even if everyone holds the rank of general, the general of SUS is not even fart compared with the general of the United States. Not to mention a famous general like Shelton, even if he is only a major, as long as he has four lion fleets, eight Eagle fleets and two elephant fleets in his hands, he can scold anyone he wants!

An American Chancellor of the exchequer was killed in a place controlled by Shelton's fleet. Even if he was not the chief Chancellor of the exchequer, it was a disgrace to Shelton.

Sheldon pointed to bondalev's nose and scolded. Bondalev could only vent his anger on Kaiwei and pan Jianghai people.

In his opinion, it is the incompetence of Yu Kaiwei and pan Jianghai that has led to the current situation!

What annoys him even more is that the Bermuda sea area, the actual control area of Susi, has become the back garden for the Tianji old man fleet to enter and leave freely because of the weak garrison force. If the current situation is not changed, he should be recalled to the country for Royal inquiry.

The roar lasted for half an hour. Just as bondalev's face eased a little and was ready to put on a face to persecute these incompetent guys in front of him, he received an emergency report from Bermuda. After reading the panic appeal report in the wording, bondalev only felt that the world was spinning.

Five hours ago, the Humvee fleet poured out. Originally, there were only four or five fleets attacking Bermuda. This time, a whole eleven A-class fleets came.

Bondalev didn't know how the Hummer fleet came out, but he knew that because a class C fleet monitoring the sea port was completely destroyed without sending back information, the fleet stationed on Midway and Rhodesia Island didn't notice anything until the Hummer fleet approached, and it was too late to run.

Now, the southeast expeditionary warships of suss and the three A-class fleets of baisus have been besieged by the enemy. They are struggling to support in the fierce battle and waiting for reinforcements.

"Get me Falkland. The style of this uniform has never changed since the Chinese revolution a hundred years ago.

This almost stubborn tradition once made people feel outdated. However, wearing Duan Tiandao at the moment is so dazzling!

"Today..." Duan Tiandao tied the last button and stared at the screen.

His figure appeared on the communication screen of every warship. Next to his picture, there are countless Chinese pilots, the bright and charming sea, the fighters flying like lightning, and the exploding flames!

People looked at him quietly and listened to his voice. It sounded in the roar of long live China. In a trance, it was like a huge historical picture, which was so magnificent in front of us.

"Our warship entered a sea area." Duan Tiandao stood on the command seat and slowly said, "here, it's so familiar."

"Memories don't seem to recover until we stand here." Duan Tiandao looked at the sea outside the window: "the war broke out. They broke into our homes, killed our relatives, and destroyed our cities and our lives. Take laughter and happiness away from us, leaving only devastation and endless pain! "

The voice of Duan Tiandao echoed in the sea. In this sound, countless warplanes galloped towards the suss warship. Countless fighters flew close to the hull of the suss warship and opened fire.

"We fight them, we fight them. At one time we won and at another time we were invaded by more and more powerful enemies. " Duan Tiandao's eyes flashed: "that day, we left our hometown, we were in rags, we were at a loss, and our hearts were like death."

In Duan Tiandao's voice, the fierce warships clustered, and a huge light burst out at the same time.

Hundreds of missile beams pierced the night sky, converged into an invisible white light, and crashed into the Susi warship cluster.

Two cruisers, a destroyer and a battleship of the SUS fleet were completely melted like snow under lava in the light of this terrible judgment!

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