Moore said coldly, "yes, general!" In cherda's smile, Moore saluted, turned and walked to the office gate.

When he walked through the empty room, his eyes finally couldn't help looking at the sofa that had been silent since he entered the door.

A beautiful little girl sat quietly on the sofa.

Like an angel, so beautiful and quiet.


"His majesty William III has arrived!" With a Chamberlain wearing a golden damask hollow carved tuxedo, white tights and black round head leather shoes, he walked to the door of the golden palace conference hall, held his head up and announced loudly like a proud rooster.

Hundreds of dignitaries and even emperors and generals from different empires in the Council hall stopped talking and chatting, stood up from their chairs and looked respectfully at the door.

A powerful footstep sounded in the corridor.

When the Chamberlain and the bodyguard at the door bowed neatly, the American Emperor William III, who was tall and powerful, dressed in a simple special military uniform and did not wear any medals and epaulets, appeared at the door of the conference hall surrounded by six master warriors.

The emperor, with a broad square face and long blond hair, was like a lion, with long eyes half closed.

With only a gentle sweep of his shining eyes, the people closest to the door were silent in the supreme power of the imperial power, and even the atmosphere dared not go out.

Since his accession to the throne, William III, who is over 40, has shown far more brilliant talents, literary, political and martial arts than his father Kerman. Under his administration, the internal national strength of the United States is booming and the external expansion is invincible.

When the Chinese Republic fell into division with the Qin demon, the United States, which had been suppressed by it for more than 30 years, has climbed to an unprecedented height with the footsteps of William III!

But this is just the beginning.

William III, have greater ambition!

William III looked around the silent assembly hall and glanced at everyone's face.

After properly maintaining this silence and solemnity for a short time, William III showed a smile on his face, nodded slightly to the people, strode through the separated passage of the crowd and walked to the seat in the front of the conference hall.

"Your Majesty William!"

"See your majesty."

In the conference hall, noble officials from all over the world were busy saluting and greeting one after another.

William went to the high backed wide edged velvet carved chair in the front of the Council hall, turned around, and glanced over the faces of the nearest Dexi chairman Pascal, the Soviet emperor Obeidi III and the white Soviet emperor Nicholas v. the corners of his mouth aroused a joking smile and said, "please sit down."

Dignitaries and dignitaries took their seats and looked forward to William III, waiting for the most powerful emperor of NATO to speak.

But William seems to have forgotten the theme of this NATO high-level meeting and that as the host, he should not let the hall where hundreds of the most powerful people in the human world stand cold.

With a smile on his mouth, he sat quietly on the seat, leaning his body, his right forearm against the armrest, and played with a very watery gold and jade carving badge in his hand.

In the painful silence, people noticed something wrong.

Some people look at each other, while others look at their nose and heart. The atmosphere became more and more dull and strange.

More people, on the other hand, turned their attention to the Soviet emperor Obeidi III and the white Soviet emperor Nicholas V, who were already obviously restless.

In the NATO system, the Soviet emperor and the Belarusian emperor are in their prime of life. They are known as a generation of heroes with great talent and ambition. Always speak and do things are strong and overbearing. When William III was the crown prince, he was taught by these two emperors of the same age who didn't see anyone as elders.

However, at this moment, these two

Many people laughed to themselves. The so-called heart is higher than heaven and life is thinner than paper. I'm afraid these two great emperors have waited for so many years. When they have the opportunity to show their great plans, they are badly hurt by a Chinese war. Even now, even if they join hands, they can't take advantage of the Chinese people. Instead, they lose the central channel where they boast about their martial arts and let the Chinese strangle their neck!

It is no wonder that the two emperors did not hesitate to put down their bodies, risked themselves, and personally crossed the dangerous free channel to the United States for help.

After all, it is related to life and death. Let alone the tricks made by the United States, even if cherda has a little reservation, it will be a disaster for both suss and baisus!

It is said that in order to intercept the Chinese Army led by Huang Shengtian, sanshangyou people have led the joint fleet of baisus and susus into the Golden Snake corridor.

As a generation of famous generals, sanshangyou people certainly understand how dangerous it is to expose their fleet to the light and dance involuntarily with the enemy's baton in a fixed place for a reason that they have to worry about.

However, the loyal little famous general had no other choice.

Even knowing that the strength of NATO and the adequacy of pre war preparations were far higher than those of the Chinese army, he dared not risk opening the access road and ignored the Chinese Army's southward move.

For him, even if he ran out of troops, as long as cherda could get through the central channel before Huang Shengtian's reinforcement, Sus and baisus would still have a glimmer of vitality. Even if we had to look at the face of William III in the future, it would be much better than being conquered by China and overthrowing the royal family.

It can be imagined how sad and desolate it is to sit in this Council hall and look at the spirited William III, o'brady and Nicholas.

The ambitious ambitions accumulated by the royal families of the two empires for hundreds of years, and the grand ambition of emperors from generation to generation, are not as beautiful as imagined.

China, which was never taken into account by them, became the first wall they hit after they rushed out of their house with full arms.

In front of those Chinese soldiers who can smile and embrace the bundled fusion grenades to rush on the mecha, they tasted the bitterest taste of failure.

Now William III was silent before them.

Everyone knows that William is waiting for them to speak first.

This time, high-level leaders of major NATO member states and even more than a dozen emperors or princes came to the meeting. The topic was the battle situation in the southeast sea area that was about to open.

These two are the direct beneficiaries of the NATO coalition's southward movement.

If you get, you have to pay.

Even on the same ship, reality and interests are naked and bloody.

They want the United States to go south to help them win the war, so they must express their submission in front of everyone before the meeting begins. Set the tone for the division of interests and rights behind!

No matter how noble and powerful they are in their respective empires. They all need to lower their rebellious and high heads because of their identity since they were born.

In this war, William III wants not only the throne of the first superpower of mankind, which is now sitting under his ass, but also the territory of the whole human sea!

In addition to conquering China, he wants to park his warships at every port in China, and he also wants the whole NATO to be completely subdued at his feet!

The bow of Obeidi III, the most ambitious, rebellious and arrogant susian emperor, and Nicholas V, the white susian emperor, will be the prelude to the coming of this era!

The Council hall was silent.

Monarchs and dignitaries of all countries are waiting quietly.

"Your Majesty Emperor William." The strong and rough looking emperor alberdi III of the Soviet Union stood up hard, and Nicholas, the thin and evil faced emperor of the white Soviet Union, stood up slowly beside him.

The two men bowed to William III and said, "we know that general cherda led the coalition south to save our two countries. Before the meeting, please allow us to express our sincere respect and gratitude to you and the Royal governments of NATO countries. "

"The two countries, susus and bessus, will remember this kindness. We, and our children and grandchildren, will follow the lead of a powerful American country from generation to generation, but we will die with encouragement! "

William III, with a faint smile on his lips, quietly waited for the two to finish their words before smiling and said: "Your Majesty, it's very polite. The NATO countries have been closely united allies for hundreds of years. They belong to one family. How can they share each other. Especially at this time, we should work together to forge a broad future for NATO countries! "

The United States and susbethus were originally countries that had been opposed for decades. Now in his mouth, they have become friendly brothers.

With that, William III suddenly grew up, walked down the steps, took o'brady's and Nicholas's hands, shook them hard, and his bright eyes flashed a cold light in front of them, but he laughed boldly: "general cherda personally led the army south. You don't have to worry. If we win the southeast, we will form a strategic encirclement of China. At that time, the southeast will not be at our disposal! "

The atmosphere in the conference hall was relaxed with the laughter of William III.

The people present are all sharp hearted people. They roll in the palace conspiracy all the year round. According to the size of a fox that can move all over the body, where don't they hurry to cater.

For a time, people began to speak. Some were about to send troops to relieve sus Baisu's worries, some were contemptuous and ridiculed that the Chinese Mantis was in the car, and some were loudly comforting to share weal and woe.

Later, there was nothing to say, just a hearty laugh, very lively.

At this moment, everyone seems to have completely forgotten the fact that in the news just received, the Humvee fleet swallowed up 26 NATO fleets and killed into the waters of Metis of the fakland empire.

After laughing, William III looked around and said, "as we all know, general cherda led the coalition South and is on the road at the moment. Most of the forward troops led by admiral Benning have arrived in the Falkland empire. In this battle, our coalition aims to form a strategic encirclement of China while opening up the central channel and reinforcing the suss and baisus empires. "

He made a turn in the crowd: "to tell you the truth, this battle is not easy to fight. In particular, Huaxia and their fierce army are simply a dog skin plaster that can't be torn and lost! "

"I didn't meet general chelda!" An allied nobleman shouted, "when our coalition forces come to the border, ten Chinese lives will be broken to pieces!"

"You're right!" The crowd echoed and cheered. Some people even shouted: "Huang Shengtian is already a candle in the wind, and China is divided again. In addition to Qin demon can cause some trouble, others are not afraid! The fierce army and Fang Chutian are just a flea. Their little strength can be used in a medium-sized battle. If they want to block general cherda, they will die in battle! "

"Not to mention general Zelda, but how many famous generals are there under the general? General Benning, the general director of the forward, the commanders of the major fleets, Rawlinson, kovsky, Mira, Alexandre, canissa, birkic, Ferreira, as well as the younger generation of Alessandro, Costa, Keller and Lewis... Which one is not brave? How many can Fang Chutian Parry? "

"Hey, even if we let go of NATO's famous generals, how many of my NATO's ace troops are killed by the sea of corpses and blood, and how many are the elite of the elite refined into steel. I'm afraid we don't have to fight, just scare the militia to death!"

For a moment, the conference hall was full of voices. Until I saw William III's cold face and silent, the voices of the people gradually decreased, and they were uneasy.

William III glanced at everyone coldly and said, "the defeat of the fierce army will happen sooner or later. However, this is not the reason why we underestimate the enemy. As for the elite and strong generals, let alone the Dragon riding fleet Auburn, marshal susbeliff, and our American flying plume, flying plume, storm and Blizzard elephant fleet, are not lessons? "

Everyone looked at each other and was embarrassed for a moment.

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