Really speaking, the fierce army and Fang Chutian are really the nemesis of the famous general and strong army.

As long as you meet them, one careless is disgraced.

It is said that if the Duke of Humphrey had not been cherda Lippo, he would have been operated on by William III! Sheldon was lucky to be captured by the fierce army. It's just that his family is not so lucky.

William III ignored everyone's thoughts, turned his back and walked to his seat.

He said calmly, "I'm not talking about the fierce Army today. Although this army is indeed surprising in some places, they can play a small role in a battle of this scale. "

Although it is also a belittle of the fierce army. But the words came out of William III's mouth, but they made the people present feel a strong self-confidence without doubt.

Perhaps in this world, only strong as William III can make such comments on the fierce army.

"It seems to everyone that the move of senior general cherda to the South may only be a local battle in the southeast sea area. Although the scale is a little larger and has a great impact on the whole war, it is not the final decisive battle after all. " William III went to the chair, put his hand on the back and stared at the people: "really?"

Everyone just looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

The war entered the middle.

At present, there are few areas that have been destroyed or lost resistance in the territory of human sea area. Although NATO has a great advantage, China is far from being forced to the cliff.

Of course, the southeast war will not be a decisive battle.

"I tell you, this is a decisive battle!" The voice of William III sounded in the hall.

"The decisive battle begins now and begins in the southeast! This war will affect the honor and disgrace of NATO in the next century. We can only win but not lose! Here, I will submit a new operation plan and logistics supply list. In any case, all countries must complete the mobilization of troops and materials indicated in the list within three months. "

There was silence in the Council hall.

Everyone, including o'brady and Nicholas, stared at William III with his hair and beard open like a lion.

William III turned and walked back to his chair and sat down, his eyes dark and his face cold.

"Within six months, we will win the war!"


Huge fleet clusters have been assembled in the Hera sea area of the farkland empire. Benning was in uniform on the command platform. Beside him, twenty senior NATO staff officers were busy and nervous on their respective command desks.

Consoles, like silver white metal petals, surround Benning's command console in the central core.

Below the command platform is a huge oval command hall.

The front and both sides of the hall are filled with rows of instruments. Nearly 500 base camp staff officers, like ants, walked back and forth in the Skynet corridor. A flickering console screen, suspended in mid air, looks like a luminous jellyfish group in the deep sea.

"General." Mandada went to Benning's command desk, stood at attention and saluted: "the first fleet is ready, Admiral Goodall is waiting for your instructions."

Benning nodded and turned on the tactical computer.

The electronic sea area map rises from the tactical computer in rotation. Shining islands, green lines marked channels, countless coordinates and data are combined into a heavenly book given by God. Who can master the law between the dotted light spots and lines, who can own the whole world!

With Benning's finger moving, the sea map of the Falkland empire is zooming in. In the blink of an eye, the waters of Metis and the adjacent waters of Prometheus, Hera and Zeus quickly appeared in front of us.

These four sea areas constitute the southeast part of Falkland.

The Metis sea area is located on the border, followed by the Hera sea area. The Hera sea area connects Prometheus and Zeus at the same time.

Coupled with the public sea area without immigration islands between several sea areas, the whole area looks like a string of silver white metal pendants.

Looking at the sea map, Benning snorted coldly.

Since accepting cherda's order to lead the Dixie fleet to set off, he first joined the NATO forward fleet on the main channel from the northwest of farkland to the United States, and then came to the southeast. It took him five days on the road alone.

After the fleet arrived at faklan, it could not enter the sea area of Zeus, but had to go around a big circle, pass the sea area of Prometheus to the south, and then enter the sea area of Hera to the East.

This is because the sea area of Zeus is the capital of the Falkland empire. Even the United States cannot enter without the permission of the Falkland empire.

Even Benning led NATO generals to arrive in Olympus, the capital of fakland, which was also received by fakland's army.

After entering the waters of Zeus, the farklean navigator boarded the ship and piloted. There are pilot planes and warships escorting the front, back, left and right. The aircraft's own navigation system and radar, environmental monitoring system and gravity measurement system must be shut down.

The only thing that can be turned on is the emergency safety avoidance system.

Benning knows that this is international practice. Even the two grasshoppers, bessus and Sus, who were already tied together, were quite hesitant and cautious when they made the decision to develop the airspace of non civilian channels.

Until now, the capitals of the two empires have not been opened to each other.

What's more, this is the Falkland empire ruled by blue mountain kbidru!

In the whole NATO and even the whole human world, his majesty is famous for his arrogance, irritability, greed, stinginess and paranoia.

It would be better to shoot him if he were allowed to pass the NATO fleet at the risk of being found out in the geographical terrain of the Zeus sea area.

Therefore, the NATO coalition fleet did not completely pass through the Prometheus sea area until Benning arrived in the Zeus sea area for a night's rest.

The funny thing is that if it hadn't taken more than one day to detour, the coalition fleet could actually reach the Hera sea area when the Humvee attacked the Metis sea area.

Even if there is no time to rescue, at least some of the baby bases and airport docks in bedru can be saved.

Benning felt sick when he thought of bidru's sad appearance when he learned that the waters of Metis were attacked and the fierce army wantonly destroyed the sea facilities in the waters of Metis.

As the only democratic country in NATO, Dexi didn't really like these empires.

In the view of nagas, no matter how powerful these empires are, as long as a reincarnated emperor is a fool, the whole empire will be unlucky.

Putting the fate of hundreds of millions, billions and even tens of billions of people into the hands of one person is a kind of sadness.

The sea area map is enlarged in front of us, and the coalition deployment on the Skynet central computer is also updated simultaneously.

At present, Benning has a total of 54 A-class fleets. This number should have been more. However, because of bideru's stupidity, six NATO fleets deployed in Metis rushed out with the Falkland imperial fleet and were annihilated by the fierce army.

Perhaps in order to make up for this mistake, or perhaps in a hurry to save the waters of Metis, an important industrial area, the Falkland empire made great efforts in logistics this time. From Prometheus to the Hera sea area, the transport helicopters of the fakland people are like crucian carp crossing the river.

Moreover, bideru also transferred two group fleets and six class B fleets from the Zeus sea area to join the Hera sea area. While protecting the channel, bideru also helped the coalition forces defend the Hera sea entrance.

Benning's finger touched the Goode fleet icon ready to attack.

Logo enlargement, fleet number, number of ships, model, list of grass-roots officer system and information photos of commander berrogud appear on the screen at the same time.

Belogood is a hybrid. In his body, there are one eighth of Chinese descent and one eighth of VIBO descent. The rest is the blood of Kenda, a lower nation in the eyes of NATO.

If Goodson were in the NATO Empire, I'm afraid he would be an ordinary man at most in his life and would never have the chance to become the current famous general: fierce bear Goodson.

Now, the first cluster led by Goodall has assembled at the mouth of the sea and is ready to attack.

This cluster consists of four group fleets, with a total of twelve class a fleets. According to his own unique command mode, the battleship cluster is divided into two parts.

One left and one right, in the form of horns. Each battleship cluster is surrounded by a drive patrol assault formation with 20 ships as a unit.

Twelve aircraft carriers were placed in front of the fleet by Goodall. If it were not in front of the Mothership and there were six drive patrol assault formations, I'm afraid everyone would think that this madman would attack with the mothership.

Goodall's playing style is rigid and arrogant, and he is good at breaking tricks with strength. Especially in the use of motherships, destroyers and cruisers.

Any attempt to work hard with this guy who seems to play hard will end up being torn up by him unknowingly.

And when he tried hard at a disadvantage, it was difficult for anyone to stop his violent charge.

The name of the violent bear comes from this.

In Benning's hands, good and his six fierce bear fleets are the absolute main force. This time, putting him in the front is also to test the strength of the fierce army. Look at this group of famous people, who not only won many miraculous victories, but also regarded themselves as a miraculous army by many people!

"Admiral good." When the communication screen was connected, Benning said to Goodall, "the attack is mainly exploratory. The fierce army has obviously arranged a lot of traps opposite. I need you to trigger these traps as much as possible and let them feel your pressure. However, don't fight too hard. I don't expect the first assault to break the defense of Tianji old man! "

"I see!" Goodall saluted.

The famous general, known as the violent bear, has ordinary appearance and calm temperament. He doesn't look like a violent bear at all. However, only those who really angered him knew how violent the bear fleet could erupt under his command.

So far, even if it is a simulation, no one can not be broken through by Goodall in a battle!

With the guiding principles given by Benning, Goodall knew how to fight this battle. However, after banning's communication screen was cut off, he still slightly raised his eyebrows.

He has always respected Benning. Although he is also general Dexi, Goodall himself knows how far he is from Benning.

Benning is a handsome talent, and he is a general!

The difference lies in one strategizing and the other charging.

In terms of strategy, Goodall is not Benning's opponent, but in terms of commanding operations, Goodall can't be despised by anyone!

The fierce army is invincible because of their good strength, people's strangeness to them, and a little luck. But Goodall didn't know much about such an army.

Invincibility is not only a prestige, but also a burden.

Once you encounter setbacks, you may never recover.

Fighting Humphrey is a fierce army. Relying on its stealth technology, it is not known. To fight Auburn, the Humvee also found Auburn's trap and decided what to do.

If it's a positive duel, I don't know who wins and who loses.

The only thing worth affirming is the southeast war.

Goodall admitted that the Humvee lightning attack on Bermuda was a beautiful battle. Although it was a sneak attack, whether from the concealment and suddenness of the attack, the combat effectiveness and execution of the fleet, and the accurate judgment of the fifth group of fakelan after suppressing the SUS and white sus fleets, all showed the strength of this army.

Whether its commander or its fleet officers, they are no longer the militia people thought they were.

However, after its unique impact tactics, mysterious stealth technology and huge fighter clusters have been exposed one by one, the Hummer has changed from a dark horse to a star in the spotlight.

People will analyze them from all angles, examine them, find out their weaknesses and make use of them.

At this time, they will face the real test!

"Let's go!" Good stood on the podium and waved orders. Under the gaze of countless officers and soldiers of the violent bear fleet, he slightly raised his eyebrows and his eyes were cold: "let's meet them and see whose fist is harder!"

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