A NATO reconnaissance ship drove out of the sea of Metis and quickly released dozens of Observation Reconnaissance devices at the first time.

At the first time when the scouts scattered, two straight white lights crossed the sea and hit the scouting ship accurately and coldly.

As the light mass came out through the armor, a fiery red light gradually thickened, expanded and finally burst in the cracked body of the reconnaissance ship. It forms a circular light ball with extremely bright center and rapidly expanding around.

Under the birth of the central light mass, the light ball expands and swallows the darkness of the sea.

When the edge of the light ball skimmed across the pumice floating in the sea and threw it into the vast sea through the thin sea fog, the orderly and powerful Chinese warships in the surrounding waters also vaguely showed their body shape and exposed the ferocious main gun at the bow.

Soon, everything returned to darkness.

"The fifth reconnaissance ship." Old man Tianji looked at the wreckage of the reconnaissance ship quietly with a cold face.

Although on the Skynet screen, those NATO reconnaissance and reconnaissance devices that fled have no time to fly out of the jamming network formed by micro jammers scattered in the sea area, they have become iron bumps. The only thing the NATO fleet can get is the little signal sent back by the reconnaissance ship before the explosion.

However, after the first reconnaissance ship was destroyed, four reconnaissance ships were sent to repeat the same fate for such a little signal. The resolute and ruthless of the other party's commander makes people dare not despise it.

"Where's the stealth reconnaissance ship?" The old man turned his head slightly and asked Xiong Hui next to him.

Xiong Hui said, "it's about ten minutes away from the observation position."

The old man nodded, looked at the time, and suddenly said, "order the fleet to be ready for battle. Don't wait. Inform the reconnaissance ship to stop reconnaissance operations and avoid exposure. "

Hearing what Tianji old man said, Xiong Hui and the staff around him were surprised.

The stealth reconnaissance ship was dispatched as soon as the fierce army controlled the export Haikou. At that time, it was fackland's Defense Fleet stationed opposite.

Only because they were afraid of exposing their targets, the three stealth reconnaissance ships left the sea port and hid away from the channel immediately after completing their stealth.

Therefore, when it is found that the NATO coalition fleet begins to assemble, it takes a long time for the stealth reconnaissance ship to return to the sea area for reconnaissance in the stealth state.

However, no one thought that after waiting so long, the old man Tianji ordered the reconnaissance ship to stop reconnaissance.

Doesn't he want to know which NATO commander LED which fleet assembled at the other end of the sea to attack the Humvee?

Seeing the puzzled expression of the people around him, the old man Tianji said: "according to Benning's habit, if I'm not wrong, his first exploratory attack should choose a commander with a tough style and a fleet with the same tough style. Well, in his hands, no one is more suitable to take the lead than the violent bear Goodall. "

"Of course, this is just my first guess." Old man Tianji looked at the fierce warships cruising around the sea area where the enemy fleet may appear under the command of combat preparation, and his eyes flashed a joke: "however, the other party's method of sending reconnaissance ships confirmed this."

"Oh?" Xiong Hui and the staff looked at each other, but they didn't understand.

Tianji old man explained: "I once studied famous NATO commanders. Among them, the violent bear Goodall is a very interesting person. "

"How to say..." Tianji old man thought for a moment and said, "well, this man is the first general under Benning. His combat style and his fierce bear fleet are extremely tough. In a local conflict between Dexi and Ryan military region, he once forcibly broke through the blockade of three Ryan A-class fleets with a B-class fleet. "

"It's because of character that style is like this. Good bear looks no different from an ordinary person. But this man is very arrogant. Especially in the field of frontal combat he is good at, he can't tolerate failure. His temper is up. Even if there is hell ahead, he will kill it! "

"The most important thing is that this man has a very famous weakness, that is to protect his weaknesses." Old man Tianji smiled at Xiong Hui and said, "maybe it's because his playing style has high requirements for his officers and soldiers. It's not easy to raise a fleet. Therefore, he can't tolerate any loss elsewhere. "

"This......" Xiong Hui and others all looked at a loss.

Tianji old man said that the commander who just sent five reconnaissance ships to die in order to detect the distribution position of the fierce army fleet?

"It was not Dexi's reconnaissance ship that had just been sent to the sea." Tianji old man explained: "this involves another feature of violent bear Goodall... He especially hates the people of NATO empire. I'm afraid it's related to his birth. Even in the face of the American emperor, he doesn't have a good face. "

"You mean, only he will do the thing of transferring NATO reconnaissance ships to die?" Xiong Hui asked.

The old man smiled and said, "other commanders may adopt the same way, but they will never send five kinds of reconnaissance ships in a row. In addition to his dislike of NATO people, in fact, this move is also due to Gould's pride in his bones and the message he subconsciously wants to express. "

"What information?" Xiong Hui asked.

"He's telling us." Tianji old man stared at the big screen of Skynet: "he will move forward with the most determined attitude! We have any means and traps. Just make them come out. He will come next and crush us! "

"Listen to you, I have some good feelings for this man." Xiong Hui smiled.

"He's a good man, but you can know that it's not easy to fight such a violent bear." The old man thought deeply and said slowly, "Benning played a good card, which means that we must bear extremely heavy pressure from the beginning."

Console, quiet down.

On the front giant Skynet screen, the left-wing Huaxia 13th group fleet led by lieutenant general Jing Lijun, Zhang Pengcheng's partner, and the right-wing Huaxia 12th group fleet led by Zhang Pengcheng are like two big pliers, one left and one right surrounding the sea area.

In the center, there are five A-class fleets of the phantom first group fleet led by Zeng Xin.

Behind these fleets, in addition to the first fleet of the fierce army, including the flagship Huanglong aircraft carrier, and the four A-class fleets of the coalition forces in Huaxia, Tianjing district and Fenglan District led by Panglong banner, there is an empty sea with nothing!


In front of Yaoyin console, a staff member screamed, breaking the silence in the command room.

Everyone, at this moment, turned their eyes to the Skynet screen.

When the first shot lights up on the screen. Tianji old man stared at the tactical computer and muttered to himself, "ravelia Benning, are you still so suspicious?"


"Sir, war report!"

In front of the Skynet console, which had been silent like a power failure, a staff officer finally shouted to the intelligence liaison officer next to him.

This voice attracted everyone's attention, including Benning. The senior officers on the command console, while paying attention to the tactical computer in front of them, watched the intelligence officer pick up the overloaded electronic folder with war reports and rush to the command console.

Everyone knows that in wartime, the war report of this level will not be published on the tactical computer through Skynet until it is ordered by Benning.

When the intelligence officer rushed to Benning, Benning almost grabbed the electronic folder.

After decrypting the input permission, Benning's eyebrows wrinkled.

The war report shows that after entering the sea, the Goode fleet was not surprised by the fierce attack of the Chinese army. In three minutes, the Chinese Army grabbed two volleys.

The Huaxia fleet on both sides and the central Huaxia fleet squeezed against the Goode fleet at the same time, with extremely strong firepower.

The battle has just begun, the situation is not clear, and the war damage report has not yet come out. However, after going to the sea, Goodall's war report brought two intelligence that Benning wanted to know.

The first is that the electronic blockade of the other party is extremely powerful.

Tens of thousands of miniature electronic jammers spread all over the sea area, forming a reef belt. In the meantime, even electronic ships cannot avoid interference. The communication and command coordination system has been greatly affected, and the interference intensity of the other party is still increasing with the progress of electronic warfare. It is expected that the internal communication of the coalition warship company will be affected in an hour.

The second intelligence is the strength and deployment of the other side.

As everyone expected, the Humvee fleet did not appear in the sea area. It was only the warships of the Chinese Republic that fought against the Goode fleet. In the rear of the main array of the Humvee, except for a super large aircraft carrier mentioned in the intelligence and a total of five A-class fleets as reserves, other Humvee fleets and super large aircraft carriers have disappeared.

"The secret!" Benning put down the war report and narrowed his eyes slightly. Under the attack of fierce bear Goode, how long can you hold it without exposing your main force?

When Goode's own array rushed out of the sea, the front drive patrol assault group and fighters had set up a defense line that could greatly reduce the pressure of the array, although it could not completely intercept the other party's attack.

The six drive patrol assault groups in front attracted a lot of firepower from the surrounding Chinese warships at the first time they emerged in the sea area, and the aircraft carrier that followed immediately released the fighters at one time and flew to the Chinese Fleet on both wings.

After going to the sea, Goodall adopted a double main array.

On the left are the six stormbear fleets led by him. On the right are the two group fleets of NATO's Monterey empire.

At the call of American Emperor William III, NATO has launched the final full mobilization.

As everyone knows, such a battle is usually a harbinger of a continuous and tragic meat grinder battle. In the face of the fierce NATO coalition, the test of the fierce army has just begun!

Knowing his mission and Goodall's determination, Goodall's fleet fought very hard after entering the sea.

This is a no fancy play.

The two fleets shot at each other in the endless sea, one forward and one backward.

After the Goode fleet failed to intercept the right-wing Zhang Pengcheng fleet with two A-class fleets, its left-wing drive patrol group, which contained the 13th group fleet, also lost more than 25% of its ships within 10 minutes of the outbreak of the battle.

The two camps, like the two groups of storms hovering above, are constantly accumulating energy and approaching each other.

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