Long Xiao is good at attacking and Chang An is good at defending. One has excellent strategic vision and the other has changeable tactics. Moreover, the two have excellent personal relations. They have been in touch for many years.

Preparations for the battle were somewhat hasty.

Originally, the two only needed to maintain the stalemate in the Athena sea area, but now to contain it from the side, they must carry out a saturation attack on faklan that was enough to startle banning.

However, this kind of attack, with their military strength and logistical supply capacity, can not last more than a week.

Unless the Falkland fleet on golden wool island can be destroyed at one stroke and put into the army's land campaign, the Sea Fleet alone cannot support such an intensive containment task.

After receiving the instruction, Chang'an has not slept well for a long time.

Long Xiao knew that he often had to think in the tactical rehearsal room until two or three o'clock late at night. Even if he fell asleep, he often jumped up suddenly because of an idea and stared at the electronic sand table in a daze.

Behind them are billions of people.

The pressure of fighting back is really not light.

However, in addition to the pressure, they are actually a little excited.

As a soldier, it is lucky to be born in this great era. And being able to personally lead the troops to participate in this perhaps the largest battle in human history is a commander's dream opportunity.

The big husband is famous all over the world. It's time!

"This is the battle plan sent by the old general Tianji." Long Xiao handed Chang an a top secret electronic copy and looked at him brightly.

Seeing long Xiao's shining eyes, Chang'an immediately realized that the battle plan in his hand was not simple.

He quickly started the folder, entered the permissions, and looked at it carefully.

The officers and staff officers who followed scattered far away. In the center of the round waiting cabin, only Chang'an and long Xiao looked at the documents.

After quietly reading the battle plan in hand, Chang'an closes the folder.

"How's it going?" Long Xiao asked.

Chang'an didn't answer, but turned around with his back in place and walked very fast.

"When the fierce troops went south, we didn't expect them to kill the Shelton fleet and recover all the waters of China in three days?" Chang'an stopped and looked at the Dragon roar. His eyes were like two faint flames.

Long Xiao nodded and replied, "no! When I received the news, I thought it was playing with me! "

"When we got the news that cherda was going south, we didn't expect that the Humvee army would boldly go north, attack the NATO advance fleet and enter the waters of Metis?" Chang An asked, biting his teeth.

Long Xiao shook his head and said, "no!"

"Then what are we hesitating about?" Chang'an lowered his voice and was excited.

Long Xiao smiled: "I knew this plan suits your appetite."

Chang'an glanced at Long Xiao with a sneer and said, "isn't it not to your appetite?"

I've seen this plan more than ten times. I don't know which madman came up with it. Long Xiao took off his hat and scratched his hair: "we've done this deal?"

Chang An clenched his fist and said, "dry!"

The spring breeze in Baihua city always has a charming taste.

Standing in the increasingly warm and bright sun, every cell in the body seems to cheer in the sun.

Duan Tiandao half squinted and lay on the railing of the roof platform. Looking at the city with tall buildings and bridges flying in front of us, it exudes its vitality in the sun.

Lin Han crossed his legs and sat on the platform beside Duan Tiandao, clubbing his chin with his hand.

The sun, pulling their shadows long, seemed particularly peaceful in the morning.

"Duan Tiandao, the war is over. What are you going to do?"

"Raise some sons, then travel, and then eat and die."

"Live like this all your life?"

"How else?"

"What about me? You've been fooling around for a hundred and eighty years. I'm not very lonely living alone? "

"And my son. My son has to have a son. "

"Fart, come on, I'm not a loyal servant!"

"Why don't you die with me?"

"No, I'm afraid of death."

"Son of a bitch, this can't be done. That can't be done. How can it be done?"

"I don't know."

"Lin Han."


"Can you beat the little girl? She looks very insidious."

"Look down on me?"

"Call me Lao Tze again, and I'll change your dog body."

"Duan Tiandao, do you think there will be my kind in this world besides her?"

"Yes, even if not now, when you catch her, you will."

"Oh, really?"

"Really! Haven't you been practicing these two days? The legendary one shot will be invincible? "

"That's true."

"By the way, Bolan just sent me a message from the laboratory that the main god system of China has been repaired and is ready to connect with the sky net system of China army."

"Lord God? The central computer integrating Chinese resources? "

"That's it, but Bolan said it was upgraded this time. Sex is powerful. After connecting with the sky net of the Chinese army, including the main system of the Chinese central system and Panlong headquarters, I am in charge. "

"That's called performance."

"Isn't performance a sexual feature?"

"Don't you think so?"


"Well, Lao Huang personally caught the matter. I've been preparing since the day I knew I had you. After the connection is successful, you show them your skills, otherwise the turtles don't know when to finish preparing to go south. There are three people lying in the middle. "

"No problem. I've always been unambiguous about being angry and handsome!"

"I'm not used to you changing my mother into me. It's uncomfortable. "

Lin Han was silent for a moment: "after this battle, do we really want to find cherda?"



"Because." Duan Tiandao stared into the distance: "I have an idea, I want to try!"

He smoked a cigarette on the roof. Duan Tiandao pinched the cigarette end and flicked his two fingers. When the fiery red dot rolls out an arc and accurately falls into a hole with a diameter of only ten centimeters in the rainwater pipe five meters away, making a wheezing sound. With a wave of his fist, he was elated.

Just as he was about to show off to Lin Han, a voice poured down like a basin of cold water.


Duan Tiandao looked back with drooping eyelids.

Wearing a suit, Tang Xin stepped on high heels, bared his small waist and swayed to himself.

Behind her were seven or eight sweating secret secretaries and staff officers.

"General Fang, these documents need your signature." Tang Xin put a document into Duan Tiandao's arms without expression. Other people behind them also Hula around, holding a stack of documents in their hands and staring at Duan Tiandao.

Duan Tiandao blinked, smacked his mouth, and sadly took the electronic pen in Tang Xin's hand. As he signed the document, he whispered, "how can you find me wherever I hide?"

"I've searched the whole building!" Tang Xin glanced at Duan Tiandao angrily while the people around him didn't pay attention: "next time you're going to be lazy, are you going to run outside?"

Duan Tiandao pulled his mouth and didn't dare to talk.

Tang Xin bit his lips, angrily stared at Duan Tiandao, took back the signed document and stuffed another document into his hand.

Almost mechanically browsing and signing documents, Duan Tiandao only felt that life was no fun.

In the past few days, Cao Dezheng came to discuss with him as soon as he had anything. Even pan Jianghai looked like he could retire and divided more than half of his work to Duan Tiandao.

Unconsciously, Duan Tiandao has become the host of the daily work of the front-line military headquarters. Every day's work is either rushing to the major military regions to arrange meetings with the military commanders of the major fleets, or endless meetings, processing documents and signing.

Even when I went to the toilet, someone followed me for instructions and reports.

If it weren't for ye Wanqing, Huang Xiaolei and avrola, who have rich experience and extraordinary ability in this regard, could help him resist. If it wasn't for the confidential secretary, Tang Xin, who is equally excellent, arranges his work schedule every day and tries to stop some work and itineraries that don't need to be handled by him personally, Duan Tiandao estimates that he can't support him for a day.

Therefore, sneaking away at work, finding a place to chat, fart and smoke with Lin Han has become Duan Tiandao's most pleasant leisure project in recent days.

He was born as a killer. He learned a rotten stunt and was good at hiding. Even if Tang Xin stared at him every day, he could slip away in the blink of an eye.

As a result, Tang Xin and the staff below suffered. In order to find Fang Chutian, who has no self-consciousness at all, the building has to mobilize the whole people several times a day.

So that several times when everyone wanted to find him, the first question was that the general didn't hide today?

Urge Duan Tiandao to sign all the required documents. Seeing the relieved people leave, Tang Xin glanced sideways at Duan Tiandao and said, "well, the morning is over. At 4 p.m., the first transport helicopter team in Freeport will arrive. Before that, you have five or six hours at your disposal. "

She then raised her chin, stood on tiptoe, spun, waved her beautiful hips and walked to the corridor: "whatever you do during this time, but remember clearly. If you dare to turn off the phone again, see how I deal with you."

"Clean me up? Do you have that ability? " Duan Tiandao tilted his mouth, sneered with disdain and muttered.

When Tang Xin walked into the corridor and turned his head, he quickly put on a sunny smile and waved affectionately.

After the white eyes like anger and joy disappeared at the door, Duan Tiandao turned back excitedly and shouted, "Lin Han, go!"

"Where are you going?" Lin Han, who has been looking at Duan Tiandao with disdain, changes his pink face faster than Duan Tiandao.

Jumping off the platform with a lovely smile seems to have been waiting for a long time.

"Go to the mecha battle room of the base." Duan Tiandao opened his ten fingers and bright eyes: "I feel my hand speed will break through again."

"Oh." Lin Han listlessly followed Duan Tiandao's ass and took the elevator to the underground parking lot. I can't stop my stomach. This son of a bitch has been stupid in war. It's hard to come back. He doesn't know how to enjoy life at all!

At the parking lot, Duan Tiandao stopped the guard who tried to follow the guard with a straight face, chose a rugged N21 military off-road vehicle, pulled a lever and rushed out. Flying on the expressway of Baihua City, I opened the window and let the spring wind blow on my face in the sun. I really feel comfortable flying.

Lin Han stepped on the seat, put his head out of the window and blew his curly golden hair against the wind. That lovely Cupid face attracted the eyes of the surrounding pedestrians from time to time.

When waiting for the red light, someone in the nearby pedestrians finally recognized Duan Tiandao.

The big guy stared at the most famous general in China, looked at his face, looked around, retracted his head, started the SUV and went away.

With a hula, at the intersection where duantian road stopped, all vehicles seemed to come alive and chased in the same direction.

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