Finally getting rid of the fanatical admirers, Duan Tiandao drove an SUV and carefully drilled out of an alley.

At the entrance of the alley are piled up with cleaned up broken bricks and abandoned cars. On the nearby building, the billboard full of bullet holes is crumbling. I don't know whether it was a hole in the wall by portable shells or missiles.

Baihua city is the only city that has not been invaded by war. However, when Kaiwei launched the coup, some urban buildings were affected.

The traces on the buildings on both sides of the off-road vehicle driving slowly to the alley were left at that time.

If it were in peacetime, I'm afraid such scars would be repaired by engineering mecha with amazing work efficiency in less than three days. But in Newton's sea area, which has been constantly attacked by NATO, people have ignored these difficulties.

"Wait!" Lin Han suddenly shouted, and his eyes suddenly looked into a waste pile at the entrance of the alley.

"What's going on?" Duan Tiandao stopped suddenly.

He knew that Lin Han integrated a telephoto and full view scanning eyes. When the line of sight was not blocked, he could not only see an ant hundreds of kilometers away, but also have a certain perspective function. You can see the creatures hiding behind the wall through the wall.

In addition, her ability to quickly infer the volume and mass of an object through the edges and corners of an object is not exaggerated to describe it with a human radar.

"Someone!" Lin Han's mouth sparked a sneer.

"Bullshit!" Duan Tiandao glanced at the waste pile blocked by an abandoned eight seater car: "this is the city center. Where is no one?"

"However, among these people, there is a guy's body data, which is particularly interesting." Lin Han laughed as like as two peas. He looked at the heavenly road with a twist.

Duan Tiandao looked at Lin Han steadily, and his face suddenly became cold.


Lin Han gently picked his eyebrows, and finally Hui lived the fart master's claim, just a sneer.

Duan Tiandao's hand tightly clutched the control lever of the car, showing his green veins.

Mao Wei, former general of China, commander of the free sea military region and controller of one fifth of China's army.

He may be the person Duan Tiandao wants to find most since he came here.

Six months ago, it was this man's collusion with Yu Kaiwei that turned the sea upside down overnight. And launched a brutal cleansing on the night of the coup and the next few months.

In this coup, Mao Wei did not hesitate to kill completely innocent people. In addition to the killing of thousands of Chinese middle-ranking officers and government officials, thousands of civilians opposed to their rule were also killed.

It was a bloody day. Prisons in the central sea area and Bermuda sea area are full of Chinese elites.

Almost every day, people are taken away and disappear. The elite of the Chinese military and government do not know how much they have lost. Mao Wei, who knows the details of China, is even more destructive than NATO!

Duan Tiandao never thought that one day he would sit in the office and immerse himself in the endless work of handling documents, signing and holding continuous meetings.

It is precisely because of the pain of this work that he deeply felt how great a loss it was for China to lose those who thought and led this country.

For a country, each of these people is far more important than the way of heaven.

The search for Mao Wei and Yu Kaiwei is going on all the time.

But Duan Tiandao didn't expect that when the search and arrest personnel focused on the sea area, bet on several immigrant islands in the central sea area, repeatedly interrogated Mao Wei's men, tried to find in the list of destroyed warships, and suspected that he had been killed, the man slipped to Baihua city in the chaos.

Duan Tiandao opened the weapon trunk of the military car and took out a dagger. A sneer came from the corners of his mouth.

In this remote and uninhabited alley, hiding behind the waste, but Lin Han saw it. Does this answer the old saying.

The heaven's net is broad, careless but not leaky!

"How many people?" Duan Tiandao looked at Lin Han.

"Thirteen." Lin Han looked around and said, "there are five in the abandoned warehouse on the left. Three have moved to the door, and two have gone up to the second floor and are running towards the window. There are two behind the pile of construction waste at the right rear and five beside Mao Wei. All have guns. "

"Very cautious." Duan Tiandao sneered: "typical alert formation."

"Watch your ass." Lin Han sneered, "I can turn them all day by myself!"

"Don't speak rude words!" Duan Tiandao had a stiff face and scolded.

"Why don't you... Keep Mao Wei for you?" Lin Han flatters the tunnel.

Duan Tiandao squinted at Lin Han and sneered: "dare you fart, didn't even want to leave one for me at the beginning?"

"How can I?" Lin Han smiled.

"Come on, we'll meet him." Duan Tiandao opened the door and jumped out of the car. Lin Han also jumped down and followed Duan Tiandao to the place where Mao Wei was hiding.

They walked slowly with their heads down and stepping on the ponding in the roadway.

Maybe he didn't see Duan Tiandao's face, maybe he was afraid of being exposed by gunshots, or maybe he couldn't be vigilant about this man and woman, and the hidden people around him kept silent all the time.

Duan Tiandao knew that his head was pointed at by at least three guns at the same time. However, he was not worried at all.

Not to mention his own reaction and strong body, Lin Han is beside him. As long as the gunman's finger means to pull the trigger, Lin Han will block the bullet with his body and burst the opponent's head at the same time.

Sometimes, more people don't mean better.

I'm afraid Mao Wei still doesn't understand this truth.

"Is that you?"

When Duan Tiandao and Lin Han turned around the stacked waste, six people appeared in front of them.

Mao Wei, with a gloomy face, stood between the wall and the waste.

Wearing a dirty jacket, he looked like an ordinary worker. Only when he raised his head and looked at Duan Tiandao, who appeared in front of him slowly with white eyes, did he look like the general who had been in a high position for more than ten years.

While he shouted, the people around him immediately raised their guns and aimed at Duan Tiandao.

"It's me." Duan Tiandao smiled foolishly and showed his dagger: "come on, bastard, how do you want to die?"


Guan Cheng is a small clerk.

The kind of small staff who looks weak and honest, has ideals but has little ambition, has some abilities but is not outstanding enough, has sufficient IQ but poor EQ, can get along well with people but can't find both ways.

There are many such people on the streets of the city.

They seem to have the same appearance, the same clothing taste, the same silent character and even the same life track.

They pass by you silently, or appear among your friends. They sit quietly with a shy and eager smile and watch others talk and laugh.

Usually when the party is late at night, he will receive a call from home and leave in a hurry and embarrassment. However, it is also possible that one day, when he is depressed to the extreme, he will inexplicably get himself drunk, and then beat his chest bleary, boasting, talking nonsense, crying or laughing.

When he wakes up, if he doesn't remember anything, he will still be the shy little clerk.

If he unfortunately remembers the ugliness when he was drunk, he will feel ashamed and disappear from your eyes soon.

Until a long time later, you were pleasantly called by someone in the vast crowd, but you didn't remember who he was.

Guan Cheng is such a person. At the age of 37, he works in a bank and gets a salary that can barely guarantee the food and clothing of his family.

Although in such troubled times, it is very proud to keep a job. However, only Guan Cheng knows that this job is not as secure as his wife and children.

If it weren't for the kindness of his immediate boss, and the Department needed someone who worked hard and complained about his work, I'm afraid this job would not belong to him long ago.

Guan Cheng doesn't smoke, so he doesn't smoke and chat in groups on the sunny terrace like other colleagues.

When he needs to rest and change his mind, he likes to hold a cup of coffee, drill into the terrace at the back of the company building and stay quietly for a while.

Although the wind over there is strong and the scenery is not very good, it is better than quiet.

On the terrace where few people will come, he can have his own five minutes to be excited about the extra bonus in this month's salary, or spend time thinking about issues such as immigration, children's education, and increasingly tense family expenses.

On this day, when Guan Cheng stepped onto the terrace and looked down with coffee in his arms, he saw a rugged military off-road vehicle parked in the familiar alley downstairs where he looked in a daze countless times.

Between the waste piles, several people are facing each other quietly.

Seven men, one woman.

The man with the woman had a dagger in his hand.

On the other side, there were five tough and capable men who seemed to have the strength of a leopard, surrounded by a man in his fifties wearing a jacket.

Each of them was half on his side, his right arm flat, holding a black pistol in his hand, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the middle-aged man holding a dagger.

Guan Cheng was stupid at once.

He opened his mouth wide and felt his heart jump to his throat. His feet were soft and his blood seemed to solidify. He squatted down quickly, stuck his cold bristled back on a large cardboard box, shivered and looked down through the gap of the railing. The coffee cup in his hand shook because of the violent shaking of his body.

The bright spring sunshine was cut to pieces by the scattered high-rise buildings and undulating roofs of the city.

The sunshine into the alley is an oblique golden light band passing through between two skyscrapers in the distance. It only shines on the corner of one side of the alley and cuts the whole alley, half bright and half dark.

The metal, glass and water on the ground in the waste pile reflect light in the sun.

The shadows of men and women are drawn long.

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