After eating the three-level fleet of banning in the f-point theater, Ryan fleet, under the command of Duan Tiandao, once again shook off the enemy's entanglement with a subtle tactical change and forcibly opened a gap between the two q-level fleets.

Immediately, under the fire cover of the main position and the escort of the fighter cluster, 20 drive patrol formations entered the battleship cluster of the NATO fleet.

Under the golden light of the sun, the Huaxia drive patrol cluster is like the Yangtze River running into the sea, rushing out a sparkling fan-shaped turbulent flow at the estuary.

The huge umbrella shaped main array of NATO battleship was bitten off a quarter in an instant. If banning didn't react very quickly, his driving patrol group turned quickly and tried hard to intercept, the Chinese Army almost destroyed the other party's main array.

In the k-point theater, under the leadership of Wang crazy war, the Chinese fleet has just defeated a carefully planned offensive by the famous NATO general kader.

Kader, who attacked the Chinese fleet with avalanche tactics at that time, has formed a semi arc strangulation area nearly 30 nautical miles long in the front area. The two sides drove patrol clusters and scuffled in this area, killing everything.

Just after kader saw the fighters mature and ordered the four q-class fleets ready to kill themselves along the central axis and the outer rotation line of the regiment to the deep hinterland of the Chinese fleet, the two main arrays of Chinese battleships that seemed to have attracted all attention by the strangulation ahead suddenly turned their guns under the order of Duan Tiandao.

The great white light of the salvo accurately penetrated into the gap that the NATO patrol group dodged.

The NATO fleet, which was advancing at a high speed along the channel opened by the drive patrol cluster, was caught off guard and hit it head-on.

For a time, only more than ten NATO battleships in front of the outburst were seen twisted and broken, and the explosion light one after another was on the huge ship, like volcanic lava.

The violent martyrdom explosion sprayed large and small debris and human limbs and arms into the sea. The warships behind were in a mess in emergency evasion, and some people who were desperate even collided with each other.

The chaos spread rapidly. Before NATO reacted, the positive Chinese fleet began a flood of counterattacks.

In the u-point theater, two NATO class fleets and two Chinese class fleets are facing each other and firing artillery at the same time.

The NATO fleet, which had the advantage of terrain, fired first. Its commander is obviously an experienced veteran. The timing and angle of firing are very old.

While a salvo destroyed four Chinese warships, the fleet also quickly turned around in sheep's horns, turning left and right respectively, trying to escape the shelling angle of the Chinese fleet.

On the surface, the whole tactical action of the NATO fleet is clean and has the upper hand.

You know, naval warfare has always been the first. The high-speed swimming of warships will make any attack position only take more than ten seconds.

No matter what order the commander gives, he can't start until the tactical actions of the enemy or his own side are completely completed. Therefore, he must make a judgment in advance, issue instructions, and strive to launch volley first and implement evasion first.

Even if it is only a few seconds slower, the artillery power of the lagging side will be greatly reduced due to chaos and losses.

This time, it was the NATO fleet that finished the volley first!

Unfortunately, the NATO commander did not know that his opponent's instructions were not aimed at his shelling, but at his evasion. The route of NATO fleet after shelling, the evasion tactics adopted, and the speed and angle all fall into the calculation of Duan Tiandao.

Therefore, the NATO commander did not wait for his expected shelling.

To his horror, he found that the Chinese Fleet did not fire at all, but turned directly. With a fork shaped double knife cutting tactical change, he directly bit the tail of his own fleet that turned separately.

Two minutes later, the Chinese Fleet opened fire.

The white light engulfed the tail of the NATO fleet, and more than 20 NATO warships suffered heavy losses.

The fifteenth hour of fighting.

From the left to the right of the battlefield, the belligerents were locked in a struggle, and there was almost a close hand fight between warships.

The front line was full of gunfire, and on the Chinese flagship Shangjing, in the eyes of all Chinese officers and soldiers, Duan Tiandao, who had slept less than 10 hours in more than 80 hours, calmly commanded the battle from the command seat.


A Chinese sea demon fighter rolled in the air, suddenly rushed out of the thick clouds and bit an iron gray NATO fighter.

Although the huge NATO fighters have high defense, their mobility and flexibility are not as good as Chinese fighters.

As soon as it was bitten by the Chinese fighter, the NATO fighter began to shake left and right, constantly using fake movements to try to get rid of the pursuit of the Chinese fighter.

But everything is useless.

A moment later, with two missiles hitting the fuselage one after another, NATO fighters turned into a dazzling fireball in the small black spots in the sky.

"Well done, brother!" Another Humvee fighter following behind the fighter accelerated to its side and compared it with a thumb.

"Thank you." The pilot of the Chinese fighter plane drew his index and middle fingers together, threw them in front of his forehead and saluted smartly.

He knew that it would not be so easy for him to kill his opponent if the Humvee fighter had not been protecting his oblique rear and forcing the NATO fighter in front.

"Another one! This is mine! " The beep of the radar sounded, and the black fuselage of the fierce army fighter suddenly deviated, like a broken kite, flying into a cloud.

Chinese fighters followed.

The clouds and fog in the sky flew back by the canopy of the fighter.

Suddenly, two missiles under the wings of the Humvee fighter jet shot out one after another. Immediately, the fighter jet suddenly accelerated, jumped out of the cloud like a falcon, and rushed down to a NATO fighter jet that had just found that the missile was preparing to take evasive action.

"Brother, I heard you drove our admiral before?" The Chinese pilot asked in the communication channel while biting the NATO fighter.

The Humvee pilot smiled and said, "yes."

"Where were you going? I heard that your general Fang likes to pick up girls. Didn't he make a special trip to pick up girls? " The Chinese pilots have locked the NATO fighters, and a series of shells chased the tail of the NATO fighters, causing black smoke.

"Yes!" The Humvee pilot smiled and followed the rear.

His eyes were cast into the distance. Above the clouds in the sky, countless NATO fighters with meteor like flames formed a magnificent waterfall group, which fell endlessly. The scene was spectacular and frightening.

On the ground, Chinese fighters took off from the airport, rocked up from low altitude and bravely met the enemy.

Thousands of fighters chased and fought between the sky and the land. At a glance, the whole sky is like the sky over the island inhabited by seabirds. Thousands of seabirds block out the clouds and the sun.

Almost every second, a destroyed fighter plane explodes in the air, turns into a fireball flying in the air or falls straight to the ground, and turns into a mushroom cloud rising from the sky in the mountains or high-rise buildings in the city.

The battle has reached its worst.

In order to open the landing channel, NATO fleet launched attacks in seven regions of the island at the same time.

On several occasions, the NATO fighter cluster almost opened the landing channel by relying on its commanding advantage. But every time, Chinese pilots are willing to go up and fight bravely.

Even if there were only one or two squadrons left, they would fight to the death until they dragged more fighters to take off for support.

This is a heroic country. We will never be conquered!

Recalling the red slogans on the runway of Huaxia air force base, looking at the Huaxia fighters in front of us, the fierce army pilots just felt their blood boiling.

"Boom!" NATO warplanes turned into a ball of fire. The Chinese fighter that has been biting it tightly pulls its nose like a proud eagle, skimming over the flying debris and straight into the sky.

"Brother, you're lucky to have carried general Fang." The Chinese pilot laughed and continued to talk: "your general Fang is my idol."

"Idol? If you drive that guy yourself once, you'll know. That guy doesn't look like a normal person at all... "The fierce army pilot muttered in his heart, pulled the nose and followed up.

"Do you think we will win?"

"I don't know. All I know is that we will never lose before I die! "

This was the 33rd hour of fighting on March 29.

The streamlined fuselages of the two fighters glittered under the blue sky and white clouds.

Ahead, at least three NATO warplanes have come head-on.

"Come on, grandson!"

The roar of Chinese pilots came to my ears.

"Fire!" Mu bailing grabbed the handrail of the command seat and tried to stabilize his body in the violent shaking.

The piercing alarm of the warship being hit, the groans of the wounded officers and soldiers, the hurried footsteps of the medical staff and the damage management team, and the roar of the combat officers filled the whole warship.

After the scarred warship shook violently, the bow main gun fired suddenly. The white light swept across the sea and plunged into the bridge of a NATO battleship.


In the communication channel, there was a burst of crazy cheers in the command hall. Although they were exhausted in the continuous battle, the officers and soldiers were still waving their fists and cheering.

"The ninth one! Ha ha ha! "

"Our Chinese army is not vegetarian! Let the fierce army boys have a good look! In terms of war, Laozi are no worse than them! "

"Look, it's the coastline carrier of the Monterey empire. We've caught it."

"Don't be fucking stunned. The main gun is ready!"

The roars of the officers and soldiers were mixed with the alarm of the warship and echoed in Mu bailing's ears.

She looked up at the tactical computer screen.

It is semicircular around the NATO defense chain above the central island, and the Chinese fleet is still fighting to the death.

At point F, only 12 class a fleets of Ryan's army have been completely hanged into the cluster of Benning fleet. The warships of both sides almost opened fire close to the porthole, and many warships chose to drive into the enemy at the last minute.

At u point, the 13th group fleet of Huaxia and the first group fleet of the phantom of Zeng Xin have forced the enemy back more than 15 nautical miles. Every warship has been scarred.

In the sea area of point C where he is located, there are wrecks of warships everywhere. There are NATO and Chinese.

Of the 40 Chinese fleets, there are less than 25 left.

More than a thousand warships, together with their masters and their comrades in arms, remained in the vast sea forever.

At point K, Wang kuangzhan and radar never stopped their offensive from beginning to end. The sea area where they fought has deviated from the original battlefield by more than eight nautical miles.

It was the early morning of March 30, and the fighting broke out for 46 hours.

As time went by, the battle broke out in the central sea area, which surprised many people.

Neither the soldiers on the front line, nor the fleet commander, nor even the observers nearby, thought that in the face of the cherda fleet, the southeast allied fleet of China had not been defeated at all because of its inferior strength.

On the contrary, in many local battles, they have repeatedly used sophisticated tactical cooperation to defeat the enemy.

What is even more shocking is that the air battle, which was supposed to end in a few hours at most, lasted more than 30 hours.

Wave after wave of NATO warplanes burst into the sky over the island and returned without success again and again.

According to NATO pilots, it seems that China has concentrated all its fighters on the central island. Not only did the pilots die, but the armored forces on the ground frantically fired missiles into the sky.

The whole central island is like a hedgehog with open spines.

The cell was quiet.

Harriman, Huaxi and Ren Shang sat on the ground and looked at each other speechless.

After beating NATO reporters, they were warned by the captain and stuffed into the confinement room used to close the disobedient crew.

The room was empty. No chairs, no beds, not even windows.

In addition to a door, the only person accompanying the three is the white electronic light on the ceiling above their heads.

Harriman sat in the corner with his back against the wall. Huaxi bowed his head and didn't know what to think in the corner. Ren Shang stared at the ceiling, his eyes half narrowed.

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