"How long will it take?" Harriman asked.

"Twenty minutes." Ren Shang replied.

With all their belongings confiscated, they don't even know the time. As soon as Ren Shang entered the confinement room, he began to count the time. For them, every minute and every second is a kind of painful torture.

But no one regrets.

In Huaxi's words, if time goes back, he will not hesitate to beat those NATO reporters again.

"You say, what's going on outside now?" Hearing that there were twenty minutes left to end the confinement, Harriman and Huaxi all came to some spirit. Huaxi looked up and asked, "will we lose?"

Harriman and Ren Shang looked at each other and shook their heads bitterly.

They don't know whether this almost doomed battle has been settled when they get out of the confinement room. I don't know how many brave Chinese officers and soldiers will die under this sea.

In silence, I don't know how long it took, the door opened.

The three men who jumped up from the ground were surprised to find that the captain opened the door himself.

"How's it going?" Harriman stared at the captain. Although the middle-aged man in his forties ordered him and others to be imprisoned, Harriman knew that he was a neutral who sympathized with China. Confinement is just business. On this neutral ship, he must be responsible for every passenger and cannot be partial to himself.

The burly Captain stood quietly at the door, his eyes passing one by one from the three faces, his eyes complex.

"I have to admit it." The captain's voice was low: "Huaxia played very tenaciously."


Hearing this word, all three people's hearts sank.

"The fighting over the central island lasted more than 40 hours. Now NATO transport planes have entered there. " The captain's eyebrows tightened tightly: "I thought the Chinese army would retreat after the NATO landed, but I didn't expect that their offensive was more fierce than before. I'm afraid they're not going to leave here alive. "

The captain's words stabbed Harriman and others like a needle.

"At least they haven't lost!" Harriman hissed.

The captain looked at Harriman, nodded, reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

"They played beautifully. From beginning to end, I didn't see NATO taking advantage of them. Moreover, NATO's peripheral defense chain is also torn apart by them. I'm afraid no one thought of this before the war. " The captain said sincerely, "I admire your commander in China. And I admire every soldier of yours. Such a hard battle can be fought to this extent. Even if you lose the war in the end, you can be proud of them. "

"In addition, let me tell you a message." The captain said with a smile: "just when I came over, cherda's flagship sent a clear signal to the Chinese fleet. Cherda wants to talk to commander Huaxia. The call is a public code, and we can receive it. " He opened his body sideways and let the door open: "hurry to the war room."

Cherda wants to talk to the Chinese commander?

Hearing the shocking news, Harriman and the three of them could hardly stand. Before the captain's words landed, they had rushed out of the confinement room and rushed to the war viewing hall.

There was only one question left in my mind.

"Cherda, what does he want to say?"

In the NATO flagship command hall, the atmosphere was dignified and depressing.

The busy NATO staff stopped and stared at the heroic figure on the command platform with bated breath.

Looking back on the fighting for more than 40 hours, it is difficult for everyone to describe the depression and vibration in their hearts.

When the fighters swarmed around the central island and tried to lead out the Chinese fleet, no one would have thought that this battle would be like what it is now.

Until now, everyone still wants to be a dream. From time to time, he stretched out his hand to pinch his thigh. He grinned with pain and couldn't believe that the NATO fleet, which occupied the advantage of military strength, was led by the famous general Carnegie, and Benning, Kearns and kader were all the way. Instead of getting any benefit from each other, he was beaten on the defense chain.

All kinds of rumors have been circulating in the fleet for a long time.

Aside from some nonsense, there is a rumor that is most recognized by everyone.

It is said that the reason why China was defeated in the double star corner corridor was not that Huang Shengtian was not the opponent of general chelda, but that the crafty Huang Shengtian wanted to lure the enemy into depth.

Although the Chinese Fleet lost a lot of warships when retreating at the double star Cape, they fled in confusion all the way, and even lost the natural danger of the Central Sea entrance.

But in fact, everything is under the control of the old man.

Now, no doubt, it must be Huang Shengtian.

Through hundreds of large and small battles on the defense chain in more than 40 hours, even fools can see that Carnegie and their commanders are not opponents of each other in terms of calculation and tactical changes.

No matter what tactics Carnegie and them use, the commander of the other side is always a beat faster than them.

At first, it was thought that the Staff Department was too slow to provide analysis and plan suggestions. But then we found that it was not the same thing at all.

Many battles that were eaten to death by others were launched by one's own side first, and the other side just took the call. But when we fight, we can't keep up with the rhythm. After calculating and taking out the battle plan, several tactics change and become waste paper. The fleet was led around by the nose and spanked by the other side.

It's like two people playing chess. Before they want to go next, the other party has already thought of ten steps away.

It's ok if you really play chess. After all, no matter how powerful the other party is, he can only drop one child at a time. Even if he counted a hundred steps away, he had to follow the rules.

But this is a war. There are no rules of the game for one person to take one step. By the time I racked my brains and came up with an idea to think, mature and calculate clearly, people had already played a whole set of boxing to meat combination boxing.

At the back, it was obvious that several famous players such as Benning had no confidence at all. The commander hesitated and timid. Not to mention that the fighting with equal conditions dare not dare to invest boldly. Even if one's own side has an advantage, it is also a look of being careful not to seek merit but to make no mistakes, and there is no style of a generation of famous generals at all.

Benning, perhaps you can say that you are afraid of being beaten by the fierce army in the waters of Metis. Once bitten by a snake, you are afraid of the well rope for ten years. But even Carnegie, kader and Kearns, who led the most elite night army in the United States, are so afraid.

Who can beat Carnegie and them into such characters in the world except Huang Shengtian?

Rumors quickly spread among the NATO fleet as soon as they appeared.

Few people believed at first.

But as the war progressed, the rumor became more and more convincing and spread more and more widely.

When the rumor that the SUS fleet had invaded the white sus and the Soviet imperial region inevitably spread, no one doubted Huang Shengtian's speculation of luring the enemy in depth.

For a moment, the whole NATO fleet was in panic.

Everyone knows that by this time, chelda can't do without action.

Chelda stood with her negative hand.

The command hall was silent, and the communication screen in front of me was still dark.

He waited quietly with a slight frown. Wait for the Chinese commander who fought a beautiful battle to appear in front of him.

Unlike the officers and soldiers below, cherda never thought that the battle was commanded by Huang Shengtian.

No one knows Huang Shengtian's command style better than him.

Although this man has Huang Shengtian's shadow in the details of many tactical changes, he can fully judge that they are by no means the same person.

Compared with Huang Shengtian, this man's command style is less old and spicy, but more unrestrained; It's a little less thick, but it's a little more evil.

More importantly, this person has powerful computing power that even Huang Shengtian does not have.

"Is it really you?" Cherda's eyes narrowed slightly at the thought of Moore's previous report.

If Moore's judgment is correct, cherda must admit that although he repeatedly raised the threat level of Fang Chutian, he underestimated him in the end.

Unknowingly, Fang Chutian, who came into his sight with artificial intelligence, has grown into a commander fully qualified to fight with himself.

Looking back on the fighting for more than 40 hours, Zelda was in a mixed mood. Although he did not take action, every change in the battlefield did not escape his eyes. The opponent's command ability showed several times shocked him to stand up from the command seat and walk around the room, which was difficult to calm down.

Carnegie, they didn't make a mistake.

The reason for the current situation is all due to the ability of the other party's commander.

At this time, cherda was alert. After the battle of the two stars, he seemed to relax too much.

The opponent divided his troops, cut off the logistics channel, stormed faklan, and even Susi switched troops, and arranged them calmly step by step. However, after defeating Huang Shengtian, he waved his troops straight into the central sea area.

I thought that if I took the central island, victory would be easy to get.

At the thought of this, cherda couldn't help but evoke a bitter smile.

I don't know why, while waiting for the Chinese commander he had never met, he suddenly thought of Huang Shengtian.

If the opponent is Huang Shengtian, if this is before the battle of the double star corridor, he will not relax his vigilance and will not give the opponent such a chance.

But Huang Shengtian lost.

After his failure, another person, however, has come to the present step by step with an originally unsuspecting ending, which seems to have the possibility of turning over.

From Skynet's situation map, NATO's peripheral defense chain now exists in name only. Although Benning, kader and Kearns were still in front of the four attack arrows of the Chinese army, the war situation was more entangled with each other than NATO intercepting the opponent.

These four warships of China cannot rush into the inner circle, and NATO's Defense Fleet cannot escape. In this way

Cherda raised her head and looked at the telephoto screen on the main screen of the central Skynet.

Through the torn and porous defense line, he saw that the fierce army fleet that had been in the rear had been slowly pressed on.

Is this the last chance to gamble?

He turned his head.

The little girl in a white dress and red leather boots stood beside her.

She looked up at the Skynet screen. On a pair of crystal clear and charming big eyes, long eyelashes rise high. Under the small and lovely Yao nose, the delicate pink lips tightly closed, looking a little stubborn.

"You say, will he accept the dialogue?" Asked Zelda.

The girl thought and didn't speak.

After a long time, she frowned slightly and nodded with some uncertainty.

Cherda smiled: "maybe she will also appear."

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