Play psychological warfare with me?

Duan Tiandao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a word blocked cherda back.

"By you?"

Disdain, disdain, funny.

For a time, Duan Tiandao could open an expression shop on his face.

The mouth turned to the root of the ear, the half hanging eyebrows, the squint eyes, the upward nostrils, and the faces of various expressions changed one after another.

They were stunned.

This guy doesn't act. It's too talented to come here to fight.

"Can't you see that our old man has been teasing you?" Duan Tiandao held his arm and glanced sideways at cherda: "if you want to fight him, you have to beat me first!"

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

NATO officers and soldiers yelled at Fang Chutian for being shameless, and the neutral observers were stunned.

The Chinese generals such as Tianji old man looked at each other and smiled. It was superfluous to worry about Duan Tiandao in such a matter!

For these orthodox soldiers, cherda's reputation and achievements may be a mountain that people look up to. But for this man who has never had any concept of superiority, inferiority, strength and weakness, you are God, and he also thinks you are a fart!

This guy always tries his best to take advantage. He'd rather die than suffer losses. Then he comes out of the dust with your elegant demeanor, dignified and cold manner. He can also swear at you with red lips and white teeth.

He can cross his waist and make a splash. Can you cherdara have this face?

Cherda was stunned, then smiled bitterly and shook her head.

After listening to the other party teasing you, he realized that he didn't have to tangle with this guy on the same subject.

Although he was born in a rich and noble family in the United States, it is not shameful for him and the people around him to admit defeat, and it is shameful to lose demeanor. But he also knows that it doesn't make sense to meet such a guy whose nerve is thicker than the transmission rod of mecha!

This man has no idea what manners are!

Looking at his cheerful appearance, I'm afraid I can't wait for you to pick up your mouth and give him a chance to rage and scold!

"So my opponent is you." Cherda looked at Duan Tiandao with her eyes like a knife.

Duan Tiandao didn't say a word, but raised his eyebrows slightly.

Their eyes met in the air.

"I've heard of you for a long time." Cherda looked into Duan Tiandao's eyes: "a few years ago, you were just a wandering child of a small family in China. Because you were competitive with the military children in Beijing, you inexplicably entered the vision of admiral Haifeng mountain and became a colonel. From then on, you rose to the top. Later, you were selected as the successor by commander Huang Sheng Tianyuan, but this coalition army was abandoned by China. I don't understand... "

Cherda's eyes narrowed slightly and her voice became colder and colder. "Why are you still stubborn. Do you really think you can defeat me with this force in your hand? " With that, cherda turned to look at the electronic sand table behind him: "take the central island, and NATO can use it as a forward base to radiate the whole southeast. To the west, I can destroy the patio military region and the raging hills region. To the East, I can sweep across Susi. When I suppress the rebellion in Susi, I can unite Susi and Baisi, go north to Fengfeng Island, meet with his majesty William III of the United States and besiege China. "

"If it's in the double star corridor, you can stop me. You can stop me at the Central Sea entrance. But now. " Cherda's voice was as cold as ice: "my NATO army has opened the channel and implemented the landing. What do you take to stop me?"

His voice echoed in every ship and everyone's ears in this sea area.

Over the past two decades, cherda has become famous all over the world, occupies a high position and controls the fate of countless people. Once the momentum precipitated in the bones broke out, people suddenly felt that they were about to be attacked by tigers.

Although they were just watching, the people were frightened under his authority for a moment.

"For more than 40 hours, tear open my peripheral defense chain. Do you think I don't know your calculations? " Zelda said coldly, "I'll tell you."

He reached for Moore's electronic putter and pushed the fighter icon representing NATO into the green and white central island: "first, divert our fighter cluster with the central island."

"In the second and fourth offensive, the left wing forced back our banning headquarters, pinned it at point a, point B and point C of the Middle Road, and pulled away from the two wings respectively, forcing our garrison fleet to stay away from blue moon island, while the d-point offensive oppressed the channel at the far end of the central island, forming a space suppression on our aircraft carrier."

With the oral analysis, cherda's putter piled the fleet icons of both sides into the corresponding area one by one.

Finally, the putter landed on the command cluster of the Chinese fleet, ten fierce army fleets and ten doomsday aircraft carriers.

"Three, break in the middle!"

He pushed the icon of the fierce army directly to the NATO command cluster stationed on the left side of blue moon island along the middle of the open defense line, with a sneer: "this is your killing move!"

The world is silent at this moment.

Neutral observers, journalists, NATO generals, officers and soldiers all stared at cherda and his electronic sand table on the screen.

No one expected that the Chinese army was still trying to make trouble in the middle when it was almost at the end of its resources.

No one expected that when the Chinese army attacked all the way and bit the NATO defense system incomplete, and it was about to carry out the last attack, cherda directly made public his opponent's hidden plan.

At the moment, although NATO's defense system has been torn apart, it has not completely collapsed.

In fact, the channel under chelda's electronic putter is only a straight-line channel with a distance of 20 nautical miles wide but only four nautical miles after Zhang Pengcheng's fleet on the left and Zhao XiaoSuan's fleet next to pull apart the two winged NATO warships!

Is the Humvee going to attack cherda's command cluster along this channel?

"General Fang, you can't win." Zelda dropped the putter, sat down in his chair and said coldly, "if you can't see your plan, maybe you still have a chance to attack my central command cluster. But now do you think you have? "

People looked at Duan Tiandao.

They found that the young Chinese commander now had an iron face.

From the Humvee to the cherda command cluster, the distance is 20 nautical miles, and it takes 22 minutes for the warship to advance at full speed. Even if the Humvee warship has outstanding performance and far faster than ordinary warships, it will take more than 15 minutes to penetrate this channel.

If NATO were unprepared, 15 minutes would be fleeting, and it would really be possible for the fierce army to kill cherda.

But now that cherda has impolitely lifted China's strategic intention, it is impossible for the fierce fleet to pass through this channel!

After more than 40 hours of fierce fighting, the Chinese army did its best to pull apart the defense chain of NATO.

The barely opened passage is only a mere four seas wide.

From the sea map, this passage is like a crack in the earth, which may close at any time under the look of the surrounding NATO fleet!

With cherda's command ability, how can the Humvee fleet rush through?

What's more, there are still 40 nautical miles from the cherda command cluster to the central island. Can you rush, people can't return?

Even if cherda can't leave the battlefield because of the aircraft carrier and landing troops behind him, the distance of 40 nautical miles is enough to delay until Benning and others return!

After being exposed by chelda, this channel, which is located in the center of the battlefield and leads to the 20 sea area through B20 and G20, is a dead end!

"I might as well give my orders in front of you." On the screen, Zelda made a gesture with her eyes. Alessandro understood it and quickly opened the command and communication system of the NATO fleet.

Moments later, Benning, kader and Kearns appeared on the screen.

"Your Excellency!" The three NATO generals stood up in awe. His eyes were full of awe and admiration for Zelda.

From the moment cherda pointed out the other party's last killing move in a cold tone, they knew that the Chinese army was finished!

After 40 hours of fierce fighting and the sacrifice of countless officers and soldiers, what we finally got was not the fierce army marching along this channel, but cherda's few words at the moment.

While talking and laughing, the masts are gone!

What a famous general!

"General Benning, order the fifth warship group to leave the battle immediately and move closer to Kearns headquarters. Third, the command of the ninth cluster will be handed over to the base camp, and I will command it myself. "

"General kader, order the seventh and eighth clusters to cut off the passage along the outer line of blue moon island to the G20 sea area, cooperate with Kearns' headquarters. Fourth, fifth and tenth, the command of the cluster will be handed over to the base camp, and I will command it myself. "

"Kearns! The middle road is your territory. The prestige of our night army is all in your hands. First, the second cluster is for you. The command of the remaining fleet is handed over to the base camp and under my own command. If you can't stop the fierce army, cut yourself! "

After giving orders to Benning and others, cherda looked coldly at Duan Tiandao and frowned slightly: "if I guessed right, the biggest reliance of the fierce army should be your 12th generation mecha." Without looking back, he said, "Alessandro."

"Here!" Alessandro stood at attention.

"Order the judges to be ready to attack and tell them that their opponent has arrived!"


Cherda gave orders quickly. That series of cold decisions, with a trace of cold cutting sound, made everyone cold at the bottom of their heart.

Although it is only a rough distribution and deployment of troops, those who know a little about military affairs know that these orders close the last door.

Benning, kader and Kearns led the movement to the G20 sea area, closing a wide and narrow channel like a crack.

At the same time, cherda personally commanded the remaining fleet on the defense chain to fight with the Chinese army.

Where does the fierce army have even one ten thousandth chance?

With cherda's command ability, the Chinese fleet, which is already at a disadvantage in strength, can only be pressed to death in situ!

In the face of the fleet led by the three famous generals, no matter how powerful the fierce army is, it can't survive the siege and interception.

Don't say they can't make it. Even if they do, they only have ten A-class fleets and ten doomsday aircraft carriers.

What role can such a small force play in the face of the 20 elite NATO fleets in the cherda command cluster?

I'm afraid that at that time, they will not kill cherda, but send them to the door and be beheaded by others!

For a moment, the whole world fell into silence.

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