People look at Duan Tiandao on the communication screen with complex eyes.

There are indifference, sympathy, schadenfreude and hope.

From beginning to end, Duan Tiandao didn't speak.

Maybe it's not that he doesn't want to say, but that he has nothing to say in front of a series of deadly combination punches by Zelda.

With Alessandro's departure, the command hall became quiet.

Cherda looked at Duan Tian and said, "general Fang, to tell you the truth, it's enough for you to win my respect. However, the hero in the world is the one who knows the current affairs. You have three ways now. First, rush over. Second, lead the army to retreat. These two roads are dead ends! "

He stood up, paced back and forth on the command post, and finally looked at Duan Tian and said, "I'll give you the third way. Drop me! I can guarantee China's position in NATO and all generals are NATO generals! feudal lord! Duke! "

Cherda's promise caused an uproar. Many people are palpitating. I only hate that I am not a Chinese general and can't get the glory and wealth I can enjoy even if I fail.

Amid the noise, Zelda raised his chin slightly and said in a loud voice, "China always regards NATO as a beast of flood and water. However, I can promise with my family name that those who surrender to the United States will not be investigated after the war and will not implement the racial system! "

He turned and looked around: "even the ethnic systems of our NATO countries will be gradually improved or abolished!"

It has to be said that these heavy bombs thrown by cherda destroyed most people's psychological defense. Even many observers from neutral countries were delighted.

Although they remain neutral at the moment, we all know that after this war, these neutral countries are also a meal for the victors.

The difference is only whether it is conquered by force or bloodless.

Cherda's promise is tantamount to giving everyone a reassurance. If NATO wins in the future, at least this condition is acceptable.

"How about general Fang?" Cherda turned her head and looked at Duan Tiandao.

For a time, all eyes focused on Duan Tiandao.

Most people think that when things come to this point, I'm afraid the young Chinese general has no choice.

Not to mention that the southeast allied forces are at the end of their tether at the moment, compared with Zelda's sincerity and magnanimity, the Chinese who abandoned the southeast allied forces are not authentic.

Under people's gaze, Duan Tiandao was silent.

After a long time, he finally sighed. Zhang opened his mouth and said slowly, "to tell you the truth, I'm not a qualified commander. I hate war and fear life and death. Not born to be a general! Since the outbreak of the Chinese Patriotic War, I want to return to the era of peace every day. They all want the war to end quickly. Of course, it's good to be prosperous. Even if I'm a little poor, as long as I can live in peace for a few days, I'd rather not be this general. "

Hearing Duan Tiandao's words, many people sighed in their hearts. With such despondent words, the war can no longer be fought.

"Becoming a hero is accidental." Duan Tiandao smiled bitterly: "I'm tired of such days. It's not such a fun thing to play with your head. Who knows which day will be over. "

There was a smile on Benning's mouth.

Kearns lit a cigar, leaned back on the back of the chair and spit out a smoke ring leisurely.

Tianji old man looked at Duan Tiandao, Zhao XiaoSuan, Wang kuangzhan, Zhang Pengcheng, Zeng Xin, Ma Peiqi, tenggang and others with bright eyes, but he clenched his teeth and clenched his fist.

On the distant parliamentary observation ship, the neutral observers shook their heads and sighed. NATO people were happy, while Chinese people such as Harriman, Huaxi and Ren Shang had cold hands and feet and no strength.

Just when everyone thought Duan Tiandao was about to announce his surrender, his voice sounded.

"But I have to play."


It was like a thunder. Everyone couldn't believe their ears.

"Just now, the conditions put forward by general cherda suddenly reminded me of a story."

Duan Tiandao scratched his hair, recalled it and said, "the story is like this. One day a wolf ran to the sheepfold and was ready to eat the sheep in the sheepfold. But the sheepfold was guarded by a watchdog. The wolf and the dog had a fight. The wolf said to the watchdog, as long as you can surrender and let me in, I'll take you as a little brother and let you enjoy mutton together. At the same time, I promise to eat only one sheep every day, and the rest can eat grass at will. "

"The story is terrible." Duan Tiandao raised his head and looked at cherda: "you are a wolf, I am the watchdog! Do you think dogs will listen to wolves? "

Cherda's eyes narrowed slightly.

A grim smile appeared on Duan Tiandao's face: "dogs can't do this. Do you think I'm not even as good as dogs?"

His voice echoed in the corridors of every warship, and everyone was stunned.

"You just asked me why I was so stubborn that I'll tell you now!" Duan Tiandao roared: "because in this country, hundreds of millions of people have died under your butcher's knife, and their grievances will not disappear! Because the spirits of 30 million soldiers are looking at me under the sea! Because as long as I dare to surrender, I have no face to see the ancestors of China! Because even if I die, I'll spit on your bloody face! "

"Bah!" In the roar, Duan Tiandao spat at the communication screen: "what a fool! You're just a pile of shit! "

The whole world is silent.

Everyone was in extreme shock, looking at ferocious Duan Tiandao. Looking at his bloodshot eyes, his bruised neck and the spittle that seemed to go straight through the communication screen to the door of cherda!

NATO people are ignorant, and so are neutral people.

Only Chinese people are boiling with blood for this roaring voice!

"Didn't you give orders in front of me? I now give orders in front of you. Listen clearly! " Duan Tiandao slapped the command console and roared.

"Fierce army! Forward! "

"Fierce army, move forward!"

The study was quiet. But the reporter clearly heard the voice echoing in his ears.

The sunset outside the window has fallen behind the clouds in the sky. Only a golden afterglow came through the cracks of the buildings, like a flame.

Time goes back in the sunset.

Go, go!

At this moment, the reporter seemed to be standing in the middle of the ancient battlefield in the central sea area.

Up, down, left and right, there are bright lights.

The green and white central island is like a huge luminous night pearl suspended in front of us.

Countless warships were speeding towards the gap only four miles wide.

In every warship, there are roaring Chinese soldiers.

The captains stretched their arms straight ahead; Officers and soldiers were running in the corridor; The gunner put the electronic collimation of the fire control system on the enemy ship; The old mechanical maintenance captain of the power cabin turned on the power output to the maximum; The master pilot clenched his teeth, pushed up the control lever and turned on every propeller of the warship.

Countless warships swam away and opened fire in front of them. Countless officers and soldiers roared in the blood and fire. Countless warplanes swept over the side of the warship, poured shells and missiles on the steel shell, and set off thousands of fire.


It was the roar of a young general!


That's the roar of countless Chinese officers and soldiers!


That's the voice of the country where the battlefield is located, 30 million martyrs, the souls of hundreds of millions of compatriots who died, roaring under the sea!

Their hearts beat neatly and powerfully at this moment!

Their roars resounded through the sky!

It was a magnificent era. It was a magnificent war. Although it had been decades, it was just listening to an old man who had experienced the war in this silent study.

However, the reporter was still excited about the roar.

"Kill!" The old man's low voice sounded in his ear. An electric current climbed up his head along his back!

He suddenly turned back. The old man sat quietly in his chair and looked at the ceiling. The ferocious words burst out of the throat with the low voice. It's like the singing of Peking Opera. It's long and thick. It seems that it has traveled through time and space.


Teng Gang grabbed his hat, smashed it on the command seat and shouted angrily!

The flagship cleaved the waves in the sea of gunfire!

White shells, like meteors, glided by; The red explosion light, like cotton full of blood, suddenly exploded out of the side window, and was immediately left behind by the warship trembling in the explosion.


Ma Peiqi stood proudly in the command seat with firm eyes.

Under his command, more than 300 Ryan warships rushed along the periphery of the battle circle. NATO warships swarmed into the command cluster centered on the flagship again and again, turning into waves and flying in all directions.


Zhang Pengcheng waved his fist hard.

The conical array of the Chinese 12th and 13th fleets, like the sharp tip of a long gun, directly plunged into the NATO fleet.


Zhao XiaoSuan looks like iron. As the main warships of the coalition forces, with their heavy fleet of ships that have traversed the world for 30 years, they are slowly pressed up. Rows of warships, like the waves of the sea, go hand in hand. The hard bow, high and high, smashed endless blood and fire every step forward.


Both Wang kuangzhan and radar rolled up their sleeves, and their eyes were as red and ferocious as red.

A Chinese fleet, follow the flagship high-speed charge.

From a distance, these warships of different colors and models are like cavalry rolling down the hillside. The big iron hooves at the mouth of the bowl turned over the turf and splashed the mud. The cold steel armor covered the whole body, and the long lance had been put down as the distance approached. The wind roared in my ears, and the earth flew back at my feet. In front of me, it was just blood red.


This voice burst out from the hot chests of countless Chinese officers and soldiers, and swept the world like thunder through space and time.

Blood, boiling in the body, even the breathing air, with a trace of blazing.

Why persist until now, why stubbornly?

General Fang Chutian's answer spoke the voice of all Chinese soldiers.

Because of life, because of dignity, because of freedom, because of the compatriots who died, the comrades in arms and brothers who died, and the devastated motherland and homeland.

Every Chinese officer and soldier has been ignited by the roar of Duan Tiandao.

At this moment, there are no Chinese, no free Hong Kong people, no neutral people. Yes, they are just brave Chinese soldiers who are ready to win victory with sacrifice, regardless of age, rank, height, race or rank.

"What a fool, you are a pile of shit!"

What a happy scolding!

In the eyes of the world, people like Zelda are high, status, wealth and glory. What they want, but who knows how many innocent people die on their way to fame; Who knows how many wronged souls are condensed in their dazzling aura.

What about cherda? Even if you are God and want to conquer China and deprive Chinese people of their freedom and dignity, you have to step on the body of every Chinese soldier!

"Fierce army, move forward!"

In the endless gunfire, the sound echoed in my ears.

When Duan Tiandao stood up with a ferocious smile in front of cherda's cold eyes and issued this earth shaking roar, every Chinese officer and soldier knew that at least today, he was willing to sell his life to this man.

The fierce army fleet behind us has begun to charge at full speed!

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