This fierce battle took most of the night, and now the morning light has begun to appear.

Haikuo sanatorium in the eastern suburb of nanchun is the private property of the Chiang family. It is nominally a sanatorium, but it is built like a fortress. Such a place is similar to a safe house, which is the hiding place for important figures of the Chiang family when they are in crisis.

At the beginning of the attack on Duan Tiandao, Jiang Qiushi had moved here with the three song sisters.

Planning ahead is one of the most basic qualities of great people.

Duan Tiandao's QQ didn't slow down when it was close to the hillside where Hua Ruxue was, and it was still fast.

Hua Ruxue just narrowed her eyes, calculated the speed of QQ, jumped up in advance on the half hillside, walked in easily from the narrow to extreme window of QQ, and sat on the side of Duan Tiandao without bias.

The first thing she said when she sat down was, "it belongs to the safe house of the Chiang family. It is guarded by mercenaries. How can we do it?"

Duan Tiandao was silent for a moment: "Qiang Nong!"

This haikuo sanatorium is located in this beautiful valley on the outskirts of nanchun city.

In the mountains across a river bank opposite it, Hua Ruxue narrowed his eyes and unscrewed the last screw on the fixed sniper gun seat after 20 minutes of observation and adjustment. In a low voice, he said, "it's in place."

As she crawled among the long grass, she adjusted the target of the modified sniper in her hand, and then calmly stretched out the black barrel and aimed at the other side of the river bank.

In the slight morning light, the sanatorium building on the other side of the river embankment was quiet. Several secret outposts and more than a dozen bulletproof jeeps could be seen in the hospital.

On this side of the river bank are the mountains hidden by flowers like blood. The Yellow cauliflower all over the mountain is in full bloom, white or yellow, just like the mottled camouflage powder and ink on the flowers like blood clothes.

The dark pipe was filled with the unique smell of potions in sanatoriums and the fragrance of flowers that ordinary sanatoriums absolutely don't have. Duan Tiandao looked up at the faint light above his head, and the gloves attached with small suction cups moved slowly on the smooth pipe. The whole person was like a dexterous spider.

Flower like blood is like a mobile equipment library. With her, you don't have to worry about duantiandao at all.

Duan Tiandao continued to carefully insert the electric contact chip into the plastic explosive, and then accurately attached the explosive to the lower part of a load-bearing wall.

After using tools to confirm that the angle was accurate, he crossed his hands, pulled ten fingers alternately twice, then began to rub his hands, rub and heat, broke a wiring board somewhere in the pipeline, installed a small disc, and the four iron doors outside the room were locked immediately.

Then his fingers fell gently and pressed the red detonating button heavily.

In charge of the defense work of the sanatorium is the bodyguard team prepared by a battalion of the Chiang family. Although this team is now doing private work, it is all veterans who have retired from the regular army. Each of them has rich experience and rapid response.

The commander of this bodyguard team is Jiang Dongsheng.

He is also Jiang Qiushi's second uncle, an old man who looks thin but is actually very thin.

It seems a little too nervous to protect a person with so many elite troops, but Jiang Dongsheng knows very well that this is because it is absolutely necessary.

After receiving the news of the failure of sniping Duan Tiandao, this necessity has become more important.

Who could have thought that this bastard named Duan Tiandao had such a powerful ability? If you don't hit the target, the next step is the enemy's counterattack, which is already a matter of nailing a nail on the board.

But Jiang Dongsheng didn't seem so flustered. The army he had was even stronger than the team that attacked Duan Tiandao, enough to turn this defense into another hunting trap.

The sanatorium has strengthened its defense, especially the wall of the building far away from the mountains has been temporarily reinforced within half an hour. In addition to the bulletproof glass windows, even the wall itself has been mixed with steel blocks and sandbags.

Jiang Dongsheng sat behind his desk, carrying a tea cup and checking the defense measures everywhere. He was very calm. If the sanatorium was really attacked, he just needed to crush the enemy to death at his home. Even if Duan Tiandao was so strong, could he still fight an attack and defense war?

Jiang Dongsheng held a teacup, looked at the scenery outside the bulletproof glass window, looked at the mountains covered by yellow cauliflower opposite the river embankment, and looked at the enemies who may only exist in fantasy, with a mocking smile on his face.

At this time, he suddenly remembered a sentence he had learned in the military academy: "sit like a green mountain, towering and motionless?"

Jiang Dongsheng coughed twice, shook his head and lamented his declining memory.

However, at this moment, his neck suddenly felt unprecedented stiffness. Looking out of the window, his eyes contracted sharply because of fear and inconceivable. The tea cup in his hand broke away from his trembling palm under the action of gravity and fell heavily to the ground!

Jiang Dongsheng stared at the thick wall in front of him, as if it were like a scene in a magic movie. He slowly left the building, then tilted extremely slowly and fell down to the river bank, revealing the bright sunshine and clear mountain vision outside.


This building?

The building collapsed?

He was frightened and trembling, stood up straight, looked at the cliff like building at his feet, and looked at the countless reinforced building walls broken into pieces in the smoke. Until this time, he realized that the whole wall of the building had collapsed.

The square and solid convalescent building stands quietly by the river like a cement box, giving people a feeling that it will never overturn and collapse.

However, at a certain moment in the evening, the whole wall of the building facing the river had changed, which made everyone stunned and terrified.

Poof poof!

A series of crisp explosions sounded one after another at the junction of the building.

Numerous light smoke and dust burst out rhythmically on both sides of the sanatorium building, from the top to the ground, just like fireworks.

The whole wall of the sanatorium building can be seen in the smoke. In this way, he left the building slowly and tilted towards the river embankment, just like being cut off by Pangu from the clouds.

The whole wall began to overturn very slowly. The naked eye can see its reluctant separation from the building, the steel beams torn by the weight, and the cement blocks falling like tears.

Then it fell faster and faster, and finally hit the green space beside the river embankment violently, breaking into countless broken walls, and smoke and dust flying.

This scene

It's too scary!

The people in the building watched the wall beside them leave them, and the light suddenly became bright. The scenery outside the building became the decoration in the room. They were stunned and didn't know how to speak. They foolishly walked to the broken wall and looked at the rising smoke. They didn't think it was an attack, let alone the scenery in a sight in the mountains.

Duan Tiandao's blasting scheme makes perfect use of the tearing effect caused by the position of the buried charge point and the difference of continuous blasting time.

Of course, if the wall of the sanatorium building facing the river is an ordinary building structure, it is very difficult to want it to fall down in such a neat, exaggerated and magical color. However, now it has just been reinforced, and the cement and steel bar mixed interlayer is like countless tough stitches, which sews some crisp whole walls into a solid whole, so it is one side, Spectacular.

The whole wall of the sanatorium building collapsed, or the wall facing the riverbank. It was like a strong girl who vowed to protect her precious chastity. Suddenly, she was forcibly torn by a shameless and powerful mob, and was forced to show all her vulnerable keys.

Thirty seven rooms were exposed in the afterglow of the sunset. People in thirty-seven rooms were holding their heads and rubbing their hair with or without, standing by the cliff like remnant building and looking down in fear.

There were nurses screaming in panic, soldiers calling in vain, and the protected man somewhere on the top floor was frantically rubbing his eyes to make sure he was hallucinating by the noise.

Jiang Dongsheng stood between the bright colors of the morning mountain he most appreciated at ordinary times, looking at the place where the smoke and dust were dying and the golden light flow shadow between the rivers. He opened his arms helplessly and helplessly. He didn't know what had happened in the world.

At this time, a strange sound sounded in the mountains opposite the river embankment. Because of the distance, the sound was obviously distorted and amplified by the equipment, so it looked very mysterious and arrogant.

"Listen, people in the building. You are surrounded. Please put down your weapons and surrender immediately."

"Repeat, you are surrounded. Please surrender immediately!"

The voice is sharp and high pitched. I can't tell whether the voice is male or female.

The whole wall collapsed, and thirty-seven rooms were exposed in the twilight, exposed under unknown gun barrels. This was the strongest and arrogant siege.

As if to prove this, there was a clear gunshot across the river. In a room on the seventh floor, a bodyguard who tried to raise a gun to fight back fell to the ground.

The two men announced that they had successfully surrounded the two hundred bodyguards of the sanatorium and ordered them to surrender. From the judgment of normal reason, those who dared to draw such a conclusion ran out of the mental hospital.

Of course, Jiang Dongsheng didn't know how many enemies were attacking. Although some people were shocked by the strange picture after seeing the high-rise buildings collapse, he was a well-trained retired officer. Of course, he couldn't just take out his underwear and surrender to the golden light of the river and the Yellow cauliflower of the mountains.

He suddenly fell down under his desk, ignored the sewage mixed with tea dregs and glass fragments on the ground, and issued an order to all his subordinates: "find the people hiding opposite! Assemble in the hospital! "

It must be admitted that as an excellent military academy graduate, he has a very clear judgment of the situation and made a very appropriate response. Unfortunately, the communication system in the sanatorium is being filled with uninterrupted redundant signals, which can not be transmitted to all combat units.

What's more terrible is that the outer wall of the building collapsed and 37 rooms were exposed in the twilight. The people in the rooms could not find any cover at all.

When the system was disturbed, Jiang Dongsheng had to shout loudly and command with his voice. The deputy of the lower team also reacted and conveyed the orders at all levels with sharp shouts. The bodyguards in the room on the other side of the corridor began to gather at the upper level, and the bulletproof jeeps in the sanatorium began to roar.

At this time, the gunfire on the other side of the river suddenly became dense. The gorgeous gunfire instantly penetrated the air and suddenly attacked the unshaded sanatorium building.

Compared with the crisp first shot, the subsequent intensive gunshots were much more dull. For example, an iron craft lover waved his own hammer. Every time he waved a heavy hammer, it made a dull noise on the chopping board.

Dong Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong Dong!

The dense and terrible bullet rain hit, and countless smoke and dust suddenly appeared on the riverside of the building. The sharp and high-speed shrapnel cut everything in front of it into clear geometry, whether it is a hard lamp post or delicate plants.

The relatively fragile inner floor slab and those seemingly solid doors were shattered by the storm, turned into gravel and splashed everywhere. The interior of the building became wider and brighter than before.

As soon as the soldiers in the room opposite the corridor ran out with guns, they were suppressed to the ground by the hail of bullets. It was difficult to raise their heads. There were howls of being shot from time to time in several floors.

The silver plated lamp post broke into several sections after a crisp sound, and collapsed under the carpet. About one person tall green plants were beaten and flew everywhere, and then turned into dark black antler pieces.

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