Jiang Dongsheng hid under his desk and listened to the dull and dense gunfire. He was embarrassed to avoid the branches and leaves falling on his head and face. He gritted his teeth and shouted, "where are our snipers? Why haven't you fired yet? Immediately counter suppress! "

The fire on the other side of the river is too fierce, as if the shooting will never stop. The people in the suppressed whole yard can't lift their heads. If they can't start the fire reaction immediately, they can only crawl on the ground and wait to be beaten.

Soon someone replied in fear, "Sir, the range is too far to launch an effective fire reaction."

Jiang Dongsheng angrily punched the desk in front of him and shouted, "shit! Don't make excuses! Why can their guns come! "

Across the same golden river swimming like ten thousand snakes, the gunfire on the opposite side can accurately hit any corner of the sanatorium building, but the long-range rifle in the building can not fight back, even the simplest suppression.

Jiang Dongsheng, who graduated from a famous military academy with excellent results, can't understand this situation, not to mention his soldiers and bodyguards.

Because they didn't expect that the gun developed by Hua Ruxue himself was really very fierce.

The smoke and dust splashed everywhere and the howl sounded from time to time. At this time, Fang Wudong suddenly noticed that the shooting frequency opposite was gradually slowing down.

He climbed to his desk and ventured to look across. He guessed that the other party's guns should have entered the cooling stage. A trace of fierceness appeared on his face and gave orders to the messenger outside the broken door.

The gunfire across the river gradually scattered. A combat team that had been on standby for a long time at the corner of the sixth floor put on their helmets and ran to the top floor at the first time. Under the cover of the remaining walls, they rushed to a room.

However, just then, the gunfire across the river sounded again!

When they passed through the door quickly, bullets from the mountains hit them accurately and sharply like eyes!

The blood hole bloomed on the body of the team of soldiers like a flower. They fell down with a dull hum, and then rushed forward through inertia, stirring up bursts of dust.

From entering the top floor to starting the sprint, the elite special warfare team was destroyed after sprinting less than 20 meters.

Confirming the news, panic screams rang out continuously in the building.

"Army! It's definitely an army outside! "

"Shit! Where are the troops from? "

When bullets from the mountains rang out in a dense or scattered way, someone fell dead in a pool of blood and wandered around the ground.

The gunfire in the mountains had absolutely no excess coverage. It was accurately controlled to a perfect degree, and the left behind troops in the sanatorium building were directly stunned.

Everyone felt that they were standing on the top of the absolute peak, and no one dared to make any action any more. They had to lie on the ground and look helplessly at the sky outside the building.

Fang Wudong shouted wildly, took out his pistol, pulled the trigger towards the red morning light and the enemy who couldn't see the shape in the opposite mountain, and generally fired all the bullets in the magazine.

The response was not crazy, but a cold bullet. The cold metal shrapnel splashed deep marks on the ground. Half of the glass teacup falling at his feet was slammed away and hit the wall.

Fang Wudong was sitting on the ground, his pale cheek cut by the fragments of the tea cup, dripping a warm blood, looking particularly helpless and desperate.

No one knows whether the other party's shot didn't hit him because of his good luck or mercy.

In the rosy clouds of the mountain, the flower was like blood, aimed at the building in the distance, pulled the trigger from time to time and shot a bullet. A newly picked rape flower beside the temples did not tremble.

Compared with the scene of smoke and despair in the sanatorium building, the flowers in the mountains are like blood. It's not like a fierce battle, but more like sitting in a cafe drinking tea.

Duan Tiandao knows that the current situation is good. Hua Ruxue has successfully completed the order of comprehensive suppression in the plan, but the purpose of attacking the sanatorium is not to suppress, but to beat people!

He still walked silently and cautiously through the pipes on the floor, straight up.

There is no doubt that Jiang Qiushi is on the highest floor.

However, it is a pity that the top floor of the highest floor is completely isolated from the lower floors. If Duan Tiandao wants to go up to the highest floor, he has to go through those porches and walkways. There are hundreds of enemies in the sanatorium, and he will be happy to create some very painful problems for him.

"Operation plan two."

Duan Tiandao finally touched the pipe on the penultimate floor, took a deep breath and whispered such a sentence to the headset.

The low and heavy roar of the motor suddenly sounded in the forest land. The flower was like blood. I don't know when, I had got into the QQ car disguised by a large number of cauliflower. I took a handle that suddenly popped up in the car with both hands and gently pulled the trigger.

It takes a few minutes to repair a catheter for Hua Ruxue, who is very good at mechanics.

The six black barrels protruding from the window suddenly began to hum and rotate at high speed, and the dumped bullets flew out like a storm!

With the powerful control and non-human shooting accuracy, the killer of this model has become a terrible long-range burst fire. What's more terrible is that the bullets flying are forcibly limited to a very small range, and the lethality increases sharply.

Sharp shrapnel blasted into the building at high speed. The hard solidified cement and the steel beam in the cement broke in response to the sound, and burst and splashed!

The murder weapon of the model is transformed into a terrible cutting machine, which cuts the sanatorium building vertically from the riverside ground.

At the top of this terrible smoke cutting line, there is a figure running at high speed. What an incredible picture!

The figure seemed to resist the irresistible gravity by the power of the majestic rain.

Duan Tiandao runs in the golden light.

Running on the broken walls of the building.

A person running in the light of the sunset, running on the vertical wall, this picture ignores gravity and seriously violates the laws of physics, which is shocking and indescribable.

In fact, there is no complete wall on the riverside of the building, only the cement broken wall with uneven bending reinforcement, and the flat beam between floors cut by shrapnel like the meat eaten by wild dogs.

Duan Tiandao's figure leaped between the narrow wall beams and changed his feet with hard soled military boots from a unlucky man. Every time he fell, he would step on a bulge between the walls or a steel bar extending into the air with great accuracy.

It's so difficult that it's comparable to the picture of flying over eaves and walls in martial arts novels. There's no moment of losing balance in the whole process.

His running on the wall did not stop for a moment. His military boots broke through the wall and his body moved like the wind. The slightest reaction force could make his body bounce up at high speed and rise again, as if there was an invisible giant hand holding his shoulders up in the red sunset.

The building is very high, the broken wall is difficult to walk, and the landing surface perpendicular to the ground is terrible. However, in front of Duan Tiandao whose body method is like a ghost, these are not obstacles. From his appearance in the breach of the wall, he is about to reach the top floor, which is just the time to blink several times.

The six barrel machine gun still hummed and rotated at high speed, and thousands of bullets poured out to the opposite building, following the tiny figure like wind and electricity, cutting the surface of the building and doing the most violent cover.

Even the always calm flower, such as blood, was distracted for a moment. Although the trigger was still not released, her eyes no longer focused on the targets that needed to be hit, but on this small figure.

In the building, there was another scene. The fierce and terrible machine gun bullet rain caused great damage to an area in the middle of the building.

Countless fist sized blossom bullet holes appear on the wall. Although there is no deliberate search for effective forces to snipe, such fierce shooting makes it easy for even people crawling on the ground to be hit by stray bullets. The floors with open walls are full of screams of horror and panic after being shot.

In this dangerous and tense situation, no one in the building can notice Duan Tiandao running outside the building. In fact, no one can think that someone can run on the vertical wall. Therefore, even if someone glimpses a dark shadow passing through the window, they will only think that it must be an illusion after panic.

At great risk, Jiang Dongsheng climbed out of the house among the rubble, blocked his body by the remaining half of the wall, and listened to the tragic cries from all over the building. His face was pale and his mood was extremely desperate.

At this time, he finally received two good news. One was that the temporary connection of the command system was successfully established, and the combat troops in the hospital were ready to attack and would launch an assault on the river soon.

However, his face was still pale. I don't know why. The two good news didn't calm his mood at all.

Although he didn't know that at this time, a man was flying up the vertical wall behind him, he was still strongly disturbed!

He shouted at his subordinates in a hoarse voice: "if someone approaches the top floor, shoot him immediately! And get the hostage! If what she said is true, I will let Duan Tiandao watch her die! "

In a short sentence, it doesn't take too long.

In the deepest cell on the top floor, two soldiers in charge of the custody of prisoners simultaneously took up their guns and aimed them at the prisoner's body.

The soldier near the wall only hesitated for a moment when his index finger was on the trigger. He seemed to make up his mind immediately. His index finger tightened and planned to pull it off, but suddenly there was three dull noises in the room!

Three bullets from the other side of the river tore the air with great accuracy. They opened three blood holes in his body and killed him instantly.

Another soldier snorted and kicked his right foot heavily on the ground. He flashed into the corner and blocked his body with the help of a metal filing cabinet.

The subsequent rough bullets hit the metal filing cabinet and made a terrible snap. The cabinet kept shaking, but it was not broken down. The soldier raised the barrel again and aimed at the pale hostage in the room. Although he was panting, his eyes were very calm and decisive without hesitation.

Just then, the red Twilight suddenly became a little dim, as if something had blocked the light.

In the bleak wind, Duan Tiandao's body roared and rushed out of the window, like a huge stone flying from the sky, hitting the heavy metal filing cabinet!

The powerful force of his body directly bumped the filing cabinet into the corner, making a terrible noise. The filing cabinet creaked and deformed, and there was a clear and deep trace on it!

The metal filing cabinet was directly knocked flat in the corner, and blood flowed out of the corner. The only purpose of the soldiers behind at the moment is to make dumplings.

The military boots fell to the ground. Duan Tiandao looked at the beautiful woman in the opposite corner who looked confused. Although she looked weak, she was not hurt. A trace of confusion appeared on her face: "lying in the trough! You... Why are you here? "

The beautiful woman looked at Duan Tian, who was like a God coming to earth, and said, "I secretly ran to find the news... As a result, they caught me... They were going to kill me, but later I said I knew you... As a result..."

Duan Tiandao reluctantly touched his head.

In front of the woman closely controlled by the Chiang family, it was Zeng qiongying, the beautiful reporter who was bent on chasing the news!

The woman whose head was caught in the door! He admitted to knowing himself in front of his enemy... The enemy naturally thought she was his important friend and immediately took her as a hostage.

Well, but this statement has made her live.

Duan Tiandao bit his teeth. He wanted to ignore the idiot woman, but he finally walked forward without saying a word, took out the rope from his arms, bypassed her waist and tied her tightly behind him.

People want to save, people also want to beat!

Duan Tiandao turned and rushed to another place on the roof. That bastard Jiang Qiushi should be there!

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