Watching the huge flames rushing upwards from the old boiler, Brother Dong hid behind the huge iron pipe and smiled: "What? I can't keep my breath? Lu Yao! Let me tell you something more, the ones I blew up. The place is just to exercise those connections, and then the weight of the ship will slowly disintegrate it. This ship is so big that it will take some time to sink completely. However, the main pipe of this pipeline system leads directly to the upper one. In the VIP changing room in the banquet hall, aren't you in a group with those men, you can ask, where is that woman now!"

Taking a slight breath, forcibly controlling the shaking of his body, Lu Yao glanced up through the cracks in the iron pipe.

The bracket supporting the huge boiler has collapsed, and the cracks have spread out along the pipes, but have not completely cracked.

Dong Ge has a precise calculation. He wants to give himself time to escape so that he won't let the ship sink immediately. To escape from a sinking ship, he can only take a lifeboat. The time from here to the lifeboat is... …

"There are two lifeboats here. Two lifeboats have been destroyed, and we have killed them." After the headset short-circuited by the huge shock wave squeaked, Meng Su's voice rang out.

Not a lifeboat, so what?

After a violent start, Lu Yao said, "Meng Su, Ying Jiu, Dong Ge did it. He is going to blow up the entire ship. There are still twenty to thirty minutes before the ship sinks. His escape route should be It’s the top floor, and the plane on the top floor responds."

"Big Brother Lu! Are you in the engine room? My sister fell." Ye Shishi screamed from the earphone, and then Yan San said in a calm and panic voice: "Lu Yao, Qingyu fell off. Going down, there is a huge pipe. She fell down the pipe. She said she was down. The pipe here is blocked. We can't go down. We will go down the stairs. Pay attention."

It fell straight down... Lu Yao's head was blank. If Dong Ge just said (he didn't believe him at all), then the main pipeline is connected to this big iron furnace. No, no, Yan San said What she said, she is below, that is not here.

Lu Yao, don't panic, think about it, you can find her, your soul used to be with her, you can definitely feel her soul fluctuation.

"I'll look for it!" Looking at the top where fierce bullet sparks were constantly spraying at him, Lu Yao said: "Don't panic, Dong Brothers have already gone up, they have heavy weapons in their hands..." He saw it in his eyes. Three grenades were thrown out, and one grenade was launched at the same time.

Swiping back quickly, Lu Yao finished the following words: "There are grenade guns and grenades!" Then he rolled away from under the steel pipe.

The explosion sounded in the engine room, the boiler was exploded, and the pipeline was in ruins. A new type of engine was hit by the grenade. After the gas expanded suddenly, it made a violent explosion.

The huge wave of air caused by the explosion knocked down Dong Ge who was standing on a high place. A crunching iron pipe flashed past. With a backhand slap, Dong Ge slapped down the hand carrying the grenade gun and said angrily: "You are a pig! Can you put this stuff here! Damn! Go! The ship is sinking!"

"Brother Dong, don't we care about him?" He got up from the ground, and one of his men asked in the direction Lu Yao was.

"You are still alive underneath!" Brother Dong slapped the hand who got up with the grenade gun down again and ran up with the gun.

No one knows that this ship was actually sold by Shuidong Building to Guo An. When Guo An was renovating, he looked for Shuidong Building's subordinates. Shuidong Building is much more familiar with this ship than Guo An. .

So, this time, they made a savvy calculation. When the ship was renovated and decorated, the Shuidong Tower was just as fun and required the engineers to design a very ingenious structure, using Guo An’s unwillingness to move the original pipes. Psychology, made a structure that can make the ship torn apart by detonating a few points.

Shuidong Tower did this purely for fun. He didn't have any thoughts at the beginning. Later, he fell asleep for a year in Africa, and his subordinates were also fired by Guo An. This ship was not in his Under control, he never thought of this ship again.

Until a regular customer contacted him, asking him to destroy a cooperation between China and Southeast Asian countries, and by the way, killed a young man named Zhang Cheng in the Chinese mission.

The price the customer drove was very good, but Shuidong Building suffered severe physical loss after being seriously injured, so he handed over the work of getting on the ship to Brother Dong.

When will you visit? where do we meet? how many people?

Dong Ge didn't know anything.

When he dived to Beijing to find out the news, he asked Shen Mei to come out to meet. He was bored in Beijing to find a free and easy-to-use woman, but from Shen Mei’s complaints, he learned that she was about to act as a special service to protect a director-level mission. Secret visit to Southeast Asia.

Shen Mei told him all the details of the trip, including who he was meeting with, signing on the cruise ship, the number of their special service personnel, the weapons they brought, etc...

Dongge was overjoyed and went back to find Shuidonglou. He heard that it was Guo An's boat. Shuidonglou smiled ambiguously, and then took out the picture of the boat.

Although Guo An has changed people behind, the boat is much more luxurious than it was at the beginning, and the most advanced propulsion engine has been replaced, but according to Guo An’s personality, he must be reluctant to spend a lot of money to make major changes. The original structure must still be there. .

So Shuidonglou planned such a plan.

As for the people on the boat, neither Shuidonglou nor Dongge took any seriously. Isn't it just right that they all died? They also happen to be able to sell Japan and the United States a favor.

Look, what an excuse? The people who attacked the cruise ship were Chinese, and they were armed with Chinese secret service personnel. The monitoring room was also controlled by Chinese secret service personnel after the killing. In any case, it was punishment from China for not cooperating with Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines in the conflict in the South China Sea. .

The plan was very precise, and it went smoothly until the moment before. After the ship changed, it would take ten minutes from the engine room to the top floor. If there was a blockage in the middle, it would take more time. Therefore, Dongge left four for himself. Ten minutes (he took his life very hard).

However, now that the engine room exploded, the interlocking effect it caused was beyond his control. I was afraid that the time for the ship to sink and split would increase sooner.

How upset he.

"Brother Dong! Look!" yelled after his subordinates who were looking out.

Dong Ge looked back and saw a small crack cracked where the engine exploded, and sea water was pouring in from that crack.

The explosion broke the bottom of the ship.

"******, don't run fast!" Dong Ge yelled, using his hands and feet to climb up from the collapsed steel pipe.

The bottom of the boat made a sound like steel struggling and groaning.

The current is getting stronger and faster.

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