The successive explosions made the people on the ship panic. The people in the banquet hall began to rush out again. All exits were filled with panic crowds. Clothes were torn and shoes flew off and fled out in dismay.

Guo An's exit was blocked tightly.

"Damn!" Ye Shiyi cursed fiercely. He stood up and jumped out with his feet on the person's head. When he reached the door, he mercilessly grabbed the person and threw it back. After opening a passage, he snatched the submachine gun from Yang Zhao's hand, and a shuttle was directed at the crowd.

The bullet hit the ceiling, and the fierce gunshot made the panicked people scattered and hid. Most of them chose to squat on the ground holding their heads.

"Do you want to live?" Ye Shiyi's voice resounded through the entire cabin. He signaled Chu Nan to quickly bring Guo An out. Ye Shiyi said, "Someone blows up the ship now and wants us all in the boat. Two lifeboats were destroyed. If you want to survive, please be honest and obedient. Who dares not to be obedient or obey orders? I will kill him now. He will die faster than drowning with bullets. !"

The noisy voices of the full cabin suddenly quieted down. After three seconds of silence, a person stood up and shouted: "Who are you, why should we listen to you!"

Seeing that the man looked like the Filipino described by Ye Po, a deep smile evoked from the corners of Ye Shi's lips, a shuttle hit him, and after sweeping the man into a beehive, he faced the silent cabin again. Everyone said: "You are all decent people. You should know the consequences of the panic at this time. If there is someone who incites the riots and kills everyone, I will treat him as a group with the people who bombed the ship. What's the end of the accomplice... um!"

"You say, we listen to you!" shouted Mr. Ji, who was standing among a group of people standing in the banquet hall and not following the crowd.

"Well, we have already taken the lifeboat. You line up, Mr. Ji, you are responsible for leading them to the lifeboat." Ye Xixi threw the gun back to Yang Zhao with a smile on his lips. When he fell, the man had already swept away and caught up with Guo An.

"Brother, thank you." Guo An sincerely thanked him as he ran.

"Don't thank me, if my sister can't save her, I will let all of you be buried with you." Ye Shixi said coldly.

"Mr. Yang?" Asking friends and subordinates to help the crew maintain their order and walk along the passageway opened by Yang Zhaoheli to the lifeboat level. Mr. Ji ran to Yang Zhao and asked: "What happened?"

"Brother Dong is employed by Japanese and Filipinos. He wants to disrupt the cooperation between China and Southeast Asia and take the entire ship as a funeral." After Yang Zhao briefly said a few words, he saw that the crowd had returned to order. He glanced at the Director-General You and the group of people who were surrounded by Chinese secret service personnel and said: "You go from there, the other party is coming for you, I'm afraid there are still people..."

Before the words were over, a figure rushed out of the banquet hall and threw Director You and Zhang Cheng next to him down. A bullet shot from the position where the two were just now and directly into the chest of Gu Cheng who followed behind.

With a hand on the ground, Yan with three feet a little bit, his body like a smoke drifting past the hatch, and a hook on the ship rail, the person has already been on the upper floor, and the swift point on the railing straight up. Above a protruding platform.

The bullet fired from the sniper rifle with a silencer hit the bulkhead behind him. In the sniper's horrified eyes, the man approached him like a ghost, and only felt a cold neck.

At that moment, the sniper felt very regretful. If he was blocked by those people on the top of the stairs, he should escape. Even if he didn't escape to the sniper position, he should kill the two gunners. Why did he turn the muzzle in a ghostly manner? That young man...

Damn, one million dollars is worth my life...

The sniper's body hadn't fallen down yet, Yan San had already grabbed the gun in his hand and swept back to the lower level, threw the gun to Yang Zhao, and the person jumped directly over the railing to the lower level.

He can't wait for Guo An to get the map back, anyway, Ye Shiyi and Cheng Jia have followed, Ling Qingyu is below, then he will go down, go down first, and then even if the whole ship is cut away, he will find her out. .

Director You and Zhang Cheng got up and wanted to thank you. The man who saved them and killed the sniper at this moment has already jumped off, and the word of thanks can only be turned to Yang Zhao and said: "Thank you! "

"Come on, let's take you down." Yang Zhao held a sniper rifle in one hand and a submachine gun in the other, leading them to the back door of the small theater.

"Yang Zhao! What the **** is going on, baby!" The vibration of the hull just now made the headset useless. Zhao Yinfeng could only hear one ear. With anxiety, regardless of his own danger, he shot twice and rushed up the stairs to kill the man above. Seeing Yang Zhao and the others running over at this time, they yelled at Yang Zhao, covering their wounds.

"You are injured, go back to the boat first." Glancing at him, Yang Zhao ran past him and shouted.

"Damn, what is this injury? What the **** is going on, baby! You *** tell me!" Zhao Yinfeng asked as he ran behind him.

"Han Yan, Xiang Dong, take them off the boat. Our yacht is nearby. Get on the yacht first and don't let anyone else go on it." While running, he told Han Yan to Dong and Dong, when the stairs reached the lifeboat level. , The submachine gun in his hand was thrown to Zhao Yinfeng, Yang Zhao and He Li rushed directly down, waved to them to go directly to the lifeboat.

Meng Su held a gun next to a lifeboat that had already been put down, and beckoned: "Hurry up! Come here, shit, don't delay me! If it's slower, I don't care about you!"

"Zhao Yinfeng, you get me back!" After screaming, watching Zhao Yinfeng limping and preparing to run down, Meng Su yelled: "You are like this, don't mess with it, come and see. Live here, we have found Qingyu, and we need a lifeboat. You will come over to see me!"

Looking at the wounds on his legs and abdomen, Zhao Yinfeng gave a low sip. Shengsheng stopped his steps and ran to the side of the lifeboat, shouting, "If you can't save the baby!"

When Han Yan ran to the lifeboat, Meng Sudao gave it to you. He had already ran to the top of the stairs, and when he crossed Zhao Yinfeng, he whispered: "Qingyu will be fine!"

If...if...if something happens, then even if the world is overturned, you have to take revenge first, and then go to her.

"Brother, look at the lifeboat. If you see that Ling Xiaoxu's **** has been retained by me, I will peel her alive." The eleven cold voice in the headset successfully retained Zhao Yinfeng and took over. After Meng Su's position, Zhao Yinfeng said: "Okay! But, eleven, you tell me what is going on."

"Sister fell, it was the stinky woman who led her to go over. She did it on purpose. The changing room was a trap."

Looking at Ling Xiaoxu and the Japanese who squeezed the crowd forward in an orderly crowd, Zhao Yinfeng had a cold smile on his face and said, "I see."

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