Daji said hello, and immediately walked into the gate with Ao Guang and Ao Zhu.

Seeing Yang Huai's respectful attitude towards Daji, Ao Guang almost thought he had seen the wrong person.

Is this still the... the old guard with a bad attitude? Why is there such a big difference in attitude? Ao Guang couldn't help but want Li Yuan to be his son-in-law. In this way, the old man will see him later and see if he dares So arrogant! After a while, the three of them found Li Yuan.

At this moment, Li Yuan is reading a book in the pavilion.

He saw that Ao Guang and Ao Zhu, who had just left, came back again, and he didn't show any unexpected expressions.

He first asked Daji: "How about it, is the underworld fun?

When Daji heard the words, she immediately shook her head and said, "It's not fun at all, Senior Sister Guiling has been a ghost emperor for a few days, and there are too many things to do.

During this time, Daji went to the underworld with Our Lady of Turtle Spirit and Our Lady of Wudang, ready to experience the feeling of the ghost emperor in the middle.

It doesn't seem to feel good.

However, the depression on Daji's face was instantly swept away, she excitedly said to her brother: "Brother, do you know that I am also a sister.

Li Yuan deliberately joked: "Did your mother give birth to a sister for you?

"Not at all!

Daji jumped to Aozhu's side: "Dangdangdangdang, this is my sister.

Li Yuan smiled and said, "They are hundreds of years old, so you are too embarrassed to call her sister.

When Ao Zhu heard this, three black lines appeared on his forehead.

"Our dragon race is only a few hundred years old when your human race is a teenager, okay?

"It turns out that you are dragons.

Daji looked surprised and a little excited.

She didn't take the initiative to use her divine sense to detect other people's habit, so she didn't find out that Ao Zhu and Ao Guang were dragons just now.

Ao Zhu nodded, and she explained to Da Ji: "My father is the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Daji nodded, not showing any surprise.

Now that the Dragon Clan has fallen, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is famous, but his strength is the same. Ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal Demon Kings can go to the Dragon Palace to fight the autumn wind, let alone Daji as a Daluo Golden Immortal.

At this time, Li Yuan asked Ao Guang: "Why did you leave and come back?

Ao Guang said: "This old man has a happy event that he wants to tell Li Daoyou.

"What a happy event

When Daji heard the happy event, she suddenly became spirited.

Ao Zhu was also curious about what his father wanted to say.

Ao Guang looked at Li Yuan and said, "This old man wants to betroth his daughter Ao Zhu to Daoyou Li, but I don't know if Daoyou Li is willing.

When Ao Zhu heard what his father said, his cheeks "swiped".

Suddenly, it became: crimson as noted.

She never imagined that the way her father said was...let her marry Li Yuan.

I'm so ashamed, they're not mentally prepared at all! Ao Zhu was so nervous that he couldn't do anything, and he didn't dare to look at Li Yuan at all.


Daji suddenly exclaimed: "If she married her brother, wouldn't she be my sister-in-law, how could she be my sister?

Ao Guang hurriedly said: "You can talk about your own, after Ao Zhu marries your brother, you can also call her sister.

Ao Zhu's face became more and more embarrassed: 囧.

It's too shameless for the father to marry his daughter! Daji heard that he could talk about different things, and he immediately felt relieved, "It's not too bad.

I can't have more than one sister-in-law, just one less sister!

Li Yuan shook his head to Ao Guang and said, "I don't like to treat feelings as transactions.

Ao Zhu suddenly felt a loss in his heart.

Ao Guang wondered: "Why is this a deal? The little girl fell in love with Daoyou Li at first sight. Before Daoyou Li let her go back to the Dragon Palace, she fell in love with Daoyou Li, and she always defended Daoyou Li...

When Aozhu saw that her father called her a nympho, she couldn't help blushing even more.

It's just too embarrassing, people don't fall in love at first sight, but they still love Li Yuan, but still calmly said to Ao Guang: "I know your purpose clearly, I won't agree to this matter.

He didn't believe in falling in love at first sight at all, even if he fell in love at first sight, he was just greedy for the other person's body, not affection at all.

More importantly, when he met Ao Zhu for the first time, Ao Zhu had a bad impression of him and said he was a black-hearted boss.

So Ao Guang didn't want to lie to him! When Ao Guang saw that Li Yuan didn't agree, he was blinded.

My daughter is so beautiful, gentle, well-behaved, and sensible that she is even willing to refuse. Is he blind? What can I do? Seeing Li Yuan refuse so bluntly, Ao Zhu doesn't seem to care about her at all.

The shyness on his face also turned into grievance.

Daji saw that her younger sister, whom she only recognized, was rejected by the stinky brother, she couldn't help it, she stood up and said: "I agree to this marriage!

Thump! Li Yuan couldn't help staggering when he heard the words.

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