He was extremely speechless and said to his sister: "It's not to marry you, what can you promise to go to the side quickly, don't come to join in the fun.

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Chapter [-] This is the thought of straight male cancer (subscription)

This is the thinking of a straight male cancer. Daji raised her chest and looked up at her brother, and said old-fashioned: "I am your sister, the only close relative, if I don't worry about you in your life, who will worry about you?

You don't even know that I have already helped you find several sisters-in-law. Once the calamity is over, I will let you both get married.

After she finished speaking, she ignored her stinky brother and said directly to Ao Guang: "Uncle, I agreed to the marriage for my brother, but I have already found several sisters-in-law for my brother, I don't know if you would mind.

Clap! Li Yuan patted his forehead in a collapse.

I didn't expect that my famous name would be ruined in the hands of my sister.

A few sisters-in-law, why I don't even know how much she secretly carried me behind my back, and how much things have been done to destroy my reputation and image.

It's really a village! He nodded quickly and said, "I don't mind, I don't mind, isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, what's the point of it?

Daji was equally happy to see Ao Guang being so enlightened.

"Since my uncle doesn't mind, then the matter is settled as it is, but the marriage will be held together with... her sister-in-law after the calamity ends.

"Okay, okay, it's all up to the girl's ideas.

Ao Guang's current thinking is that as long as he can marry his daughter to Li Yuan, no matter what...

He agreed with what Daji said.

Li Yuan was speechless when he saw that his sister had given him his marriage in just a few words.

What kind of sister is this, she's just... an old mother.

Ao Zhu was also a little confused at the moment.

Could it be that I will be Li Yuan's fiancée in the future, and her heart suddenly beat very fast.

After Ao Guang and Da Ji confirmed their marriage, he took his daughter and left the Li residence in a hurry, not giving Li Yuan a chance to refuse.

If you don't want to marry my daughter, there's no way! Daji sent the Dragon King and his daughter out of the gate all the way, and only then did she come back contented.

As soon as she returned to the yard, Li Yuan grabbed her ear.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, brother, take it easy, it hurts!

Daji hurriedly shouted.

Li Yuan, however, ignored his sister's plea for mercy, and still held on to his sister's ear.

He said angrily: "Say, how much have you secretly done behind my back... Bad things

Daji will never admit that she has done bad things: "I am so beautiful, cute and kind, how could I do bad things, brother, put my ear away, or your cutest sister will have one ear in the future.

Seeing the pitiful appearance of his younger sister, Li Yuan was unmoved at all, and he obviously did not exert any strength, how could he have turned into an ear and asked his younger sister coldly, "You didn't do anything bad, those sisters-in-law are? what's the matter why i don't know at all

Daji smiled at her brother to please her: "It's not a bad thing, it's a good thing, several sister-in-laws are all great beauties, and they are willing to marry you, but you don't even know that your sister has worked hard and paid for it. Sweat, you can have fun!

Li Yuan said angrily: "You ruined my reputation, I didn't cry, it was fine, and I was secretly having fun.


He showed a curious expression, "Who are the sisters-in-law?

I don't know if she looks good or not. If she doesn't look good, let my sister marry her. Anyway... I won't agree to kill him.

Daji snapped her fingers and said, "There are three senior sisters, Yunxiao, Bixiao, and Qiong Xiao who agree, as well as senior sister Jin Ling.

I also mentioned this to Guiling and Senior Sister Wudang. Although they did not agree, they did not express their objection. As long as I work harder, I should be able to do it.

At the same time, the two sisters Nuwa and Houtu are also in my plan, but these two sisters are not easy to handle, I am afraid it will take more time and effort...

Bah! Li Yuan's jaw dropped when he heard his sister say names.

Sanxiao, Our Lady of Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, Our Lady of Turtle, Nuwa, Houtu, are true and false, and Sanxiao and Our Lady of Golden Spirit also agreed.

How could it be, why I didn't feel the difference in the way they looked at me, they must be playing with Daji, or we didn't say a few words, how could it be possible to agree, it must be like this.

Oops, these people don't think I instigated my sister to say it, it's a bit embarrassing! Thinking of this, Li Yuan's heart collapsed even more.

He hurriedly warned his sister: "In the future, don't mention anything about your sister-in-law to them for thousands of years, and you should save some face for your brother.

"What face do you need to look for a daughter-in-law?

Daji said in disbelief.

It's over! Now Li Yuan is more sure of his guess.

My sister must have lost her face in front of Sanxiao and others! I am not as thick-skinned as my sister, or I should go somewhere to hide, otherwise I will see Sanxiao again in the future, how embarrassing the Virgin of Jinling and the others are! Li Yuan secretly secretly Take note...  

In the following days, Ao Guang often brought his daughter to Chaoge to look for Li Yuan, the prospective son-in-law.

However, Li Yuan believed that Ao Guang was selling his daughter and that it was a deal, and that Ao Zhu would not fall in love with him at first sight, so every time Ao Guang came, he would hurry to hide in the Happy Forest, and would not give Ao Guang anything at all. opportunity to speak.

Ao Guang was speechless for a while.

This son-in-law is too careless! Seeing Li Yuan hiding from her like this, Ao Zhu felt a little uncomfortable.

How disgusting he looks, to be so unwelcoming.

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