If Daji hadn't comforted Ao Zhu, Ao Zhu's lungs would have exploded with anger.

Ao Guang saw that his prospective son-in-law had been at odds with him: he was a little worried when he met himself.

The people around him are about to respond to the robbery, and I don't know who Daji will notice Ao Guang's frowning face, so he can't help but ask the reason.

Ao Guang took advantage of the situation and told Da Ji the reason for the incident.

After hearing what happened, Daji immediately assured Ao Guang with a relaxed expression: "Uncle, don't worry, I will find a way to ask my brother to help him in this matter, and let him figure out who should be calamified.

When Ao Guang heard this, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

This son-in-law... the little sister-in-law is... understanding! Daji spoke loudly, and turned back to ask her brother.

It's a pity that no matter whether Daji pinches Li Yuan's shoulders or beats his back, Li Yuan just... doesn't say who is the one who should be robbed.

Daji was so angry that she gritted her teeth, wishing she could take a bite from his stinky brother.

"Brother stinky, just promise me, I have already boasted about Haikou in front of sister Aozhu, you can't make your sister ashamed, right?

Li Yuan said unmoved: "You are thicker than the city wall, how can you be afraid of losing face?

Seeing that the stinky brother is more stubborn than a hundred cows, it makes no sense at all, Daji suddenly clicked on Li Yuan's back in a frenzy.

"Oh, my old man, I will be pressed by you: cut off.


Daji sighed with relief.

However, she still let go of her brother.

The stinky brother looks weak, don't press him: it's broken! Feilu reminds you: three things to read for collection, recommended

Chapter [-] Nezha's heart is bitter! (please subscribe)

Nezha's heart is bitter! "Hmph, since brother stinky doesn't want to help, then I'll help myself, this young lady is a big golden immortal anyway, can't she still cope with a small calamity.

Having said that, Daji left angrily and headed towards the East China Sea.

Li Yuan didn't persuade his sister to come back, anyway... in this world, no one can hurt her.

Daji came to the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

When the Dragon King of the East China Sea saw Daji, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, and asked expectantly, "What did the son-in-law say?

Daji said embarrassedly: "My brother is a stinky temper, he won't say anything,

The Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly showed a look of disappointment.

This son-in-law's brain is too rigid, why can't he turn a corner? Ao Bing next to him said with a dissatisfied face: "Hmph, what does it mean to refuse to say, I don't think he knows at all.

The father king must have been deceived, and he even promised his younger sister to him.

As he spoke, he became more and more angry.

Many dragon sons and dragon girls around also looked a little angry.

"My brother is not... a liar.

Daji quickly retorted.

"Hmph, no liar would ever call himself a liar.

Ao Bing said coldly.

He wouldn't believe in murder.

"Ao Bing, if you can't speak, shut up for me.

Ao Guang suddenly scolded his son ruthlessly: "I don't know if the good son-in-law I personally found is a liar or not.

Even the sages asked Li Yuan for advice. Could this be a liar? If you have the ability, go to a few sages to show me acting. After that, he hurriedly apologized to Daji: "The child has an impulsive personality, reckless language, and offends you. I also hope that little sister-in-law will not take it to heart.

Ao Bing, why don't you hurry up and apologize to Fairy Su?

When Ao Bing saw that his father was actually helping an outsider to reprimand him, and he wanted to apologize, he couldn't hold his face, and his face was immediately flushed with anger, and his fist was about to squeeze water.

"Why, you don't even listen to what your father says?

Ao Guang looked solemn.

Ao Bing did not dare to disobey his father's words. Although he was extremely dissatisfied, he still held back his anger and bowed his head to apologize to Daji: "I'm sorry...

Seeing someone questioning her brother, Daji was very uncomfortable.

But when she saw how polite and respectful the Dragon King of the East China Sea was, the little anger in her heart disappeared.

"never mind,

She comforted the Dragon King: "Don't worry, uncle, although my brother refuses to say it, I will stay here to help you through the calamity.

Hearing this, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was overjoyed.

Daji stays here, if something happens, can her brother stand by and watch? "With my sister-in-law's help, I will completely

Ao Bing was upset when he saw his father Wang's resignation and sullenness.


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