Seeing Li Yuan's smile, for some reason, Zhang Yuyan's flustered mood suddenly changed: calm down.

Forget it, if you can die with him, there is nothing to fear.

Kui Niu murderously followed the direction of his brother's finger.

When he saw Li Yuanhou.

The expression was stunned.

He blinked his eyes in disbelief.

That's right, this is Li Yuan.

Bah! Kui Niu's chin fell to the ground immediately.

The murderous aura all over his body suddenly restrained, and his face "shuh"

It suddenly became: pale.

The burly body shivered uncontrollably, as if it was suddenly cold.

Japan and Europe! The black cow who avenged me turned out to be Senior Li.

Hei Niu is going to kill me! Hei Niu saw the big brother suddenly stunned, and couldn't help urging: "What is the big brother still doing, hurry up and poop him out!

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Chapter [-] Brother, why did you poop me out? (please order, please order)

Big brother, why did you poop me? He looked at Li Yuan with a cruel expression, hehe sneered: "Hehe, boy, with my big brother Kui Niu here, you will be shit today...

Hearing Hei Niu's words, Kui Niu was shocked and immediately woke up.


He punched Hei Niu's cockroach, and immediately stunned the Hei Niu who was sneering at Li Yuan.

"Brother, why did you hit me?

Hei Niu covered the injured Guba with a look of grievance.

"Bang bang bang...

However, what greeted him was Kui Niu's fisting and kicking, "Short your uncle, the one who hit you is... you little bitch...

"Oh, it hurts me to death, isn't my uncle your uncle?

Hei Niu was knocked to the ground with two punches, while rolling around with his head in embarrassment, he screamed in pain.

Didn't you say you want to take revenge on me? Why did you beat me instead, the black bull is about to collapse.

"Bang bang bang...

Kui Niu continued to punch and kick, the mixed iron stick in his hand fell on the black cow like raindrops, and with a few blows, the black cow was ripped apart and blood flew.

While beating, he also yelled at his younger brother.

"You smashed a cow, and you dare to offend Senior Li, bang bang bang... Senior Li can teach you a lesson: it is the blessing you have cultivated in your eight hundred lifetimes, and you dare to take revenge, bang bang bang. ...I'm going to punch you out today, so that you don't remember the pain, bang bang bang...  

"Oh, I'm going to be beaten, what Senior Li, what, he is Senior Li, can't you?

Hei Niu was in constant pain and shock.

He could never have imagined that the senior Li that Kui Niu talked about before would be Li Yuan.

Woohoo, how could it be so coincidental that Senior Li shouldn't be the image of a grandfather who sits high for nine days, exposing domineering, and coercing the heavens? His cultivation is unfathomable.

This Li Yuan is too young, his cultivation is too low, let's drop it "Wuwuwu, don't beat me, bro, my shit has already been beaten!

"Fight out and continue to fight, I have to beat you to death today, an inconsiderate thing, you dare to offend Senior Li...

Kui Niu was really pissed off.

Even asking me to teach Senior Li a lesson, isn't this hurting me? I still want to live two more years, marry a daughter-in-law, and take a few concubines.

"Kill you bastard...  

"It hurts!

Yu Yan had already prepared her heart for death, but when she saw this sudden, extremely magical scene, her whole body became dumbfounded.

His expression was bewildered.

Who am I and where did I come from? Didn't these two monsters come to take revenge? Why did they suddenly fight? Also, Senior Li, are they talking about Li Yuan? But Li Yuan is so young, how can he be a senior A big Luo Jinxian monster was so frightened that Zhang Yuyan suddenly felt that his brain was running out of use.

The experience of these two days is even more bizarre and incredible than everything she has encountered in the first half of her life.

She has something: the unreal feeling of dreaming.

Li Yuan and Yangmei Taoist always looked indifferent.

Even seeing Kui Niu beating Hei Niu violently, it didn't change their expressions.

The Taoist raised his eyebrows smiled at Li Yuan: "This Kui Niu...has some kind of eyesight, and it is worthy of being a mount that can reach the sky.

Hear "Tongtian

With these two words, Zhang Yuyan's mind seemed to be shaken by Huang Zhong Dalu, and his eardrums were buzzing.

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