Tongtian, isn't this a saint .

Zhang Yuyan found that she was about to become a question mark! There was also a little rabbit on the side who also became a question mark.

For a while... look at Li Yuan, for a while... look at it still: Kui Niu who beat his younger brother madly, his expression is indescribably confused.

Kui Niu stopped when he beat Hei Niu so angry that blood, tears, feces, and urine flew all over, and he couldn't even cry out for begging for mercy.

He rubbed his beaten fist, knelt down in front of Li Yuan with a humble look on his face, and smiled to please: "Kui Niu has seen Li Gongzi.

My younger brother is short-sighted, and I have already taught him a lesson for Young Master Li.

Li Yuan looked at Kui Niu and joked: "Aren't you going to stand up for your brother?

Kui Niu was startled, shook his head again, waved his hand again and said: "Kui Niu has no such idea, if Li Gongzi is still not relieved, I will pull Hei Niu up and beat him again:.

The black cow that was already soft on the ground: "...

Wuwuwu, is this your own brother? Li Yuan said lightly: "He doesn't need to fight, but I think you are very stinky, you must have said something that shouldn't be said.

"Clap clap clap...

Hearing this, Kui Niu immediately knew that he couldn't hide the incomparable Li Yuan.

In two strokes, the glutinous rice was beaten to the point of tearing its skin to pieces.

"My stinky mouth should be beaten.

"Clap clap clap...

Kui Niu beat him about a hundred times, not only cracked his cheeks, but also knocked out all his teeth.

Li Yuan then waved his hand in satisfaction, and said, "You're still pretty smart, you two can get out.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, for the power of writing.

Hearing this, Kui Niu kowtowed to Li Yuan a few times with a look of overjoyed expression, showing his gratitude.

It's just that he has been beaten and swollen, and his teeth have been lost.

After Kui Niu kowtowed, he immediately helped his brother who couldn't stand up and left the yard as if he were running away.

After flying hundreds of thousands of miles, Kui Niu said to his younger brother with a heartache: "Brother, you can't blame your brother for being cruel, if your brother wasn't cruel just now, we might be separated by yin and yang.

Hei Niu looked at the big brother whose mouth was full of blood and his words were leaking, and he couldn't help but tear up: "Wuwuwu, what is this called, why does Senior Li look so young?

Kui Niu: "Senior Li young.

He quickly took out a panacea to treat his brother's injuries.

In a short while, the broken bones and the burst muscles of the black cow were all healed.

Except... my body is still a little weak, I can already stand up by myself.

Seeing that the elder brother had put away the medicinal pills, Hei Niu said strangely: "Why doesn't my elder brother treat his nephew?

Kui Niu sighed and said worriedly: "Oh, I offended Senior Li, and I have to go back and ask my master to apologize, if I have some injuries, my master will punish him lightly.

"It's all me who killed big brother!

The black bull was annoyed.

When the Taoist raised eyebrows saw Kui Niu leave, he immediately stood up and said, "The good show is over, it's time for the old man to leave.

He clenched his fists to Li Yuan, "Thank you for your hospitality today, Brother Li.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-]: The Seven Immortals Are Too Confused

The attendant Seven Immortals were so ignorant that Li Yuan looked at the empty teapot, not even the slag of the tea leaves left, and immediately waved to Taoist Yangmei: "Go away, it's best not to come.

The Taoist raised eyebrows not only didn't get angry, on the contrary, he smiled to please: "Brother Li, don't be so ruthless, I plan to come to you every day for food in the future.

"every day

Li Yuan rolled his eyes: "If only I could have as thick a skin as you.

I'm thick-skinned, maybe I'm not single. The Taoist raised his eyebrows and said modestly: "As long as you work hard, you can be so thick, come on, boy.

Li Yuanjing twitched.

Only the ghost master will try his best to become a second-skinned face without shame! Zhang Yuyan couldn't help but want to laugh when she saw the two quarreling.

After raising his eyebrows and leaving with satisfaction, Zhang Yuyan couldn't wait to ask Li Yuan: "Is that bull demon really the mount of Saint Tongtian just now?

Li Yuan nodded: "Really.

"How can the saint's mount be so afraid of you and call you Senior Li?

Zhang Yuyan looked puzzled.

Seeing Zhang Yuyan's puzzled look, Li Yuan couldn't help but smile and said, "Of course I am more powerful than them.

Zhang Yuyan frowned and looked at Li Yuan: "I don't see that you are amazing, are you hiding your cultivation?

Li Yuan asked back: "Is there any need to ask?

Zhang Yuyan: "Even if you hide your cultivation, you are more powerful than the bull demon.

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