But the bull demon is a saint's mount after all, so you don't need to be so afraid of you. Even if my father and king face the saint's disciple every time, he can treat each other with respect and be careful.

Li Yuan had some headaches and Zhang Yuyan's comprehension ability: "Uh, you may have misunderstood, I am talking about them who are more powerful than them, referring to Tongtian sect master.

Thump! Zhang Yuyan stumbled and fell to the ground.

The bun that was rolled up on her head fell apart.

Zhang Yuyan got up from the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner and looked at Li Yuan with an extremely speechless expression.

"You bullshit, it's too outrageous, the Three Realms are more powerful than the sages, only the Taoist ancestors, you shouldn't say you are the Taoist ancestors, right?

Li Yuan shook his head and said, "You're wrong, it's not Hongjun who is more powerful than the saint, just that... Erpiface, is even stronger than Hongjun.

Thump! Zhang Yu's cigarette legs softened and fell to the ground again.

His dark hair was messed up like a chicken coop.

She held the table and got up from the ground with difficulty.

Li Yuan's words almost shocked her.

Even better than Hongjun.

Zhang Yuyan's corners twitched.

Dare to say it too.

The Taoist ancestors fit the Tao with their bodies, and their strength is comparable to that of heaven.

That... the old man who drank urine from a bowl, couldn't possibly be the way of heaven. Zhang Yuyan had never heard of it before. Who in Honghuang has cultivated to the way of heaven.

She felt that Li Yuan's cowhide was outrageous.

"What about your strength?

She subconsciously said the right thing.

Li Yuan said as a matter of course: "Of course they are all taller.

Sure enough! Zhang Yuyan didn't show shock this time.

Because she had already guessed that Li Yuan would say so.

Well, cowhide, naturally how outrageous how come.

Although she knew that everything in Li Yuan's family was extremely extraordinary, her identity was definitely not as simple as an Earth Immortal.

But even if she was killed, she would not believe that Li Yuan was more powerful than the saint.

Not to mention compared to Hongjun.

Because, in the Great Desolation, no one can compare with the Taoist ancestors.

She reminded Li Yuan with a worried look: "You must never say such words in front of outsiders in the future, or it will be troublesome if it reaches the ears of those who care.

Not to mention other things, if this matter spread to her father and mother, she would be furious.

After all, her father, the queen, and her mother used to be the Taoist children of the Taoist ancestors, and of course they cannot tolerate others slandering the Taoist ancestors.

Seeing Zhang Yuyan's worried look, Li Yuan couldn't help but smiled helplessly.

If he doesn't believe it, he doesn't force it.

He looked at the empty teapot and said to Zhang Yuyan: "You can play by yourself, I'll make a pot of tea and read a book by the way.

He looked at the little rabbit again, "Do you want to go with me?

The bunny shook his ears.

Li Yuan went to the study alone.

As soon as Li Yuan's figure disappeared, he saw a white afterimage flying towards the courtyard at a very fast speed.


This white afterimage is the little rabbit.

The direction of its flying shot is exactly that... the wine gourd thrown away by Taoist Yangmei.

Zhang Yuyan suddenly reacted when she saw the little rabbit's movements.


She also hurriedly flew towards Chaos Gourd.

However, in the end, she still didn't catch up with the little rabbit who took the lead, and the Chaos Gourd was caught by the little rabbit.


The little rabbit hugged the Chaos Gourd and was overjoyed.

Zhang Yuyan squatted down quickly, and said to the little rabbit with a flat face: "Little Tutu, can you give this gourd to my sister?

"Squeak... . . .

No, the little bunny shook his head like a rattle.

Seeing the ruthless appearance of the rabbit, Zhang Yuyan suddenly looked depressed.

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