Alas, if I had known that this rabbit also coveted the gourd, I shouldn't have hesitated because of my face just now.

This is the best innate spiritual treasure! Although it is loaded with urine.

Zhang Yuyan felt that she missed [-] million.

Li Yuan noticed the movements of the little rabbit and the seven fairies, and shook his head speechlessly.

He decided that if the little rabbit didn't soak in the tub for one night, she would not be allowed to enter the study in the future...

Golden Turtle Island.

Kui Niu walked into the Biyou Palace with a mouth full of blood, and immediately attracted the attention of countless disciples along the way.

"Kui Niu, what's wrong with you?

Wu Yunxian, who was accompanying the Seven Immortals, asked Kui Niu curiously.

"Did someone bully you, tell us, and we will avenge you.

Qiu-shou immortal proudly said.

In revenge, Kui Niu shook his head quickly: "No one bullied me, I beat myself.

Pfft! Everyone burst into laughter.

"Haha, why are you hitting yourself?

"You are stupid

"Admiration, admiration, you really can do it!

". . .

Kui Niu rolled his eyes: "You guys think that I want to beat myself, but I'm not my... the younger brother who doesn't have long eyes, I'm going to provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked, so I have to be punished together.

Long-eared Dingguangxian said inexplicably: "Even if you provoke that... Great Master..., if you bring out the teacher, who can not give you some face for beating yourself so badly?

"Sorry, all the teeth are falling out.

The Tooth Fairy had a sympathetic look.

Kui Niu shook his head and said, "It's useless to lift the master out, maybe he will be beaten even worse.

Forget it, I won't tell you, otherwise the blood will dry, and I have to go and apologize to the master immediately.

After he finished speaking, he wanted to go deep into the Biyou Palace.

A stunned crowd was left behind.

"Who is so domineering and doesn't even give the teacher face

Jin Guangxian was shocked, and there was a bit of anger in his eyes.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] I dare not let Daoyou Li come to meet you

I didn't dare to let Fellow Daoist Li come to greet Wu Yunxian and was full of doubts: "Yes, the second uncle is not Master's opponent, and he was forced by Master to let Nezha punish himself, how could anyone dare not to give Master face

Vairocana said angrily: "This person doesn't take our interception seriously.

Long-eared Dingguangxian nodded and said, "That's right.... When Kui Niu comes out, we must ask him to find out who the other party is. We must... teach him a lesson...

Just when the Seven Immortals were indignant, they suddenly saw Tongtian Sect Master riding Kui Niu out.

Kui Niu Guba's injury has also healed.

"Master, where are you going?

Wu Yunxian, who was accompanying the head of the Seven Immortals, hurriedly saluted.

Dissatisfied, Tongtian Sect Master knocked Kui Niu's head with a whisk, and immediately knocked out a big green bag.

He was dissatisfied and said: "It's not this beast who has offended Daoyou Li, I have to go and accompany Daoyou Li in person.

After speaking, he ignored his disciple and flew out of Golden Turtle Island on Kui Niu.

Bah! The chin of the Seven Immortals dropped to the ground.

The expression was indescribable astonishment.

His heart was like a stormy wave that could not calm down for a long time.

After a while, Wu Yunxian finally reacted from his shock, he jumped up in shock, and screamed: "How sacred is this 'Li Daoyou', why does the master have to apologize to him?

Jin Hoop Fairy also screamed: "Except... Daozu, who can bear Master's apology?

"Could it be that there are still saints we don't know

Jin Guangxian was stunned and said.

"How could there be other saints we don't know

". . .

After guessing for a long time, everyone did not guess the result.

Still bewildered.

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