The Seven Immortals only feel that the world view has been subverted all of a sudden...

Zhang Yuyan tried to lure the little rabbit, act coquettishly, and pretend to be pitiful, trying to get the little rabbit to give her the Chaos Gourd.

Unfortunately, the little rabbit turned a blind eye to all Zhang Yuyan's offensive and was unmoved.

In the end, Zhang Yuyan had no choice but to give up.

It seems that this gourd has no connection with me.

She stood up and noticed that there were a lot of fruits in the yard, each kind of fruit looked crystal clear and beautiful, and felt more attractive than the fruits in the Tiangong orchard, which made her forefinger move.

When she saw a bunch of purple grapes growing very full, she couldn't help but picked one and tasted it.

Grape Entrance: Zhang Yuyan only felt that hundreds of millions of pores all over his body opened at the same time, his taste buds were surrounded by layers of a special aroma, the spit in his mouth could not stop secreting, as if his tongue would melt.

"too delicious!

Zhang Yuyan's eyes widened and she cried out excitedly.

She felt that this was the fruit she had eaten in her life, and it was ten thousand times better than the spiritual fruit in the Heavenly Palace.


She discovered that a spiritual energy was born from her body, passed through the Zhoutian meridian, and finally flowed into the Zifu, becoming a part of her consciousness.

Zhang Yuyan was stunned to find that his consciousness was more than a thousand times stronger than before.


Feeling the change in consciousness, Zhang Yuyan couldn't accept it for a while.

"Why is this

"Could it be that this grape is not of ordinary quality

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuyan immediately held back his horror and hurriedly picked a new grape and ate it.

Still as sweet and delicious as before.

However, Zhang Yuyan did not focus on the taste at all.

Sure enough, after eating a 1 grape, there was another pure and extremely spiritual power, which turned into consciousness.

It's just that this time the growth of divine consciousness is not as much as the first time, it is only several times more than her original divine consciousness.

Zhang Yuyan finally determined that this grape turned out to be a treasure of the fairy family, which could greatly enhance the cultivator's consciousness.

Compared with the Spirit Fruit in the Heavenly Palace, the quality is not known how many times higher.

Zhang Yuyan originally thought that she had encountered enough surprises today, but she never imagined that there was such a huge surprise waiting for her.

"How many secrets are hidden in this manor...

"What is it that exists to have so many fairy treasures?

Zhang Yuyan couldn't help but wonder, could Li Yuan really be comparable to a saint's existence? Otherwise, why does he have so many treasures? Her father, as the emperor of heaven, sits in the palace of heaven, but compared with Li Yuan, she felt that her father was so poor. Like a beggar! Suddenly, Zhang Yuyan thought of something.

She quickly looked at the other fruit trees in the manor.

Peaches, plums, pipa, green jujubes... all of them look like pink and jade carvings, glittering and attractive.

"These...... are the fruits the same as the grapes as fairy roots?

Zhang Yuyan took a sip, she wanted to pick one to taste.

However, just as she stretched her jade hand in front of a peach, she suddenly hesitated.

"The two grapes I ate just now are at least low-grade innate spiritual roots. I didn't know it before, but now I know these... The fruit may be very precious, but I have to take it without telling me.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuyan immediately resisted the strong impulse and withdrew her jade hand.

Zhang Yuyan was going to take a closer look at this manor to see if there was anything else special about it.

But at this moment, a voice full of Dao rhyme suddenly sounded outside the fence.

"Please tell Daoyou Li a message, saying that Daoist Tongtian is visiting.

Zhang Yuyan turned his head to look, and saw a middle-aged black-robed Taoist with an ethereal aura and starry eyes, riding on one... The big black bull stopped outside the fence.

She didn't even know when the other party arrived.

Tongtian Taoist Zhang Yuyan suddenly reacted, she looked at Tongtian Sect Master in disbelief, her voice stuttered with excitement: "Excuse me, is Taoist Master Tongtian Sect Master?

Tongtian Sect Master smiled and said: "I think, there should be no second person in the world who dares to take this Dao title.

Thump! Knowing that the other party is really a saint, Zhang Yuyan was immediately nervous and at a loss.

Could it be that he came to take revenge on the bull demon just now? What should I do? But, he was so polite, it didn't look like he was here to take revenge. Zhang Yuyan was so flustered in her heart, but she didn't dare to have any hesitation on her face, and hurried to Tongtian The leader saluted: "The little girl pays homage to Saint Tongtian.

Saints please come in.

Saying that, she hurriedly opened the gate of the fence to Saint Tongtian.

"Sage Tongtian will take a moment, and I will inform Daoyou Li to come out to greet him.

Hearing the words, Tongtian Sect Master quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't report it, I dare not let Fellow Daoist Li come to greet you.

I'll go see him myself.

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