Do I really want to be kept as a pet by others in the future? It's too sad, and the rest of the people can't accept it.

This is also incredible.

The head of the seven immortals in the attendant would actually be kept as a pet in the pond. It would be difficult for Jiaojiao to promise that the teacher would agree. Thinking of this, when the church encountered a major crisis, everyone's hearts jumped wildly.

Tongtian Sect Master thought for a while, then put down the teacup immediately, and clasped his fists to Li Yuan and pleaded: "Today is just a coincidence, or Li Daoyou can help me with these few disciples to figure it out, and see how their fate in this calamity will be asked.

The Golden Hoop Immortal, Pilu Immortal, Qiu Shou Immortal, Golden Light Immortal, and Lingfang Immortal couldn't help but show their curiosity.

Li Yuan looked at the golden hoop fairy and said: "This person can escape safely in the killing calamity, but he will be disheartened in the future and will choose to live in seclusion.

Heartbroken Jin Hoops Xian couldn't figure out how he could be disheartened, but being able to escape safely in the killing robbery made him feel relaxed and happy.

Li Yuan looked at Vairocana again: "This person can also save himself in the slaughter, but he will live by Wuyunxian's pool in the future.

Tongtian Sect Master's eyes flickered.

Wu Yunxian will be caught and kept in the pond, but Vairocana can live safely beside the Wuyunxian pond. Does this mean that Vairocana will take refuge in that... the enemy who catches Wuyunxian? Read the underlined version of the novel Please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] The Seven Immortals of the Attendant have cracked (please order all, please order)

When the Seven Immortals of the Attendant cracked thinking of this, Tongtian Sect Master's heart couldn't help cooling down.

This Vairocana actually turned against the bone Vairocana, Wu Yunxian and others also thought of the joints.

Vairocana's back suddenly had a fine layer of cold sweat.

His heart stopped beating in shock.

He wanted to explain to the master, but he opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

After all, this incident has not happened yet, how can he explain that Li Yuan looked at Qiu Shou Xian, Jin Guang Xian, and Ling Fang Xian again, and said, "These three people will become others' mounts.

Pfft! Qiu Shou Xian's trio couldn't hold back, and suddenly spewed out in shock.

Are we going to be mounts for saints? But how could saints take action against us regardless of their status?

If it wasn't for a saint, who would have the ability to reach the heavens, the sect master only felt bitter in his heart at this moment.

None of the seven immortals who served him had a good ending.

Even the people around him are like this, and the other disciples are not even worse. Is it really going to be exterminated? Thinking of this, Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help but look sad.

I don't think Enlightenment tea is fragrant anymore.

The mood of serving the Six Immortals is also not very good.

They wanted to say that Li Yuan was talking nonsense, but it was totally inaccurate.

But the masters all said that Li Yuan had no last resort, and they suddenly didn't know what to say.

For a time, the yard suddenly became: quiet.

The atmosphere also seemed very heavy.

After a while, Sect Master Tongtian came back to his senses, he stood up and said to Li Yuanji: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li, for figuring out the secrets for them, we won't bother you any more, so I'll say goodbye first.

He was ready to go back and figure out a way to deal with it.

After hearing the words, the six immortals also said goodbye to Li Yuanji: "Senior Li, we are leaving.

Li Yuan nodded, not sending each other.

Master Tongtian returned to Biyou Palace with his six immortals.

Seeing that the Tongtian Cult Master's face was not good, Wu Yunxian couldn't help comforting him: "Teacher, don't worry too much, now that the calamity has already started, there is no way to deduce the secret, Senior Li's words, I'm afraid it's too much.

Tongtian Sect Master shook his head and said, "You don't know Li Daoyou's ability, you must know that Li Daoyou can even calculate the method of heaven's merit, not to mention your destiny.

Bah! The eyes of the attendant Six Immortals were shocked and their expressions were stunned.

How could Li Yuan be able to calculate the merits and virtues of the Heavenly Dao? A few people couldn't imagine this ability.

If this was not said by the Master of Heaven, they would definitely denounce it as nonsense.

Wu Yunxian stupidly asked Tongtian Sect Master: "How can the teacher be sure that Senior Li can calculate the merits of the heavenly way?

Tongtian sect master asked several disciples: "Do you know that Houtu friends left the underworld, right?

This matter can be said to be the biggest thing that has happened in the past tens of thousands of years in the Great Desolation, and the people who attend the Six Immortals naturally know about it.

When the master suddenly mentioned this matter, could it be... a few people were shocked, and suddenly thought of a shocking guess.

Seeing the expression on the disciple's face, Tongtian Sect Master understood that the disciple had guessed it, he nodded and said, "Yes, the Heavenly Dao merit obtained by Daoist Houtu's escape from the predicament is... that Daoyou Li helped to calculate.

Boom! The speculation in my heart was confirmed, and the Six Immortals only felt a shock of thunder exploded in their minds, causing several people to be dizzy and their scalps cracked.

This news is really too shocking and too incredible.

So much so that they couldn't accept it for a while.

Oh my god, Senior Li is so hung up! What kind of ability this is against the sky can even calculate the merits and virtues of the heavens. In this way, our destiny can't be wrong. I don't know what to say.

Tongtian sect master told several disciples: "Therefore, you must remember what Li Daoyou said, practice diligently during this time, and don't... take it lightly.

The teacher has also prepared a set of formations for each of you. You can practice with great concentration, and you can quickly improve your own strength in a short period of time.

"is teacher.

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