The crowd bowed and replied.

Master Tongtian glanced at Vairocana, but in the end he didn't say anything...

Lunar star.

Guanghan Palace.

Since the end of the Lich Tribulation and the fall of the two lunar goddesses Xihe and Changxi, the lunar star has become extremely deserted.

Chang'e lives in the Guanghan Hall next to the Moon Palace.

Guanghan Hall was originally the place where the fairies who were responsible for managing the laurel tree lived.

In the past, Chang'e always felt that the moon star was too lonely and desolate, but since she met Li Yuan, Chang'e felt that the quiet and cold moonlight has become gentle.

As long as she thinks of Li Yuan's appearance and savors "When Will the Moon Come" sung by Li Yuan, she feels inexplicably happy.

This is an experience she has never had in millions of years.

At this moment, Chang'e is dancing under the laurel tree.

The graceful dance, accompanied by the bright moonlight and the falling laurel petals, is extremely beautiful.

Since the last time Chang'e found out that Li Yuan likes her dance very much, she has been obsessed with studying dance skills all day long, so that she can dance for Li Yuan again in the next lower realm.

Just as Chang'e was dancing, a jade chariot pulled by Jiulong suddenly cut through the sky and flew towards the lunar star.

The jade chariots are carved with beams and painted buildings, and they are resplendent and luxurious.

Around the jade carriage, there were also two rows of beautiful women in palace costumes, and a group of golden-armored warriors riding pegasus.

The beautiful woman in the palace dress is carrying a flower basket and holding a jade vase.

Or sprinkle flowers, or throw nectar, and there are people playing fairy music, which appears to be huge and imposing like a rainbow.

Soon, the jade chariot stopped above the Moon Palace.

An old man with white hair and beard flew out from the jade carriage and stopped over the Guanghan Palace.

The old man shouted loudly: "Fairy Chang'e of Guanghan Palace has not come out to greet the imperial chariot.

The movement in the sky had already alarmed Chang'e.

When Chang'e saw the jade chariot, she immediately knew the identity of the other party.

In the realm of heaven, there is only one Jade Emperor who can have such pomp and be called a royal driver.

She hesitated for a moment, but flew to the old man.

"I don't know what to call a friend

Chang'e asked the old man with a bow.

The old man stroked his beard and said, "I am the envoy of the Jade Emperor, Taibaijinxing is also, you can call me Daoyou Li.

After introducing himself, Taibaijinxing urged Chang'e: "Fairy Chang'e, come with me to see the Jade Emperor, don't... let the Jade Emperor wait for a long time.

Chang'e followed Taibaijinxing to the jade carriage, and saw a middle-aged man with a dignified expression and deep eyes, sitting in the jade carriage.

The middle-aged man was wearing a bright yellow imperial uniform with a mian on his head. He was as imposing as Yue Ruyuan. Chang'e couldn't help but want to kneel and bow.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] Haotian conquers the Moon Palace, and Chang'e becomes a maid

Haotian subdued the Moon Palace, and Chang'e became her maid. Chang'e immediately ran her mana, desperately resisting the pressure.

She resisted the discomfort of her body, and bowed her head to the Jade Emperor without being arrogant or arrogant, saying, "Chang'e pays homage to the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor stared at Chang'e indifferently, but did not speak.

Seeing this, Taibaijinxing immediately reminded Chang'e in a low voice: "When Fairy Chang'e sees the Jade Emperor, she should kneel and bow down.

Chang'e frowned slightly and said, "I'm not a subordinate of the Heavenly Court, where do I need to bow down and bow down?

Taibaijinxing shook his head and said: "Fairy Chang'e's statement is absurd, you must know that all beings in the Three Realms, all immortals and ten thousand ghosts, are all under the control of the heavenly court, and they should kneel and worship when they see the Jade Emperor.

Chang'e pretended to be puzzled and said, "The disciples of the Three Purities, should Western disciples also bow down when they see the Jade Emperor?


Taibaijinxing for a while.... speechless, if he dared to say yes, I'm afraid it won't be long before the disciples of the three sects have to dismantle all his old bones.

At this time, the Jade Emperor said, "Forget it, if you don't kneel, then you won't kneel.

"The Jade Emperor is generous.

Taibaijinxing hurriedly touted it.

"I don't know why the Jade Emperor personally came to the lunar star.

Chang'e asked the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor looked at Chang'e and said calmly: "I am driving the age of the lunar star this time, and I am going to encapsulate you as the Palace Chief Minister Shanggong, and for my palace ego who is in charge of the heavenly court.

When Chang'e heard the words, her heart suddenly tightened. The Jade Emperor wanted me to submit to the heavenly court! What I had been worrying about for a long time, unexpectedly happened.

Taibaijinxing congratulated Chang'e with a smile on his face: "Congratulations to Fairy Chang'e, from now on we will be... in the same hall as ministers.

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