He touched his chubby, red face, and said a little worriedly: "Alas, my face has become like this, how can I explain it when I meet my brothers and sisters?

But no matter what, he still had to go to Yuxu Palace.

Taiyi Zhenren left the cave and flew towards Kunlun Mountain.

When he arrived at Kunlun Mountain, he happened to meet Yu Ding Zhenren, detained Sun, and Puxian Zhenren were three fellow students.

Detention Sun saw the real Taiyi, and couldn't help frowning: "Where are you a monk, why did you come to our teaching site?

Taiyi's real expression is embarrassed: 囧.

He didn't even recognize himself.

He bowed his head helplessly and said, "Several Daoist brothers, it's me, Master Taiyi.

Bah! Real Master Yuding, Detaining Sun, Master Puxian heard the voice of Master Taiyi, and their jaws dropped.

The real Puxian pointed at the face of the real Taiyi in horror, and said: "You, how did your face become: so fat

"What did you eat

Reality Yuding was stunned and said.

"If you don't speak up, I can't believe it if you kill me, you are the real Taiyi.

Detained Sun sighed.

Taiyi Zhenren was embarrassed to tell the story of his slap in the face, he said vaguely: "This, this, I think the previous image was too thin, so I changed it.

"Yes, but if you want to change your image, you should also change to a better-looking one. You look like this..." The three people looked at the pointed head of the real Taiyi, and the big round face, which was still asymmetrical. know what to say.

Don't be afraid to make people laugh.

Taiyi Zhenren smiled awkwardly, and quickly changed the subject: "Do you know what Master asked us to come here for?

Master Yuding shook his head and said, "I don't know.

"You'll know when you go.

Detain Sun Dao.

Several people came to Yuxu Palace and found that the rest of the people had already arrived.

Even Yuanshi Tianzun had already sat directly above the hall with a blank expression.

There are also Yun Zhongzi, Daoist Burning Lamp, and Antarctica Immortal Weng standing respectfully on both sides.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] You must never provoke Daoyou Li

You should never provoke Daoyou Li Daoyou, Master Yuding, detain Sun, and Master Puxian when he saw Guangchengzi and Chi Jing standing in the hall with their heads down and their faces red and swollen. They looked a bit like Master Taiyi. Showing surprise.

Why did Guangchengzi and Chijing look like they had been beaten up, but who dared to beat Chan Jiao disciple Nanji Xianweng when he saw the real Taiyi, he couldn't help frowning, he hurriedly reprimanded: "Where are you a cultivator, why are you running around in jade? virtual palace

The real Taiyi was about to cry.

"Antarctica: Senior Brother, I am the real Taiyi.

Hearing the voice of the real person Taiyi, everyone was dumbfounded.

Even Guangchengzi and Chi Jing couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

"How did you become like this

Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun asked in shock.

Taiyi Zhenren glanced at Master and said with a mocking smile, "I'm tired of looking at the previous image, so I need to change my image.

Everyone still wanted to ask, but at this moment, Tianzun Yuanshi said in a cold voice, "Be quiet.

Everyone immediately fell silent, their eyes watching their noses, their noses watching their mouths, their mouth watching their hearts and standing respectfully.

Yuanshi Tianzun said solemnly: "This time I called you here because there is an extremely important thing that needs to be reminded of you.

Everyone's spirits were shocked, and they couldn't help but stop breathing.

Even the last time when the gods were announced, Tianzun Yuanshi didn't say "extremely important.

these words.

I don't know what the big event is, but it is even more important than Fengshen Tianzun Yuanshi continued: "Li Yuan, Li Daoyou, if you meet in the future, please treat me with respect, it is better to be more respectful than me...

Daoist Cihang, Daoist Taiyi suddenly realized that it was for Senior Li's business, no wonder Master was so solemn.

The other monks who didn't know Li Yuan, such as Yu Ding Zhenren, Detained Sun, Puxian Zhenren, Huanglong Zhenren, Ran Deng Taoist, etc., were completely at a loss.

Li Yuan has never heard of this name, it is even more respectful than the master, what is the origin of Li Yuan? .

Although Guangchengzi and Chijing were ashamed, they did not dare to disobey Master's orders, and said, "Junior brother Chijing and I were punished by Senior Li because of our disrespectful remarks to Senior Li.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the real Taiyi again: "I will tell everyone the reason for your face.

Real Taiyi felt bitter in his heart, so he had to tell the truth: "Because I offended Senior Li before, I slapped myself in the face, and my face was beaten like this.

Guangchengzi and Chi Jing felt a chill in their hearts.

Woohoo, we won't have to become the ugly person Taiyi Zhen, how can we meet people in the future! Nanji Xianweng, Yun Zhongzi and others heard Guangchengzi and Taiyizhen, and they all showed their expressions of astonishment.

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