This... Who is Li Yuan? Why is he so domineering when he beats Chan to teach the Twelve Golden Immortals? It's like hitting a grandson. Isn't the master the most concerned about face? Why is the disciple being beaten, but the master is not only indifferent, but also warns us not to... Couldn't the master dare to offend Li Yuan if he provokes Li Yuan... Li Yuancheng has countless doubts in everyone's heart, but they all feel that all this is too bizarre and unbelievable.

Yuanshi Tianzun said again: "Fortunately, the mistakes made by Guangchengzi and Taiyi are not big, they are just slapped a few times, otherwise even if you are killed, you will not even have a chance to reincarnate.

Therefore, you must not offend Senior Li, otherwise, even if Senior Li does not punish, I have to punish, so as not to teach me and bring disaster.

Daoist Burning Lamp asked Yuanshi Tianzun: "Excuse me, teacher, who is this... Senior Li...why have the disciples never heard of this name before?

Yuanshi Tianzun paused and said, "He is... Daji's brother.

Bah! For a while, I heard a series of chins and eyeballs shattering on the ground in the hall.

Suddenly, a huge wave was set off in everyone's heart, which shook everyone's heart and made their heads dizzy.

It turned out to be Daji's brother! It turned out to be him! No wonder Master is so solemn.

This is a ruthless man who even master dares to beat, who is so blind that he dares to provoke Guang Chengzi and Chi Jing to learn Li Yuan's identity, but he is not scared to death.

Before, they were still a little unconvinced in their hearts, but now, they can only be happy.

Fortunately, he was only slapped a few hundred times in the face, and his fate was saved.

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "In short, you must not provoke Senior Li, if I find someone who has offended Senior Li in the future, he will no longer be a disciple of my teaching, and I will not bother to save you any more, and let you live on your own. self-destruction,

"Follow your teacher's orders.

Everyone quickly responded in unison...

on the road.

A handsome young man, carrying a bird cage, followed by a big hairless black dog, was walking leisurely on the road.

This person is Li Yuan.

He has stayed at the manor: for a long time, he feels a little tired of staying there, so he plans to return to Chaoge's mansion to live for a while.

Li Yuan walked slowly while admiring the scenery and pedestrians along the way, looking very uncomfortable.

From time to time on the post road, there are various pedestrians who are driving horse-drawn carriages, or carrying baskets, or just like Li Yuan, who have nothing to do and come out to play.

When these people saw Li Yuan, who was suave and elegant, they all stared at him.

The eldest girl and the little daughter-in-law all expressed surprise and shyness, and kept looking at it secretly.

Men are envious and jealous.

He looks really handsome.

Reel reel.


At this moment, the sound of a wheel turning suddenly came from behind, accompanied by the running of horses' hooves, and the sound of iron armor rubbing.

It looks like a rainbow.

"The Guards are here, and all the pedestrians ahead are out of the way.


The sergeant on the horse yelled at the pedestrians around him, and swung his whip to beat those pedestrians who couldn't escape.

Li Yuandun looked back.

I saw on the post road, a group of menacing sergeants wearing armor and hanging on their behalf, riding high-headed horses, surrounded by a huge carriage.

The carriage was four meters wide, five meters long, and five meters high, and was driven by eight steeds, twice the size of an ordinary carriage.

I don't know what was in the carriage, it looked very heavy, the wheels crushed the slate on the ground, and water was spilled from the carriage from time to time.

This group of people, together with the carriage, immediately occupied all the post road that was not wide.

Pedestrians on the road saw this and quickly avoided it.

Ordinary pedestrians are fine, just jump into the grass next to them, but those who drive horses and carts or carry goods are old and cannot escape.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] Strange carriage, hijacking tribute

Strange carriages, but those who hijacked the tribute... The sergeants don't care about that... They saw that someone was blocking the way, and they hurried forward and threw a few whips.

"Get out of the way, and don't block the carriage that escorts the tribute.

Pedestrians saw the viciousness of the Praetorian Guards, and they either took a step forward and hurried forward, or they even rolled and crawled to the side of the road.

For a time, the originally harmonious post road suddenly became a mess.

However, everyone dared not speak out.

After all, this is the Imperial Guard, and the escort is the tribute of King Zhou.

If it was a theory, it would be unreasonable to be directly killed by the Janissaries.

And those... The Praetorian Guards saw the people fleeing and dodging in embarrassment, as if they had seen something funny, they were very proud and laughed.

It didn't take long for the carriage escorted by the Praetorian Guards to arrive not far behind Li Yuan.

When a janissary guard saw that someone did not hide, but continued to walk on the post road leisurely, he couldn't help but be furious.

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