". . .

Soon, thousands of sergeants rushed into the courtyard.

Only Yin Dilapidated and a few personal guards were left standing in front of the gate.

Yin Poba stared at the door indifferently, waiting for the good news from his subordinates.

He believes that no matter...

That... daring robber, no matter how powerful, could only be captured without his hands in the face of such military might.

However, Yin Poba soon realized that something was wrong.

Thousands of sergeants rushed into the house, so there should be a lot of noise, but when all the sergeants rushed through the gate, the environment in the house suddenly became extremely quiet.

No horses roar, no heavy armor, no rummaging, no sergeant's scolding, or maid servant's begging for mercy.

Inside the house, it seemed as if no one was there at all.

Cold sweat instantly covered the foreheads of Yin Dilapidated and the few remaining guards. Over the years in the army, he has never encountered such a wicked thing.

This is the master of thousands of murderous elites. It is enough to destroy a small country. How could there be no movement as soon as he rushed into the house. Looking at the house in front of him, he felt incomparable fear, feeling that the house was like a Just like the ancient giant beast, and that gate is... the bloody mouth of the giant beast...  

Inside the yard.

Bai Ling heard the soldier knocking on the door, her pale face suddenly became even more pale and bloodless, and her eyes were full of horror.

Soon, she saw a group of ferocious soldiers rushing through the gate.

However, immediately after, Bai Ling's terrified eyes turned into surprise.

She saw that the group of... menacing soldiers, after breaking into the gate, disappeared directly into the void.

Soon, thousands of soldiers were swallowed by the void and disappeared, and the courtyard became silent, and needles could be heard.

The battle and arrest that Bai Ling expected did not happen at all.

Her expression was very stunned, all of which was beyond her common sense.

After a while, she recovered from the shock, and then asked Daji and Li Yuan blankly: "What, what's going on, why did those people suddenly disappear?

Daji said: "It must have been Uncle Yang who took these soldiers into the void.

Bai Ling looked at Yang Huai dressed as a servant in amazement, he was so powerful, and Yang Huai hurriedly denied: "I didn't do anything.

Daji wondered: "If it wasn't for you, who else could I be, I didn't do anything?

As for her brother, she automatically ignored it.

Yang Huai explained: "Young Master's house has its own formation, even if all the people from the whole world break in, they can easily be absorbed into the Hongmeng world.

Daji said: "You haven't arranged all the formations in the house, so it's not wrong to say that you did it.

Yang Huai shook his head and said, "I can't arrange such a powerful formation, this is all the work of the young master.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] The anger of King Zhou, the mysterious national teacher

The anger of King Zhou, the mysterious national teacher Daji unexpectedly glanced at his brother, and said in surprise: "He can't arrange it, my brother can't be so powerful.

Li Yuan heard the words and directly gave his sister a brain break.


Daji covered her forehead and said angrily: "Why are you playing me again?

Li Yuan said lightly: "Who told you to look down on your brother.

Daji muttered: "No one will tell the truth, tyrant.

Bai Ling watched Da Ji and Li Yuan play easily, but she didn't take the trouble outside at all, and she didn't know what to say.

Who are these brothers and sisters, what are their realms, and why are they so powerful... Yin Poba's eyes changed for a while, and he ordered a guard beside him, "Go in and see what's going on inside.

The guard suddenly looked bitter.

Although he was extremely reluctant, he didn't dare to disobey Yin Diba's orders.

Arriving at the gate, he Shen looked inside for a while.

He easily saw Li Yuan, Da Ji, and the merman with a fish tail.

But no soldier was seen.

"General, there are people inside, the robbers and the tribute are here.

The guard shouted loudly to Yin Poba.

Yin Pobai was secretly delighted, he thought for a while, and immediately instructed the remaining guards around him: "You stand at the door, no one is allowed to enter or come out, I will report the situation here to King Zhou, and let Zhou Wang Zengbing support.


The guard agreed.

Yin Poba immediately rode the golden-eyed beast and ran towards the palace quickly.

He rushed to the palace and saw King Zhou.

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