King Zhou did not wait: Yin Poba saluted, and asked first: "Have the robbers caught it, has the merman found it?

"Return to the king...

Yin Poba immediately told King Zhou what had happened before.

King Zhou was shocked and angry when he heard what Yin Ruipai said. He couldn't help it... He shouted in disbelief, "These are thousands of elite tigers, and each of them can defeat a hundred with one attack, how could they all disappear at once? gone

The ministers in the hall who were waiting for the news were all surprised and inexplicable.

In the past, the imperial court did not encounter strange people with different techniques, but these strange people couldn't show much in the face of the imperial court's luck and the murderous aura of the army.... Strength, it is even more impossible for thousands of elite tigers to disappear in an instant. .

Otherwise, how could the imperial court frighten the group of demons and defend such a big Jiang Huang Feihu and Bi Gan looked at each other, and both could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Although they knew about Li Yuanfan, they didn't expect to be so extraordinary.

Yin Poba said: "Everything Wei Chen said is true, at this moment that...the robber and the merman are in the courtyard, I asked a few guards to close the gate, and came here to ask the king for help.

When King Zhou heard that the merman was in the courtyard, he immediately ordered without hesitation: "King Wucheng, you personally lead ten thousand imperial guards and go to arrest the robbers, the robbers don't care whether they live or die, but you must bring the merman to me. return.

The mermaid is related to whether he can be a man again, and of course he won't give up.

If it weren't for the narrow terrain in the south of the city, which was not conducive to arranging troops, he even planned to send out all the hundreds of thousands of guards guarding Wang Cheng.

In the face of such military might, no matter how powerful the thaumaturgy is, one has to retreat.

Huang Feihu felt embarrassed when he saw that King Zhou actually sent him there.

How can I deal with my son-in-law? He thought about it, and immediately replied to King Zhou: "Reporting to the king, this... robber actually knows a little bit about this...,..., the reason why the third prince Yin Li was at the beginning was because He clashed with him and was reprimanded by Master Wen.

"It was him,

King Zhou's face turned cold, and his eyes suddenly lit up with anger: "Before he despised the royal family, I didn't care about him because of the Taishi's face, I didn't expect that he would dare to rob my tribute now. .

Huang Feihu never expected that his words would make King Zhou even more angry.

He quickly said: "This person's strength is unfathomable, I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with.

Even if it can be dealt with, it will suffer heavy losses.

Let Wei Chen persuade him first and let him take the initiative to hand over the merman, I don't know what the king thinks.

King Zhou said lightly: "If you can persuade him to surrender, I can spare his life.

Huang Feihu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard this, he quickly led the order to leave the palace, and rode the five-color divine bull to the south of the city.

When King Zhou saw Huang Feihu leaving the hall, he indifferently instructed Yin Ruipai: "You hold my tiger talisman and lead ten thousand imperial guards to arrest the gangsters.

Yin Poba was surprised and said: "Didn't King Wu Cheng go to persuade the gangsters to surrender?

King Zhou sneered and said: "Injuring my son, robbing me of tribute, and treating the majesty of the imperial court as nothing, such a madman, and let him go unpunished.

Yin Poba asked, "What if he is willing to surrender and hand over the tribute?

King Zhou said indifferently: "If you are willing to surrender, you can cut off his limbs, dig out his eyes, and let him live in the world.

If you are unwilling to descend, then there is no need to live.

When Bi Gan heard the words, a hint of worry flashed in his eyes.

Alas, Brother Li has completely angered King Zhou this time, and I don't know how to deal with the aftermath. I'm afraid that Brother Li is in danger. I should send someone to inform Brother Li and let him escape Chaoge as soon as possible.


Yin Poba agreed, took the tiger talisman, and prepared to go to lead the Imperial Guard to arrest the robbers.

But he hadn't moved yet, when he saw the favored minister You Hun suddenly stand up.

"General Yin, wait.

He saluted King Zhou and said, "Report to King Zhou, this robber has a strange technique, and if he lets ordinary people go, he is afraid that he will easily escape. Why don't the king invite the national master to be proficient in the immortal arts, and he will definitely be caught and won't come out again. any accident.

When King Zhou heard You Hun's suggestion, he nodded with satisfaction: "What You Aiqing said is reasonable.

Then You Aiqing would personally go to the National Teacher's Mansion and ask the National Teacher to take action to capture the demon bandit and shock Xiaoxiao.


You Hun got the order, and immediately went to the National Teacher's Mansion...  

Huang Feihu galloped all the way, and soon came to Li Yuan's mansion in the south of the city.

"Meet King Wucheng.

The guards watching the door saw Huang Feihu and immediately hurriedly saluted.

Huang Feihu jumped off the five-color divine bull, and he asked the guard: "No one came in or out before, right?

"Subordinates have been monitoring, no.

A guard replied quickly.

Huang Feihu nodded and said: "You guys continue to guard here, I went in under the order of the king to persuade him to surrender.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] The National Teacher arrives, and the Buddhists are in the middle (for full order, for self-order)

When the national teacher arrived, one of the guards in the Buddhist sect said worriedly: "This house is very evil, and everyone who enters it will suddenly disappear, so King Wu Cheng should not take risks with himself.

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