Chapter [-] Kong Xuan is too ignorant

Kong Xuan was too dumb to speak, and Kong Xuan couldn't wait to eat a piece of sweet and sour pork ribs, looking intoxicated: "Well, it's really delicious.

Drinking fine wine, eating delicious food, this kind of life is...not even for an immortal.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet. What's your name?

Kong Xuan remembered something and asked Li Yuan.

Li Yuan: "Li Yuan.

Kong Xuan nodded.

While eating, Li Yuan replied: "Wherever it is fun, practice where it is.

There is no apprenticeship.

When Kong Xuan heard the words, he immediately said with a look of contempt: "No wonder you are a congenital Taoist, but your cultivation is so low, so you don't even have a teacher.

Seeing Li Yuan's coaxing appearance, he also said that he was not used to calling others brother, and thought that Li Yuan had a lot of background, but he didn't expect to be a loose cultivator.

He suddenly thought of an idea to make Li Yuan bow his head, and could not help but say proudly: "If you are willing to call me brother, I will give you a few sets of exercises, and I will guarantee you will benefit endlessly.

Li Yuan said lightly: "I don't want to be a teacher because no one is qualified to be my teacher.

Moreover, you don't have a complete set of exercises yourself, so you are kind enough to give it to me.

Kong Xuan rolled his eyes: "Haha, if only I could have your confidence.

However, he was secretly surprised.

Because the cultivation techniques of the Phoenix Clan did not match his spiritual roots, he really did not have a complete set of cultivation techniques suitable for him.

Recalling that Li Yuan had also correctly stated that he had lived a long life, Kong Xuan couldn't help but become more and more curious about Li Yuan.

He found that Li Yuan didn't seem to be just an ordinary fairy.

Even, he didn't know how Li Yuan could see that he had a cultivation base, because he restrained his breath, an Earth Immortal Stage, and he absolutely couldn't see any flaws.

Thinking of these doubts, Kong Xuan suddenly said to Li Yuan curiously: "How on earth do you know that I have lived for a long time, and there are things about the practice method.

Li Yuan calmly said: "I know the technique of calculating billions of points, you can tell by looking at your face.

When Kong Xuan heard the words, he couldn't help widening his eyes, looking surprised.

The technique of reckoning is an Earth Immortal period, how powerful the technique of reckoning can be, and if the machine is chaotic today, it is impossible to calculate at all. The doubts in Kong Xuan's heart are even more.

He tentatively asked Li Yuan: "Since you know the technique of calculation, then you can calculate for me, what is my cultivation base?

Li Yuan ate the preserved egg, and said without raising his head, "In the early days of Quansheng.

Bah! Kong Xuan's jaw dropped.

He didn't expect that Li Yuan actually knew.

Is this really what he figured out? It's incredible.

He suppressed the shock in his heart and asked again.

"Then can you figure out my origin?

Li Yuan: "The son of Yuan Feng, there is only a peacock in the world.

Thump! Kong Xuan couldn't hold back and slid off the chair.

His expression was dumbfounded.

You must know that the Phoenix family has long since fallen, and he left the undead volcano not long after he was born. Therefore, in the entire prehistoric world, apart from... the saint, I am afraid that no one can know his origin.

He never expected that Li Yuan would know his origin clearly.

This is too outrageous, right? Kong Xuan can't help but feel a chill behind his back, he just feels that all his secrets have been seen through.

Who is he? Is he really an Earth Immortal? After a while, Kong Xuan recovered from his shock.

He quickly got up from the ground and asked in horror, "How did you know that?

Li Yuan glanced at Kong Xuan lightly: "Didn't I say it?

Kong Xuan blasted Mao and said, "But now it's not in the calamity, can't you calculate it? Besides, even if you can calculate it, how can you calculate my affairs even if Fuxi can't do it!

Li Yuan said casually: "Fuxi is naturally inferior to me.

Kong Xuan's horns trembled, looking like he was powerless to complain.

He found that Li Yuan was really a stinky person.

Fuxi is recognized as the number one expert in calculation among saints, and he can't compare to you. You think you are a saint. However, Kong Xuan doesn't know how to explain the magic of Li Yuan.

Weird, really weird.

He looked at Li Yuan's cultivation again, and it was indeed the Earth Immortal Period, "Aren't you the disciple of some sage?

Kong Xuan looked at Li Yuan suspiciously.

Apart from... this possibility, he really couldn't think of any other reason.

Li Yuan shook his head helplessly and said, "Hey, you have something wrong with your ears.

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