Kong Xuan's forehead turned black and he said angrily, "Why do I have something wrong with my ears?

Li Yuandao: "Didn't I say, no one is qualified to be my master, how can I be a disciple of a saint?


Kong Xuan couldn't help but slapped his forehead heavily, showing a hopeless expression, a kind of urge to foam at the mouth.

He murmured to himself: "I used to think that I was crazy enough to look down on the world, but no matter how crazy I am, I don't dare to look down on saints.

He looked at Li Yuan with complicated eyes: "You actually said that a saint is not qualified to be your master, you are not afraid that this word will spread to the ears of the saint, and the saint will wear small shoes for you.

Li Yuan calmly said: "I said the same in front of the saints, and they didn't express their dissatisfaction.

"You know the saint

Kong Xuan sighed, and his throat lost a bit of voice.

Li Yuan said lightly: "I see you often, drinking and drinking together, playing chess or something.

By the way, the massage techniques of Jie Yin and Zhun Ti are good.

Japan and Europe! Kong Xuan's eyes bulged out, and his expression was indescribable collapse and despair.

He felt like he was going crazy.

Are we holding a bragging conference? Why is it more and more outrageous? After a while, Kong Xuan recovered from the crash state.

He screamed: "The sage is still drinking with you, playing chess and the two Western sages give you a massage.

He looked Li Yuan up and down, "Do you think you are also a saint? Even if you are a saint, you can't let the Western Second Saints massage you!

Li Yuan looked at Kong Xuan dissatisfiedly: "Why do you look down on people so much? Of course I'm not a saint anymore.

How can a saint compare with me.

Kong Xuan's face twitched frantically for a while, and under his anger, blood flowed directly from his horn.

He found that he might meet a lunatic today.

A lunatic who can calculate heaven's secrets.

If it weren't for a madman, how could he say mad words that a saint can't compare with! In the entire prehistoric world, apart from... Dao Ancestor, he didn't know anyone else who was qualified to say such arrogant words.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] The messy Kong Xuan in the wind

Kong Xuan Kong Xuan, who was messy in the wind, naturally wouldn't believe that Li Yuan belonged to Hongjun.

Kong Xuan felt that it was better not to talk about this lunatic any more. Besides, maybe the lunatic would even ignore Hongjun.

"Oh, just brag, sooner or later you will be killed by bragging.

This meal, Kong Xuan spent all in shock.

So much so that he used to feel that the unparalleled wine and food in the world were tasteless.

After eating, Li Yuan was ready to go back to the mansion.

When Kong Xuan saw that Li Yuan didn't pay the money after eating, he was about to leave, and he quickly stopped Li Yuan: "Brother Li, don't you want me to settle the bill? I've lost all the money, but I can't settle the bill.

Li Yuan didn't care: "I said you want to settle the bill, just leave.

"It's not good to eat Bawang meal.

Kong Xuan hesitated.

Li Yuan comforted: "Don't worry, no one told you to eat Bawang's meal.

"Then why don't you pay

Kong Xuan wondered.

Li Yuan: "I run a restaurant.

, what do you pay for a meal


Kong Xuan stumbled and fell to the ground immediately.

But immediately, he jumped up from the ground again and said in shock: "This is what you drove.


Li Yuan nodded calmly.

"You didn't brag

Kong Xuan doubted.

Li Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to Kong Xuan's fuss, he walked directly to the door.

When Kong Xuan saw another shop assistant started to clean up the table, he couldn't help but ask the shop assistant, "That one is really your boss.

The second shopkeeper nodded: "Mr. Li is naturally our boss.

Japan and Europe! There was no bragging! Kong Xuan quickly followed Li Yuan to catch up.

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