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Chapter [-] Kong Xuan changed his name to Li Ye (please complete the order, please customize)

Kong Xuan changed his name and called Li Ye, the key was to be beaten by a woman who had no cultivation at all.

I don't know where Lingwa's self-confidence comes from, and dare to say that the quasi-sage who dominates the heavens and is arbitrary for eternity is not worth mentioning.

"Oh, how fearless the ignorant!

Kong Xuan shook his head and sighed.

Nu Wa's expression froze a little.

Ignorance! This peacock seems really tired of living.

Just when she was about to give a lesson to this outspoken peacock.

Kong Xuan added: "I tell you, I am not an ordinary quasi-sage.

He proudly said: "It's no exaggeration, in the world, there are almost no monks below the saint who can surpass me.

Don't look at the murderous aura that Daoist Shaoyao exudes before, it's terrifying, but if you really want to fight, the chance of her wanting to beat me is very small.

"Ha ha.

Nuwa sneered.

Li Yuan drank his wine calmly.

When Kong Xuan saw Nuwa's disbelief, he was instantly furious, and he said arrogantly: "Don't believe me, I have a kind of supernatural power that no one can resist in the Three Realms, and saying it can scare you to death.

Nu Wa said lightly: "Speak up and see if you can scare us to death.

Kong Xuan rolled his eyes, and he looked at Li Yuan: "Brother Li, didn't you say you can calculate? If you can calculate what this peerless supernatural power of mine is, I will always call you brother from now on.

Apart from him and his mother Yuan Feng, no third person knew about his supernatural power, and he did not believe that Li Yuan could even figure out this matter.

When Nuwa heard the words, she could not help looking at Kong Xuan curiously.

She saw that above Kong Xuan's head, there was a huge group of Shang Dynasty luck shrouded, behind which faintly flashed blue, yellow, red, black, and white mysterious light.

This five-color profound light exudes the verve of the Great Dao, and the Five Elements Law lingers in it, connoting all things in the world, the sun, the moon, and the stars, making it mysterious and unpredictable.

However, although Nuwa knew that the supernatural powers mentioned by Kong Xuan should be related to the five-color profound light, she could not see what the specific abilities of the five-color profound light were.

After all, there are too many magical powers that are compatible with the power of the five elements.

Kong Xuan was smug, he noticed Nuwa's gaze, and suddenly felt a throbbing in his heart, and his whole body instantly stood upside down, just like Nuwa's gaze, his whole body, the primordial spirit and the long river of fate were seen through the same.

There are no more secrets.

How could this be possible? He looked at Nuwa in surprise and screamed: "You are spying on my primordial spirit, and you are also a monk.

Nu Wa said lightly: "The so-called supernatural powers you call have something to do with the mysterious light that contains the power of the five elements.

Kong Xuan jumped up from the chair in shock.

She actually saw through my secret at a glance.

But, how is it possible that her consciousness is so powerful?

Could it be that she is cultivating a special technique to strengthen her spiritual consciousness or a special eye? Kong Xuan resisted the shock in his heart, and his Nuwa asked, "What realm is your cultivation base in? Why can't I feel it?" Mana fluctuates on you

Nuwa: "Your cultivation base is too low to bear it.

Kong Xuan's face trembled.

He felt that Lingwa and Li Yuan were really a natural pair.

All so arrogant.

The quasi-sage cultivation base is low, you really think that you are the goddess of Nuwa. He held back his inner complaints and asked Nuwa: "Since you can see that I have five-color mysterious light, then you know that I am a five-color mysterious light. what is the ability

Nuwa: "Well, let Li Yuan tell you.

"You really know

Kong Xuan looked at Li Yuan suspiciously.

"There is nothing in this world that he does not know.

Nuwa interjected.

Kong Xuan naturally didn't believe it: "In this world, no one dares to say that they know everything, um, except... Daozu.

Kong Xuan waited for a while, and seeing that Li Yuan was just drinking leisurely and didn't speak, he couldn't help but say unexpectedly: "Since you know, you...

Li Yuan said lightly: "I said, you are going to take advantage of me, so I won't say it.

"Why did I take advantage of you?

Kong Xuan looked puzzled.

Li Yuan: "You call me brother, it's not taking advantage of me, what is it?

Kong Xuangou twitched wildly.

Calling brother is... taking advantage, he has never seen such a stinky person.

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