It's so narcissistic.

Kong Xuan said angrily, "I don't want to call you brother, you can call me your grandfather, but if you're not right, you have to call me my grandfather too.

Li Yuan said lightly: "Although you still have the behavior of taking advantage, but forget it, I don't care.

Kong Xuan's heart was about to collapse.

I'm called Lord, why do I still take advantage? I have to call your ancestor. He strongly resisted the urge to complain, and urged: "You better figure it out, if you can't figure it out, you should take advantage of me.

Li Yuan: "Your five-color divine light can smother all things in the world, no matter what...

People are treasures, and nothing is unacceptable.

Bah! Kong Xuan's eyeballs and chin all fell to the ground. He didn't expect that Li Yuan actually knew his natal supernatural powers.

How is it possible that he really figured it out? Also, I have to call him "Master Li"

Is this, how can this make me meet people! Kong Xuan completely collapsed.

"You, did you really figure it out?

Kong Xuan asked Li Yuan with difficulty.

Li Yuan: "Shouldn't you be called 'Master Li?

Kong Xuan's face was embarrassed: 囧.

However, he is someone who can afford to put it down and is willing to admit defeat.

Although he was embarrassed, he still shouted: "Okay, I'll call you Master Li in the future, but is this really what you figured out, Master Li?

Li Yuan admired Kong Xuan a little, and was willing to admit defeat.

It is in the casino and it is here.

He replied: "I said I guessed it, do you believe it?

"Of course I don't believe it.

Kong Xuan blurted out and made his debut.

Li Yuan: "That's not it.

"Tut tut!

Kong Xuan tsk tsk looked at Li Yuan and sighed: "I can't believe it, I can't believe that there are such strange people in this world, I really don't know how you figured it out.

With your ability to calculate, I am afraid that you are about to approach the sage Fuxi.

Nuwa shook her head and said, "Fuxi is far inferior to Li Yuan.

Kong Xuan said to Nuwa: "You still don't praise Li Ye too much, I admit that his calculation skills are indeed powerful, but Fuxi's calculation skills are the first among saints.

Master Li is more powerful than Fuxi, so it is possible that Master Li's calculation technique can be compared to that of a saint. Nuwa sighed: "The saint is far inferior to Li Yuan.

Kong Xuan rolled his eyes and said to Li Yuan, "I can't believe that you still have a fan girl,'re a little stupid, and you even said that a saint is not as good as you.

Li Yuan glanced at Kong Xuan with some sympathy.

He didn't need to calculate, he knew that Kong Xuan must be miserable.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty-Three Kong Xuan Kneeled

Kong Xuan knelt down and sure enough, Nu Wa's face had turned black.

Looking at Kong Xuan's eyes, he was full of killing intent.

Hiss! Kong Xuan suddenly shuddered, he shrank his neck and looked at the sky in doubt.

"Have you noticed, why the temperature suddenly dropped

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly found that his body froze, and his body was quickly covered by Yicheng: ice.

Kong Xuan was shocked, and he hurriedly used his mana.

However, he was horrified to find that the muscles in his body seemed to be blocked by ice, and they were not functioning smoothly.

Roar! Kong Xuan snorted secretly, only to hear a phoenix ming resounding through the universe, the air above his head churned, and the light shone brightly.

Kong Xuan used all his mana and mobilized the luck of the Shang Dynasty, and only then did the spiritual energy in the tendons regenerate.

Immediately afterwards, a brilliant five-color divine light burst out from Kong Xuan's body, and the ice crystals on his body "swish".

In a flash, it disappeared without a trace.

Finally regained his mobility.

Seeing this, Nu Wa couldn't help but flash a hint of surprise in her eyes.

No wonder he dared to say that under the sage, there are almost no people who can surpass him, and this five-color divine light is really extraordinary.

Kong Xuan was terrified at this moment.

He had already used [-] points of strength just now, and only then did he barely escape the predicament by relying on his life's supernatural powers.

He couldn't imagine that if the other party took the opportunity to attack him again when he was blocked by ice, I'm afraid he would have turned into ice slag now.

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